I am complaining that your reporter has chosen, for reasons best known to her or your channels, to ignore the RTI replies of the Staff Selection Commission to me which say that the SSC has not conducted / held any computer based (online) exam in 2016, 2017 or 2018, and that they have no information of any complaint received for cheating, leakage or other malpractices in any (alleged) online examination of SSC.I am complaining that your aforesaid reporter has crossed the journalistic "line" by basing her reportage mainly on sources directly linked to three political parties, ie. CPI(ML), Indian National Congress and Swaraj India which have been manufacturing, circulating forged and fabricated documents allegedly depicting remote access softwares (like AMMY, Team Viewer etc) being used to remotely answer SSC's CGL 2017 examination while the computer based (online) exam is in progress.I am constrained to complain about the unethical practices being followed by your channels / news reporters, eg. Sonal Mehrotra Kapoor in broadcasting biased and one-sided reportage of the Staff Selection Commission's alleged examination "leaks". Several emails I have sent to your legal dept, the feedback section etc. about the recent Youthquake and Yuva Kranti series on this topic have been ignored and no corrigenda are forthcoming.Dear Ms. SinghBY EMAILEditorial Director/NDTV and Head NDTV Ethics CommitteeTo:Ms. Sonia SinghNB: It is noteworthy that the SSC is an attached office of the DoPT (which also administers the RTI Act 2005) and my RTI queries and the replies received are easily acccesible to the whole world on DoPT's Rtionline webportal and certainly to your reporter if she did her job properly / honestly.In this connection, it is not clear to me, or other subscriber viewers of NDTV like me, what authentic sources your aforesaid reporter Sonal MK is basing her stories on. However, because your news channel has subscribed to a self regulatory association which has prescribed a Code of Ethics for its members, you are obliged to ensure fairness and balance in reportage and present all points of view on a controversy no matter how much you personally disagree with that view or the person who holds that view. You are also required to issue corrigendums to any false reporting.I am complaining that your reporter had deliberately excited dissatisfaction against the Central Government based on forged documents and with the motive to bring SSC aspirants to New Delhi on 31 March 2018 for CPI(ML) and Swaraj India's "Hallabol" premeditated violent agitation to assault police officers in Delhi and disrupt the city. It is noteworthy that lakhs of SSC aspirants from all over India taking coaching in Delhi were very well aware of the violent natrure of this agitation and stayed away from these protests. Your aforesaid reporter was also sitting in with these advocates of violence outside Mandir Marg Police Station on 31 March 2018 whiile they were coordinating attacks on police officers and other public servants utilising foreign social media resources..
Finally, I am suggesting that you have a personal / family conflict of interest qua the Indian National Congress Party, whose spokesperson had held a press conference on these alleged SSC paper leaks on or about 19 March 2018 where these alleged documents described by your reporter were circulated, and so should recuse from hearing my complaint.sincerelySarbajit Roy
National ConvenorINDIA AGAINST CORRUPTION jan andolanB-59 Defence ColonyNew Delhi 110024Tel : 8010205897
Tuesday, April 3, 2018
Re: [IAC#RG] COMPLAINT of ethical violations in reporting by NDTV
Monday, April 2, 2018
Re: [IAC#RG] the 'hard life' of army veterans
I just clicked on 'reply'. Not only the veterans, their families too. I saw how in 1962 my soldier brother.in.law's wife, my sister, gave her marriage jewellery to govt.to help finance relief and all army women knitted socks for the jawans on the front. Most of the fatalities in 1962 were due to zero acclimatization, mountain sickness leading to pulmonary odema (including of Gen. Kaul himself), and hypothermia. And a very confused command hierarchy (see D. K. Palit's War in High Himalaya, he was DMO then).
The situation will not be different in a future war in that sector no matter how much is spent on jets and new weaponry, given the high preparedness of the PLA and their political bosses. I have spent nights in PLA camps in Tibet on a journey to and fro Lhasa and seen the troops' high morale, excellent health status, good food supplies, visible mental resilience and, most of all, high altitude acclimatization on the Tibetan plateau at 12,000'.
