Saturday, August 8, 2015
Re: [IAC#RG] It's time to shut the IAS down
My 2 paise -
#1 The RTI Act was actually subverted by the "idiots and traitors"
within the citizenry.
#2 The subversion resulted from ordinary citizens :-
a) ignorance of the finer points of law contained in RTI Act,
b) their falling victim to incitement by foreign financed CIA /
Magsaysay awarded RTI NGO haramis to overuse RTI for grievance
redressal (especially service related matters).
The IAS and babu clans (serving and retired) are paid to delay and
deny, and they have done their job very well.
On 8/8/15, Ravindran P M <> wrote:
> Dear Devinder Chopraji,
> With due respect, please permit me to inform you the Right to Information
> Act provided a golden opportunity to reform our administration and make it
> transparent and accountable. But the way it has been subverted right from
> the word go! You have to put on the shoes to know where it pinches! 50:50
> is a good statistically. But if there are any good babus I have not come
> across them. 100 pc of my experience with RTI has helped me only expose the
> idiots and traitors they are! And thus my series of blogs : RTIA-Exposing
> the idiots and traitors among public servants at
> And there are more there too!
> regards n bw
> ravi
> --
> Veteran Major P M Ravindran
> You may also like to visit:
> 'Judiciary Watch' at
Re: [IAC#RG] It's time to shut the IAS down
It is incorrect to generalise that all of IAS is dishonest or corrupt.We as a people get carried away, indulge in generalisations without reason.India has run, good, bad indifferent -- the country has been developing on account of at least more than half of the officers doing their bit, by you & i.We get carried away; do we ever consider what were we like during the first 10 years after our Independence ? i am now running 82, and have seen much of our land and people. (Always worked with NGOs, refugees, leprosariums, rural development, etc., etc.) Large parts of our country and people are perhaps the poorest --- and it is not easy to deal with 1.23 billion.Our politicians have corrupted our bureaucracy -- that is true. The IAS types, whoever slipped among them have given a bad name to their service & undercut their goals and objectives.Strict and better + honest supervision can still re-coup what appears to be a major loss to the ones who have written totally against this 'STEEL FRAME OF SORTS" !Let us not undo or undercut what can be improved plus made more effective by recruiting, through stiff tests the professionals etc. who can make the service relevant to the needs of India in the 21 st century. That is create more open competition from the private sector and bring in those who are concerned with sanitation, water supply, energy, etc. etc.India has a great future, as long as we do not undo the democratic processes we have got used to in the past 7 decades. We must reform the police service in the length and breadth of our country. Not under-cut our ideals by leaving it all to the p;oliticians in the States concerned !dev chopra in gurgaon***On 2 August 2015 at 20:00, Vishwanath Mada <> wrote:YesI would say Honestly. They are turning to be terrarist rather than honest administrators like their earlier colleagues. These people compete to make how much others madeand out pass each one of them.Every public sector organization and other companies they have tried to control some how. With the result they do not allow other than their clan to function effectively.Time to shut down with the experience of handling them by the Polititions and the publlic at large.Even it is time the JDICIARY is brought to accountability at all cost. Increase the number of days they work in a year like any other organization. British have left but britishholidays are still persisting with all might. Recruitment should at all level of JUDGES must be purely on merit and no reservation of any kind. Every JUDGEMENT must bere assessed to the merit of of the case presented and the arguments must be studied. Back logs must be cleared. No date after date. It has to be reexamined why it wasnecessary to grant date.Case must be presented in a brief form for the JUDGE to understand the frame work of the case.ThanksVishwanath MadaExecutive PresidentMaharashtra State Human Rights Centrecell. no. 9892356549Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2015 15:34:51 +0800
Subject: Re: [IAC#RG] It's time to shut the IAS downIAS being ill treated by politicians. So who ill-treats the politicians, the Aam Admi. So who ill-treats the Aam Admi, the IAS. The IAS is ill-treated-----Its a circular thing, never, ending !-----------Hirak.
