Poor Baba Ram Dev. He is being made to pay the price for jumping into other people's fight. On his own admission in an iterview with Shekhar Gupta, Baba Ji said that he had taken a "Punga"
He was enjoying all the benefits of a charitable trust. Now he has been declared an ordinary business by the IT department, therefore liable to pay tax. So much for the income tax problem. The FERA case has not yet been opened against Acharya Balkrishan who is already facing a case of uttering false documents. Additionally,there is a good chance that Baba Ji will forefeit the 99 years lease on the prime land, granted to him by the outgoing BJP administration for a ridiculous sum of Rs one as annual ground rent
Where has his "Kala Dhan" slogan gone now. he could have continued with his Yoga classes and enjoy all the respect of a "spiritual Guru".Now all he can say to win the sympathy is to abuse the present government as cruel and oppressive. Devinder
From: S kumar <kumar_8134@yahoo.com>
To: vasant sardesai <vasant_sardesai@yahoo.co.in>; govindan menon <tcgmenon@hotmail.com>; "devinder.thakur@btopenworld.com" <devinder.thakur@btopenworld.com>; "media monitor5@yahoogroups.com" <media_monitor5@yahoogroups.com>
Cc: "indiaresists@lists.riseup.net" <indiaresists@lists.riseup.net>; "thakursinghk@gmail.com" <thakursinghk@gmail.com>; media monitor <media_monitor5@yahoogroups.com>; "issuesonline_worldwide@yahoogroups.com" <issuesonline_worldwide@yahoogroups.com>; "sroy.mb@gmail.com" <sroy.mb@gmail.com>; "anonsharma@yahoo.com" <anonsharma@yahoo.com>; shadikatyalsearch <shadikatyal@yahoo.com>; VinodKumar <kv08535@yahoo.com>; SatbirSingh <ssbedi1945@yahoo.com>
Sent: Friday, 15 March 2013, 5:50
Subject: [media_monitor5] Re: [IAC#RG] Baba Ramdev to communalise politics
1. A new incarnation of "Poothana", eager to breast-feed and kill Krishna has appeared in this forum.2. The CBDT could be dictated by the Congress Party to act against RamDev's Trusts. But UPA forgets that the same fate might affect the several Trusts controlled by Nehru dynasty, violating all rules and not submitting any returns/balance sheets to the Govt. which is imbecile and cannot make them follow the rules.3. Baba Ramdev has further avenues to appeal against these decisions though Chiddu might be after his blood. This is not the final verdict.4. The Courts would judiciously study many such cases of the past and present and would reverse any knee jerk reactions of IT Dept. under directives of UPA.Poothana ultimately dies breasfeeding baby Srikrishna.From: vasant sardesai <vasant_sardesai@yahoo.co.in>
To: govindan menon <tcgmenon@hotmail.com>; "kumar_8134@yahoo.com" <kumar_8134@yahoo.com>; devinder.thakur@btopenworld.com
Cc: "indiaresists@lists.riseup.net" <indiaresists@lists.riseup.net>; "thakursinghk@gmail.com" <thakursinghk@gmail.com>; media monitor <media_monitor5@yahoogroups.com>; "issuesonline_worldwide@yahoogroups.com" <issuesonline_worldwide@yahoogroups.com>; "sroy.mb@gmail.com" <sroy.mb@gmail.com>; "anonsharma@yahoo.com" <anonsharma@yahoo.com>; shadikatyalsearch <shadikatyal@yahoo.com>; VinodKumar <kv08535@yahoo.com>; SatbirSingh <ssbedi1945@yahoo.com>
Sent: Friday, March 15, 2013 10:57 AM
Subject: Re: [IAC#RG] Baba Ramdev to communalise politics
As expected.V.S.Sardesai --- On Thu, 14/3/13, devinder.thakur@btopenworld.com <devinder.thakur@btopenworld.com> wrote:
From: devinder.thakur@btopenworld.com <devinder.thakur@btopenworld.com>
Subject: Re: [IAC#RG] Baba Ramdev to communalise politics
To: "govindan menon" <tcgmenon@hotmail.com>, "kumar_8134@yahoo.com" <kumar_8134@yahoo.com>
Cc: "indiaresists@lists.riseup.net" <indiaresists@lists.riseup.net>, "thakursinghk@gmail.com" <thakursinghk@gmail.com>, "media monitor" <media_monitor5@yahoogroups.com>, "issuesonline_worldwide@yahoogroups.com" <issuesonline_worldwide@yahoogroups.com>, "sroy.mb@gmail.com" <sroy.mb@gmail.com>, "vasant_sardesai@yahoo.co.in" <vasant_sardesai@yahoo.co.in>, "anonsharma@yahoo.com" <anonsharma@yahoo.com>, "shadikatyalsearch" <shadikatyal@yahoo.com>, "VinodKumar" <kv08535@yahoo.com>, "SatbirSingh" <ssbedi1945@yahoo.com>
Date: Thursday, 14 March, 2013, 9:51 PM
The latest unconfirmed news is that Baba Ram Dev Ji has lost his appeal against the IT Department, declaring of his trust as a business therefore liable to pay tax. The case has been returned to the IT Tribunal who will assess the final ammount of the unpaid arrears of tax A sum of Rs.40 crore is being talked about. .I feel sorry for the Baba. DevinderFrom: govindan menon <tcgmenon@hotmail.com>
To: "kumar_8134@yahoo.com" <kumar_8134@yahoo.com>
Cc: "indiaresists@lists.riseup.net" <indiaresists@lists.riseup.net>; "thakursinghk@gmail.com" <thakursinghk@gmail.com>; media monitor <media_monitor5@yahoogroups.com>; "issuesonline_worldwide@yahoogroups.com" <issuesonline_worldwide@yahoogroups.com>; "devinder.thakur@btopenworld.com" <devinder.thakur@btopenworld.com>; "sroy.mb@gmail.com" <sroy.mb@gmail.com>; "vasant_sardesai@yahoo.co.in" <vasant_sardesai@yahoo.co.in>; "anonsharma@yahoo.com" <anonsharma@yahoo.com>