On Tue, 21/7/15, John Philipose <> wrote:
Subject: Re: [IAC#RG] It's time to shut the IAS down
Cc: "Harbhajan Singh" <>, "Gaur J K" <>
Date: Tuesday, 21 July, 2015, 7:06 AM
Dear Pranab- though I
agree that 50% of these guys are ill treated by the
politicians- most of them deserve it in any case! However
that should not give a license to 50 % of these blokes to
misbehave and indulge in large scale curroption. It is a
known fact that the greatest hindrance to Governance in this
country is the Government. They need to be packed off lock,
stock & barrel. Instead technocrats should take over
Governance. The Agriculculture Secretary could well be one
from the department or the Agricultural university, after
being specialised in Administration for a couple of years.
An IPS guy should be the Home secretary, IFS (forest) guy
the Forest secretary, Military officer the Defence
Secretary, a Scientist with Administrative experience as the
Scientific Advisor & so on. The IAS should be disbanded
in the next deccade.
On Sat, Jul 18, 2015
at 10:12 AM, Pranab Kumar Chakravarty <>
I am a senior journalist and have worked in
several states besides covering assignments for my media
in many states and at the Center. I am constrained to say
that I say with my own eyes how the bureaucrats are treated
shabbily by their political masters and I will not advise
any one remotely related to me to aspire to become an IAS or
IPS officer.Bureaucrats in some states are forced to
touch the feet of their political bosses to keep them happy
since they write their annual CRs I am told that IAS and
IPS officers have their forums at state and national
levels.I like many of you wonder why they keep mum when
some officers of their cadre are inhumanly treated
.You may be more knowledgeable about me .And
hence, I ask you if you will advise your academically
brilliant daughters and sons to become bureaucrats to be
treated like slaves ? Please do not accuse me of creating
rift between political class and bureaucrats. They do have
an important role to play in serving the people.What I
On 17 July 2015 at
11:24, Vidyut <>
There are problems with the IAS, there are
problems with politicians. Alas, controlling each other is
rarely about public interest. Perhaps I am cynical, but I
don't think there are any magic fixes. Boring as it
seems without a quick pill, I think it is going to take
alert citizens relentlessly demanding accountability,
scrutinizing and curbing every wrong that comes to
I think people consider the government or
bureaucracy more like a service that ought to be perfect or
you will call up customer service. Alas, in a democracy, the
final boss is the citizen and it may be like herding cats,
but in the end of the day, they will have to keep an eye on
their employees and reward, punish or remove as
The most important thing is to mobilize people.
Not go one morcha or andolan or against one bad guy, but in
the spirit of vigilant and involved management of their own
Perfection is a convenient mirage that allows
people to shruf off their own role on the stage. The only
hope is continuous improvement.
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On Fri, Jul 17, 2015
at 10:19 AM, Jagjit Ahuja <>
may like to go through the appended write up written by an
IAS officer . Though it is long but worth reading
. I have read every word
but found that he has not analyzed as to who has been
responsible for bringing such a state of affair of our
It is my
feeling that the so called Steel Frame of the country, the
bureaucratic set up is responsible . This gets confirmed
when we analyze working of our governing system after
independence. It has been the bureaucrats who kept on
grabbing all the powers by be-fooling both the politicians
and the public by twisting the rules to meet the
requirements of the people whom they wanted to
a situation would have never creeped in our governing system
had they been fair to all with the authority and the
powers they were enjoying .All these years the
Joint Secretary of a Ministry is considered as the
advise if I am wrong in my analyses.
Brig J S
On Thu, Jul 16, 2015
at 11:17 AM, Harbhajan Singh <>
Dear Gaur,
How are you?
I wonder if this topic is discussed in the
We require Administrative and political reforms.
But dear Gaur all the Governments are being managed by the
IAS!!! Does any one think IAS would let any such reforms
take place and above all be implemented!! Just look at OROP
We need a military/Presidential take over for two
years in which the agenda should be administrative and
political reforms and then hand over the reigns back to the
new dispensation. I agree it is an Utopian idea but if we
need to achieve some thing such ideas have to come
My considered view is that India is going to go
down the drain and China-Pak combine will subjugate us in a
decade or two may be. Things on the ground for common people
including our types are very bad indeed and deteriorating
Harbhajan SinghLt Gen
From: Gaur J K
To: ""
Tuesday, 14 July 2015 3:26 PM
Subject: RE:
[IAC#RG] It's time to shut the IAS down
Yes, but will it not be a piece-meal
change?Our whole system of governance is based on
the colonial british model.Our judicial system is
based on the same.Our laws are based on the same.
Some laws are as old as 1860 just after it was taken over by
the Imperial power.
Our Constitution is primarily drawing upon the British
Model. Yet the realisation that changes are
needed in the institutions of Governance should lead to the
desired changes sooner or later.Hiring of
experts/advisors outside the IAS system could be one way to
dilute their dominance. Mr. Modi seems to have realised and
doing so in some areas.JKGaur
Date: Sun, 12 Jul 2015 23:15:59 +0530
Subject: [IAC#RG] It's time to shut the IAS down
Forwarding as received, for it makes a lot of
sense, sharing this article specially with those among us,
who love welfare of our Society, our Armed Forces, and above
all, our country as a whole. It is an open fact that they
are also the creator of the problem that is existing and
around the widely known subject matter as OROP issue
!Anil Dhir
Date: Sun, 12 Jul 2015 19:34:09 +0530
Subject: Fwd: It's time to shut the IAS down
It's time to shut
the IAS down (
A forward as received) Last updated on: June
08, 2015 13:17
ISTThe IAS distrusts
outsiders bringing change, the product of being a tenured
cadre; it worships authority rather than citizenship, the
legacy of being lackeys of the Queen-Emperor -- and it
admires itself above all, for no reason that the rest of us
can discern. Mihir S Sharma explains.If Prime Minister
Narendra Modi fails to live up to the expectations that he
has raised, it will not be entirely his
fault.After all, he has
moderated his promises.The shining vision
of India's future he outlined in early 2014 has been
replaced by the -- still inspiring -- set of aspirations
listed in the 2015
Budget.A house for everyone
by 2022, with 24-hour power, clean drinking water, a road
and modern sanitation; one job per family, medical and
skilling facilities close by, and much else of that
nature.You cannot fault his
targets, and you cannot fault his
energy.If he seems to have
little idea of how to get there, well, he was never asked
for such details about implementation on the campaign trail,
so it's a little late to complain
now.The problem is that
he is trying to drive the country to these oh-so-distant
targets by 2022, but he still has the same old car with
which to do it.Today, in the middle
of 2015, it is doubly, triply, quadruply clear that changing
the driver was not enough -- the driver was never the
biggest, the realest problem. The real problem is the
car.Modi might have the
will, the energy, the sincerity and the ambition. But unless
he fundamentally changes the system that implements his
will, that realises his ambition, he is doomed to
fail.And that system is
the Indian government and its bureaucracy. I want you to
pause for a moment to think, as objectively as you can,
about how farcical it is.We, the world's
fastest-growing economy and its largest democracy, have a
state structure basically unchanged from the extractive
system set up to rule a vast, pastoral country on behalf of
a distant island nation.We have a twice-born
bureaucracy that holds so much
power.Why? Because they
are the happy inheritors of a system in which civil servants
would have been loyal to Queen and Whitehall, but ministers
may have been dangerously nationalist -- and thus needed to
be easily vetoed or
blocked.We still have a
tenured, generalist civil service, organised on Victorian
public-school principles, even as our economy and governance
become fiendishly more
complex.Every single foreign
investor, foreign do-gooder, foreign diplomat, is astounded
by both the intelligence of their Indian bureaucratic
interlocutor and their -- much of the time -- complete and
utter ignorance of the issues at
hand.What else can you
expect?The person having to
deal with FIIs today may have been dealing with water
harvesting yesterday.No matter how high
your rank in a deadly dull competitive examination in the
early 1980s, you will not handle that transition
seamlessly.It is natural,
therefore, that you take no risks and show no imagination;
you are, after all, always a step behind those you are
regulating or governing.It is less natural that
you are incredibly arrogant even while being that step
behind. (Or to suppose that anyone else in government being
paid more than you would be a colossal, extraordinary insult
to the Indian Republic, equivalent to Bangladesh annexing
most of Eastern India. Imagine if a tax expert or a lawyer
was hired from the private sector and paid more than the
Cabinet Secretary! The whole edifice of government would
collapse! Anarchy would rule! Four southern states would
sink into the sea! Etc,
etc)We have an
un-fire-able, unaccountable civil service, which can screw
up as much as it likes -- consider, for example, the
monumental error that was the FII-MAT (minimum alternate
tax) imbroglio -- and still will face no
consequences.This is the largest
cause of the institutionalised mediocrity that holds this
country back. Even promotions are largely dependent on
seniority and not record; nobody would run any other
organisation thus, but it's OK to run a complicated,
under-governed country like
this?Ah, we are told, but
insulating administrators is necessary to ensure they are
not subject to politicisation -- to ensure they are
"independent".This laughable claim
can only be the product of wilfully refusing to actually
read even one newspaper headline over the past 20
years.Who can claim that
bureaucrats are not politicised, given contemporary history?