Sent: Thursday, 14 March 2013, 9:22
Subject: RE: [IAC#RG] Baba Ramdev to communalise politicsWhatever Kumar has stated is absolutely true. Baba Ramdev's and Narendra Modi's popularity is a real threat to the unethical UPA Govt in the coming general election. So the Con party will try all sorts of crooked methods against them, like Kamsa tried with SriKrishna . But so far all the attempts are failing one by one. Baba Ramdev is steadfast in his mission to ensure justice for the poor and middle-class people of India. He has also said that he has not accrued any wealth for himself. All he has are a few dhothis for daily wear. Foreign powers with vested interests are supporting this corrupt Govt.,so that they can keep India as an under -developed country. Since their economy is in shambles, they would not want to see India as a global power. The rate at which the Govt..is planning to purchase defence equipments, the time is not far to reach a situation we had in 1990. So, in a way God is trying to prevent unwanted defence deals by exposing the various scams, and we are getting to see the true color of this Govt . Yet anti nationals are supporting this corrupt Govt. Now, instead of the British, Italians seem to be ruling this country. So long as this Govt. is in power it is impossible to control corruption. The most dangerous move of this corrupt UPA Govt. is allowing FDI retail. Signing of 123 agreement was equally dangerous. But the Nuclear Liability Bill saved us. All righteous people must fully support Baba Ramdev and Narendra Modi.TCG.Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2013 06:46:49 -0700 From: kumar_8134@yahoo.com To: rvizhakat@yahoo.com; indiaresists@lists.riseup.net; thakursinghk@gmail.com; media_monitor5@yahoogroups.com; issuesonline_worldwide@yahoogroups.com Subject: Re: [IAC#RG] Baba Ramdev to communalise politicsPost: "indiaresists@lists.riseup.net" Exit: "indiaresists-unsubscribe@lists.riseup.net" Quit: "https://lists.riseup.net/www/signoff/indiaresists" Help: https://help.riseup.net/en/list-user WWW : http://indiaagainstcorruption.net.in1. Baba Ramdev's Trust has the Trust Deed, aims and objcetives clearly approved by the Govt./Charity Commisioner, and has been functioning since many years submitting the annual balance sheets and reports to the Income-tax as well as Charity Commissioner as required by Law, and all these documents were accepted and approved by the Govt.2. Commercial activity is an accepted function ofor the Charitable Trust, operating Educational Institutions, Hospitals, Charity Homes, Orphanages..etc. and Ramdev's Trust is no different and has been acceptable all these years. Can you accept BCCI as a Society having exemption under I.Tax where the earnings and turn-overs run into millions of $?3. After the attempt to kill Ramdev at the midnight raid, as directed by Chiddu and Sibal and as forewarned to him the previous day by INDIATV Rajat Sharma, UPA found itself to find other routes to harass Ramdev, failed in nailing his brother Balakrishna as having false India Passport- The Court indicted CBI for the false case as the Police enquiries before issuing or renewing the Passports were made twice and how CBI finds a new charge?4. The UPA's present attempt is to hit Ramdev below the belt s Ramdev continues his sessions fighting against corruption particaularly by UPA and Coongress leaders, by using the new Congress led State Govt. to foist charges by declaring the land allotment and his Trust as illegal, which could be contested in Court as Court might ask the Govt. how could successive Govts. change the decisions taken in such matters leading to utter chaos in the system?t5. Devinderji might argue that Ramdev should have continued with his Yoga classes and not indulge in POlitics. But the fact is the billions carted away by the Nehru dynasty and stashed abroad and the many megscams in every action of the Govt. has triggered the patriotism of every citizen, how Italian family has been looting this Country with total impunity, starting with her arrival after marriage with Rajiv and telling lies all through, be her age or qualification or parentage and so on.From: ramachandran vizhakat <rvizhakat@yahoo.com>
To: "indiaresists@lists.riseup.net" <indiaresists@lists.riseup.net>; Col Thakur Singh <thakursinghk@gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2013 4:22 PM