How many have simply refused to sign what they are supposed
to? There are some such glorious names, but vanishingly
few.Combine these three
factors, and you have a government machinery that is
unaccountable, under-informed, and all-powerful. It lacks
creativity. It automatically stifles innovation (witness the
colossal idiocy underlying its shutdown of Uber in the
capital).There is no alternative
but to shut these people down. Root-and-branch reform,
beginning with an end to the imperial-era privileges of the
Indian Administrative
Service.The IAS distrusts
outsiders bringing change, the product of being a tenured
cadre; it worships authority rather than citizenship, the
legacy of being lackeys of the Queen-Emperor -- and it
admires itself above all, for no reason that the rest of us
can discern.The prime minister,
sadly, agrees with that.He, too, seems to
imagine that his transformative promises can be
operationalised and implemented by the same people who have
failed us for 70 years.His first action on
entering 7, Race Course Road, was to tell the secretaries to
the Union that they could speak to him directly, cutting out
their ministers.Subsequently he took
over all appointments. This is in a way natural; when Modi
was appointed chief minister of Gujarat, he had no
experience of -- or history of interest in --
policy.Guess who he turned
to? Perhaps that's why the bureaucrats other Indians see
as obstructive, backward-looking monuments to institutional
arrogance are seen by our prime minister as gentle tutors in
the art of governance.This is a pity,
since the only way he will actually transform India is by
first transforming its hopelessly out-of-date
government.Actually, if Prime
Minister Narendra Modi fails to live up to the expectations
that he has raised, it will be entirely his fault. He should
have started by ending the
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Commander John
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Thursday, August 6, 2015
Re: [IAC#RG] The Lawless Lawyers
Sent from my iPad
ToIndia Against CorruptionTHE LAWLESS LAWYERSThe chairman of Bar Council of India said recently in Chennai that one third of the lawyers in India are fake. But, the loud mouthed lawyers did not comment about this startling revelation and are conspicuous by silence.Drunken brawl between lawyers in Chennai are no more uncommon. Many law students in Chennai have fought pitched battles with stones and draggers and murders have been reported. While such unsavoury incidents continue, it now has reached a new low , as the lawyers in Puduchery prevented the magistrate from leaving the chamber, when he remanded a junior lawyer for misconduct. The crowd of lawyers insisted that the accused lawyer should be released on bail and the magistrate yielded so that he could come out of the court complex. Similar conditions prevail all over India.Lawyers are known to say lies without twinkling of eyelid but the image of the lawyers have now become so tarnished that people are no more surprised , when it is revealed that one third of the lawyers in India are fake.Many people are now suspicious of some of the judgements and several judges at various levels face accusation of corrupt practices. The lawless lawyers only further reflect on the state of judiciary in India.It is extremely important that a screening committee should be immediately appointed by government of India to filter out the fake lawyers all over the country. Lawyers all over India should be asked to submit their qualification credentials for verification and the task cannot be simply left to bar council of India. It is too serious a situation , as judges are being selected out of these lawyers and judiciary has a very important role to play in safeguarding probity in public life.N.S.VenkataramanNandini Voice For The Deprived
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Wednesday, August 5, 2015
Re: [IAC#RG] The Lawless Lawyers
H-2A, Hauzkhas, New Delhi -16, Ph:011-26854127