Subject: Re: [IAC#RG] Baba Ramdev to communalise politicsPost: "indiaresists@lists.riseup.net" Exit: "indiaresists-unsubscribe@lists.riseup.net" Quit: "https://lists.riseup.net/www/signoff/indiaresists" Help: https://help.riseup.net/en/list-user WWW : http://indiaagainstcorruption.net.in/Hi ColonelI cannot accept your arguments. All good people with a mission has to suffer for some time. The corrupt, stupid and shameless lots are there to trouble them with all means. We should expose those corrupt lots, rather than going after Swami Ramdev. Even if he accumulated wealth as long as that has done for the welfare of people, it is preferable to those using for personal welfare. Let us ask why such enquiries has not done against Robert Wadera. If they carry out similiar probe against any businessman more mistakes will comes out. I am not a follower of Swami, but I certainly appreciate the way he work 18 to 20 hours for common people.Winning in election is not yet fair in India. Educated lots hardly find time to vote.How you look CM and Opposition leader in Kerala demanding bail for Madhani. In India many started believing that if you are a Hindu only God is there for your help. Let us resist injustice in all forms.Colonel RamachandranFrom: Col Thakur Singh <thakursinghk@gmail.com>
To: devinder.thakur@btopenworld.com
Cc: "indiaresists@lists.riseup.net" <indiaresists@lists.riseup.net>
Sent: Sunday, March 10, 2013 7:09 PM
Subject: Re: [IAC#RG] Baba Ramdev to communalise politicsDear All,Post: "indiaresists@lists.riseup.net" Exit: "indiaresists-unsubscribe@lists.riseup.net" Quit: "https://lists.riseup.net/www/signoff/indiaresists" Help: https://help.riseup.net/en/list-user WWW : http://indiaagainstcorruption.net.in/Unlike Uttrakhand, how come BJP lost the elections despite Ram Dev's anti congress campaign.Col Thakur SinghOn Sun, Mar 10, 2013 at 5:02 PM, <devinder.thakur@btopenworld.com> wrote:I think in the whole game of politics, the 'Kala Dhan' which is nothing more than a "pie in the sky", the only loser has been the Baba himself. He business has been declared as non-charity, he is faced with a fat bill by way of income tax.plus he has been declared by the SC as 25 per cent contributory negligent in the Ram Lilla fiasco. He has lost the lease of the land in Himachal that BJP gave him by changing the use of the land, on a ridiculous annual ground rent of Rs one. What will happen to the structure that Baba has built on the land is not known. The case is before the high court awaiting trial. . The raw material he uses and sells at his outlets has been found to be adulterated.He might yet face a criminal investigation for the mysterious disappearance of his Guru, whose Asharam Baba Ram has been using as a beneficiary.and last but not the least, his companion Achary Balkrishan is involved in a criminal case of uttering false document to get Indian nationality.Unless, the Baba has been offered the position of at least the Vice President of India, if I were in Baba's shoes, I would have remained a Yoga Guru and called it a day. Devinder ThakurFrom: Sarbajit Roy <sroy.mb@gmail.com>
To: indiaresists <indiaresists@lists.riseup.net>
Sent: Sunday, 10 March 2013, 9:41Subject: Re: [IAC#RG] Baba Ramdev to communalise politicsPost: "indiaresists@lists.riseup.net"Exit: "indiaresists-unsubscribe@lists.riseup.net"Quit: "https://lists.riseup.net/www/signoff/indiaresists" Help: https://help.riseup.net/en/list-userWWW : http://indiaagainstcorruption.net.in/Dear Vasant ji
I'm sure that you know that I, Sharmaji and many others on this list are no less wedded to cause of Hindutva than anyone else.
For your kind information the said meeting took place around 3.Nov 2009 and the videos of Ramdev's address is on youtube.
The Deobandi's are now being severely criticised within the Muslim polity for their association with Hindus. Ramdev's speech/video is a cited example.
"Home Minister P.Chidambaram, Minister of State for Communications Sachin Pilot, All India Muslim Personal Law Board's senior vice president Maulana Kalbe Sadiq and social activist Swami Agnivesh also addressed the gathering. Swami Agnivesh too drew much applause when he talked about banning liquor as well as urging Muslims not to recite Vande Mataram."
Can you deny "wherever BJP is in power Ramdev supports BJP, wherever Congress is in power he claims to be Congressi". This is not my statement, it is the statement of a very respected saint of Hindu Samaj. I shall not publish the rest of the statement as it is very well known.
In any case I find this whole line of argument about Ramdev's entry into politics to be irrelevant in the anti-corruption space now.
The list of Congress affiliated haramis who scuttled IAC's expose of the Commonwealth Games scam in 2010 is well known and published on the Art of Living website. Swami Ramdev and Bharat Swabhiman Trust were very much a part of Congress's damage control mission then.
But he is ot after few thousands or lacs; he wants whole lot to be brought back. Any proof that he was a part of Chidembaram junket to Deoband?Orisit a fig of your imagination to ridicule him as a member of loot company?V.S.Sardesai--- On Sun, 10/3/13, S.D. Sharma <anonsharma@yahoo.com> wrote:
From: S.D. Sharma <anonsharma@yahoo.com>
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