ToIndia Against CorruptionTHE LAWLESS LAWYERSThe chairman of Bar Council of India said recently in Chennai that one third of the lawyers in India are fake. But, the loud mouthed lawyers did not comment about this startling revelation and are conspicuous by silence.Drunken brawl between lawyers in Chennai are no more uncommon. Many law students in Chennai have fought pitched battles with stones and draggers and murders have been reported. While such unsavoury incidents continue, it now has reached a new low , as the lawyers in Puduchery prevented the magistrate from leaving the chamber, when he remanded a junior lawyer for misconduct. The crowd of lawyers insisted that the accused lawyer should be released on bail and the magistrate yielded so that he could come out of the court complex. Similar conditions prevail all over India.Lawyers are known to say lies without twinkling of eyelid but the image of the lawyers have now become so tarnished that people are no more surprised , when it is revealed that one third of the lawyers in India are fake.Many people are now suspicious of some of the judgements and several judges at various levels face accusation of corrupt practices. The lawless lawyers only further reflect on the state of judiciary in India.It is extremely important that a screening committee should be immediately appointed by government of India to filter out the fake lawyers all over the country. Lawyers all over India should be asked to submit their qualification credentials for verification and the task cannot be simply left to bar council of India. It is too serious a situation , as judges are being selected out of these lawyers and judiciary has a very important role to play in safeguarding probity in public life.N.S.VenkataramanNandini Voice For The Deprived
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Tuesday, August 4, 2015
Re: [IAC#RG] The Lawless Lawyers
There is a criminal nexus between Lawyers-Police-Polititians. For short call it 'unholy nexus'. This unholy nexus perpetuates all kinds of legal and illegal atrocities upon hapless public. For example, in the example of Puduchery given in this piece, what was the police doing? Why did they not take any action against the obstructing lawyers for 'obstructing a Civil servant in the performance of his duties'?
Dear Sirs,Is there any single department in governance today that one could look up to and say with pride that it is functioning lawfully? A forensic audit that is based on information technology is the need of the hour. Setting up committees have not yielded the desired results and have, on the contrary, drained more resources, financial or otherwise!As is true in any other major irregularity, the numbers involved (money + people) are so large that the cost of such an audit can be off-set even if it is given to any of the large accounting firms of repute. Alternatively, there are significant number of upright retired bureaucrats who could be assisted by the young IT professionals to devise ways and means to stem the rot.It's about time IAC gets some teeth to take the project off the "design board" to "action ground".
RegardsDharmeshOn Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 7:44 PM, Venkatraman Ns <> wrote:ToIndia Against CorruptionTHE LAWLESS LAWYERS
The chairman of Bar Council of India said recently in Chennai that one third of the lawyers in India are fake. But, the loud mouthed lawyers did not comment about this startling revelation and are conspicuous by silence.
Drunken brawl between lawyers in Chennai are no more uncommon. Many law students in Chennai have fought pitched battles with stones and draggers and murders have been reported. While such unsavoury incidents continue, it now has reached a new low , as the lawyers in Puduchery prevented the magistrate from leaving the chamber, when he remanded a junior lawyer for misconduct. The crowd of lawyers insisted that the accused lawyer should be released on bail and the magistrate yielded so that he could come out of the court complex. Similar conditions prevail all over India.
Lawyers are known to say lies without twinkling of eyelid but the image of the lawyers have now become so tarnished that people are no more surprised , when it is revealed that one third of the lawyers in India are fake.
Many people are now suspicious of some of the judgements and several judges at various levels face accusation of corrupt practices. The lawless lawyers only further reflect on the state of judiciary in India.
It is extremely important that a screening committee should be immediately appointed by government of India to filter out the fake lawyers all over the country. Lawyers all over India should be asked to submit their qualification credentials for verification and the task cannot be simply left to bar council of India. It is too serious a situation , as judges are being selected out of these lawyers and judiciary has a very important role to play in safeguarding probity in public life.
Nandini Voice For The Deprived
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Re: [IAC#RG] It's time to shut the IAS down
From: pirthipal singh dhillon <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Sunday, August 2, 2015 12:57 AM
Subject: Re: [IAC#RG] It's time to shut the IAS down
Very educative comments.I take this opportunity to present few thoughts having spent all working time in MNCs of world repute.Experience gained during interaction with IAS/IPS/IRS etc had been very positive & very negative.I also got insight of working style of these professionals as my younger brother also belonged to IAS cadre.I feel basic intelligence level is available but clarity on Job description is missing.This question I asked Kejriwal during India Against Corruption days movement that : did he get job description letter when he joined & whether Kiran bedi got it:.He could not give me clear answer.So this issue requires more in depth understanding before we pass any judgement. Governance issue is very critical now in fast changing environment.RegardsDhillon
From: Ravindran P M <>
To: Dr. NC Jain <>
Cc: "" <>
Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2015 7:12 PM
Subject: Re: [IAC#RG] It's time to shut the IAS down
Sorry Dr Jain, you seen to have got carried away by the opulance of the district collector's office! The best of them are simply good clerks and nothing more. But most of them are idiots/traitors. You are welcome to go through my blog 'IAS- INDIAN ASSHOLES-ON-STRIKE SERVICE' atThey are just custodians of documents with a skill set-making briefs and answering comprehension questions- acquired by anybody who has been to school beyond 5th standard! Of course for the UPSC exam they ask a lot of irrelevant questions- more in the nature of buying lottery tickets than serving any meaningful purpose!A case study of these clerks have subverted the RTI Act will by itself prove what a treacherous lot we have for assisting the politically elected decision makers in the governance of the country! Again you may go through my series of blogs - -RTIA-EXPOSING THE IDIOTS AND TRAITORS AMOUNG PUBLIC SERVANTS- at http://raviforjustice.blogspot.inregards n bwraviOn Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 12:57 PM, "Dr. NC Jain" <> wrote:Dear sirIn my opinion, IAS should not be scrapped . Its training should be modified according to circumstances and new environment.IAS is the cream of Indians and they should be encouraged to use their maximum potential. Today, India is free and we have to make Indians free. IAS officers can play an important role to make Indians free.Dr N C Jain27-7-15On Monday, July 27, 2015 7:40 AM, umesh rohatgi <> wrote:
if they wish to serve is there than make sure you reward people who come to you instead of them punishment and at least talk to them as equal offer chair to them and then talk to them and don't attend any one call while you are taking to them and see how y can help them and rules are there to help people not punish. change the attitude firstumesh rashmi rohatgiOn Tuesday, July 21, 2015 1:22 AM, Ravindran P M <> wrote:
I am glad to see a post by a civil service aspirant here! I have to admit one fact-there is not one civil service aspirant who had not stated that the reason they wanted to join the civil services is to serve the society. The range of sincerity in those words may vary from 0 pc to 100 pc. But it is equally true that sooner than later, once in service, they transform from service providers to perks and privilege seekers!One observation that needs to be commented upon is the one regarding institutional overhauling vs societal overhauling. Let us admit there will always be a few undesirable elements in all societies and it is to check these undesirable elements that we have the elaborate system of governance. So the one point agenda of every society, as a society, should be to make this govt work. And that is why we need to go for institutional overhaul and not societal overhaul! The former should be pragmatic and the latter a mere wild goose chase.Now, those interested may read my two blogs:'IAS- INDIAN ASSHOLES-ON-STRIKE SERVICE' atand'RTI Act-Shailesh Gandhi and Schopenhauer's Law of Entropy' atregardsraviOn Sat, Jul 18, 2015 at 12:49 AM, Dipanshi Rathore <> wrote:It will sound very simple. but needs a very broad understanding to be able to assimilate!
a)India needs a specific kind of an educational reform to undo the conditioning that has crept deep into the minds
b) moral standards need to be reinvoked
c) spirituality is the key to bring high moral ground among the people and only it can take the country on the path of being a super power in the coming future
No institutional/ machinery overhauling is required! It is the societal overhauling that is needed.
(A Civil Service Aspirant)On 18-Jul-2015 12:25 am, "Vidyut" <> wrote:There are problems with the IAS, there are problems with politicians. Alas, controlling each other is rarely about public interest. Perhaps I am cynical, but I don't think there are any magic fixes. Boring as it seems without a quick pill, I think it is going to take alert citizens relentlessly demanding accountability, scrutinizing and curbing every wrong that comes to light.I think people consider the government or bureaucracy more like a service that ought to be perfect or you will call up customer service. Alas, in a democracy, the final boss is the citizen and it may be like herding cats, but in the end of the day, they will have to keep an eye on their employees and reward, punish or remove as necessary.The most important thing is to mobilize people. Not go one morcha or andolan or against one bad guy, but in the spirit of vigilant and involved management of their own country.Perfection is a convenient mirage that allows people to shruf off their own role on the stage. The only hope is continuous improvement.VidyutVidyutOn Fri, Jul 17, 2015 at 10:19 AM, Jagjit Ahuja <> wrote:You may like to go through the appended write up written by an IAS officer . Though it is long but worth reading .I have read every word but found that he has not analyzed as to who has been responsible for bringing such a state of affair of our country.It is my feeling that the so called Steel Frame of the country, the bureaucratic set up is responsible . This gets confirmed when we analyze working of our governing system after independence. It has been the bureaucrats who kept on grabbing all the powers by be-fooling both the politicians and the public by twisting the rules to meet the requirements of the people whom they wanted to help.Such a situation would have never creeped in our governing system had they been fair to all with the authority and the powers they were enjoying .All these years the Joint Secretary of a Ministry is considered as the Government.Please advise if I am wrong in my analyses.Brig J S AhujaOn Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 11:17 AM, Harbhajan Singh <> wrote:My Dear Gaur,How are you?I wonder if this topic is discussed in the NDC!!!!!We require Administrative and political reforms. But dear Gaur all the Governments are being managed by the IAS!!! Does any one think IAS would let any such reforms take place and above all be implemented!! Just look at OROP case!!!We need a military/Presidential take over for two years in which the agenda should be administrative and political reforms and then hand over the reigns back to the new dispensation. I agree it is an Utopian idea but if we need to achieve some thing such ideas have to come up.My considered view is that India is going to go down the drain and China-Pak combine will subjugate us in a decade or two may be. Things on the ground for common people including our types are very bad indeed and deteriorating fast.Harbhajan SinghLt Gen
From: Gaur J K <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Tuesday, 14 July 2015 3:26 PM
Subject: RE: [IAC#RG] It's time to shut the IAS down
13/7/15Yes, but will it not be a piece-meal change?Our whole system of governance is based on the colonial british model.Our judicial system is based on the same.Our laws are based on the same. Some laws are as old as 1860 just after it was taken over by the Imperial power.
Our Constitution is primarily drawing upon the British Model.Yet the realisation that changes are needed in the institutions of Governance should lead to the desired changes sooner or later.Hiring of experts/advisors outside the IAS system could be one way to dilute their dominance. Mr. Modi seems to have realised and doing so in some areas.JKGaur
Date: Sun, 12 Jul 2015 23:15:59 +0530
Subject: [IAC#RG] It's time to shut the IAS down
Forwarding as received, for it makes a lot of sense, sharing this article specially with those among us, who love welfare of our Society, our Armed Forces, and above all, our country as a whole. It is an open fact that they are also the creator of the problem that is existing and around the widely known subject matter as OROP issue !Anil Dhir
Date: Sun, 12 Jul 2015 19:34:09 +0530
Subject: Fwd: It's time to shut the IAS down
To:It's time to shut the IAS down
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Last updated on: June 08, 2015 13:17 ISTThe IAS distrusts outsiders bringing change, the product of being a tenured cadre; it worships authority rather than citizenship, the legacy of being lackeys of the Queen-Emperor -- and it admires itself above all, for no reason that the rest of us can discern. Mihir S Sharma explains.If Prime Minister Narendra Modi fails to live up to the expectations that he has raised, it will not be entirely his fault.After all, he has moderated his promises.The shining vision of India's future he outlined in early 2014 has been replaced by the -- still inspiring -- set of aspirations listed in the 2015 Budget.A house for everyone by 2022, with 24-hour power, clean drinking water, a road and modern sanitation; one job per family, medical and skilling facilities close by, and much else of that nature.You cannot fault his targets, and you cannot fault his energy.If he seems to have little idea of how to get there, well, he was never asked for such details about implementation on the campaign trail, so it's a little late to complain now.The problem is that he is trying to drive the country to these oh-so-distant targets by 2022, but he still has the same old car with which to do it.Today, in the middle of 2015, it is doubly, triply, quadruply clear that changing the driver was not enough -- the driver was never the biggest, the realest problem. The real problem is the car.Modi might have the will, the energy, the sincerity and the ambition. But unless he fundamentally changes the system that implements his will, that realises his ambition, he is doomed to fail.And that system is the Indian government and its bureaucracy. I want you to pause for a moment to think, as objectively as you can, about how farcical it is.We, the world's fastest-growing economy and its largest democracy, have a state structure basically unchanged from the extractive system set up to rule a vast, pastoral country on behalf of a distant island nation.We have a twice-born bureaucracy that holds so much power.Why? Because they are the happy inheritors of a system in which civil servants would have been loyal to Queen and Whitehall, but ministers may have been dangerously nationalist -- and thus needed to be easily vetoed or blocked.We still have a tenured, generalist civil service, organised on Victorian public-school principles, even as our economy and governance become fiendishly more complex.Every single foreign investor, foreign do-gooder, foreign diplomat, is astounded by both the intelligence of their Indian bureaucratic interlocutor and their -- much of the time -- complete and utter ignorance of the issues at hand.What else can you expect?The person having to deal with FIIs today may have been dealing with water harvesting yesterday.No matter how high your rank in a deadly dull competitive examination in the early 1980s, you will not handle that transition seamlessly.It is natural, therefore, that you take no risks and show no imagination; you are, after all, always a step behind those you are regulating or governing.It is less natural that you are incredibly arrogant even while being that step behind. (Or to suppose that anyone else in government being paid more than you would be a colossal, extraordinary insult to the Indian Republic, equivalent to Bangladesh annexing most of Eastern India. Imagine if a tax expert or a lawyer was hired from the private sector and paid more than the Cabinet Secretary! The whole edifice of government would collapse! Anarchy would rule! Four southern states would sink into the sea! Etc, etc)We have an un-fire-able, unaccountable civil service, which can screw up as much as it likes -- consider, for example, the monumental error that was the FII-MAT (minimum alternate tax) imbroglio -- and still will face no consequences.This is the largest cause of the institutionalised mediocrity that holds this country back. Even promotions are largely dependent on seniority and not record; nobody would run any other organisation thus, but it's OK to run a complicated, under-governed country like this?Ah, we are told, but insulating administrators is necessary to ensure they are not subject to politicisation -- to ensure they are "independent".This laughable claim can only be the product of wilfully refusing to actually read even one newspaper headline over the past 20 years.Who can claim that bureaucrats are not politicised, given contemporary history? How many have simply refused to sign what they are supposed to? There are some such glorious names, but vanishingly few.Combine these three factors, and you have a government machinery that is unaccountable, under-informed, and all-powerful. It lacks creativity. It automatically stifles innovation (witness the colossal idiocy underlying its shutdown of Uber in the capital).There is no alternative but to shut these people down. Root-and-branch reform, beginning with an end to the imperial-era privileges of the Indian Administrative Service.The IAS distrusts outsiders bringing change, the product of being a tenured cadre; it worships authority rather than citizenship, the legacy of being lackeys of the Queen-Emperor -- and it admires itself above all, for no reason that the rest of us can discern.The prime minister, sadly, agrees with that.He, too, seems to imagine that his transformative promises can be operationalised and implemented by the same people who have failed us for 70 years.His first action on entering 7, Race Course Road, was to tell the secretaries to the Union that they could speak to him directly, cutting out their ministers.Subsequently he took over all appointments. This is in a way natural; when Modi was appointed chief minister of Gujarat, he had no experience of -- or history of interest in -- policy.Guess who he turned to? Perhaps that's why the bureaucrats other Indians see as obstructive, backward-looking monuments to institutional arrogance are seen by our prime minister as gentle tutors in the art of governance.This is a pity, since the only way he will actually transform India is by first transforming its hopelessly out-of-date government.Actually, if Prime Minister Narendra Modi fails to live up to the expectations that he has raised, it will be entirely his fault. He should have started by ending the IAS.
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