Joya Roy
Your initiative to highlight how deserving veterans await due recognition while underseving ones are getting rewarded.Also, how did you find my email address, I dont particularly recall knowing you, is there a common acquaintance?RegardsOn 2 Apr 2018 21:21, "Prodipto Roy" <prodipto.r@gmail.com> wrote:Sorry, I didn't understand - what initiative do you speak of?
Joya Roy
On 2 Apr 2018 9:19 p.m., "Aprrajita Sharma" <apu15153@gmail.com> wrote:What a brilliant initiative. We vote for governments to place our TAXES into well deserved projects campaigns and recognitions. Thankyou for raising this burning issue. God bless Bhaarat.Jai bharti!On 2 Apr 2018 07:47, "Prodipto Roy" <indiaresists@lists.riseup.net> wrote: For Omkar Razdan ji.:
Many of us have soldiers in our families, who lived with bodies full of shrapnel and shellshocked ears till the end of their lives, having served at many war fronts. Some were decorated, some forgotten. My IMA surgeon grandfather served in Mesopotamia, Cremia, Egypt in WWI, amputating wounded limbs of soldiers without anaesthesia or antibiotics, hearing their screams and seeing them die anyway which made him turn atheist.
Sarbajit's grandfather, also an army surgeon, was a Japanese POW for three years, living in the most inhuman conditions in SE Asia.
Which fronts did you and Annaji serve at? Please inform year, rank and roles. What 'hard life' are you referring to?
My Mama Gen. D.K. Palit in 1948 was the first army man to enter old Leh, where he secured the city against the so-called raiders, while Major Sharma lost his life defending Srinagar. My brother in-law lived near the Siachen glacier for three years in huge hardship.
We would like to felicitate you for your role in defending the motherland so please inform what assignments you and Annaji went on in service.
Joya Roy
On 28 Mar 2018 7:33 p.m., "Omkar Razdan" <indiaresists@lists.riseup.net> wrote: respected Advocate SahibIt would be very helpful if you comment over the ethicsless colleagues in your own profession. That would be creditworthy and appropriateRegards & best wishesEr. Omkar Razdan, Former Vice Chairman and, Life Member, Transparency International,India,On Wednesday, 14 March, 2018, 7:42:33 AM IST, Aires Rodrigues <indiaresists@lists.riseup.net> wrote: Post: "indiaresists@lists.riseup.netOver the last 50 years I have had the occasion to closely interact with some very good, not so good and some very awful Chief Secretaries and Director Generals of Police. But the current Chief Secretary Dharmendra Sharma and DGP Dr Muktesh Chander could be rated very poorly for their miserable performance as both talk a lot but have sadly failed to walk their talk.
As the two most vital beauracrats of the State it was incumbent on them to be vigilant and loyal to the interests of Goa. But the two having acting as caged parrots of the ruling brigade have failed in their bounden duty to safeguard even the fundamental provisions of our Constitution and the framework of law.
The bureaucrats should be independent and impartial while ensuring that the administration is free from political interference. They should not shamelessly bow, bend and crawl all over, while blindly signing on the dotted line at the dictates of the political bosses. Infact the bureaucrats must strictly function within the parameters of law and cannot end up being spineless slaves of the Political masters.
A bureaucrat by law is constitutionally duty bound to be politically neutral at all times. Ruling politicians cannot be using bureaucrats as pawns in their political games. We need to stem this interdependent chronic relationship that exists between Ministers and Civil servants. For Good Governance and Rule of law to prevail, the political neutrality and impartiality of the civil servants is very vital. With bureaucrats actin
g as colluding caged parrots, the ruling party has been able to carry on with the further destruction and degradation of Goa. Once the Pearl of the Orient, it has now been reduced to a Corruption embedded gambling, prostitution, narcotics and crime hub.
The law requires that no Government servant should be politically biased or inclined to any party. May these great words of our late President Dr APJ Abdul Kalam be an inspiration to them all in the discharge of their duties. "If you salute your duty, you no need to salute anybody, but if you pollute your duty, you have to salute everybody".
Aires Rodrigues
Advocate High Court
C/G-2, Shopping Complex
Ribandar Retreat,
Ribandar – Goa – 403006
Mobile No: 9822684372
Office Tel No: (0832) 2444012
Email: airesrodrigues1@gmail.com
You can also reach me on
Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues
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[IAC#RG] Fwd: [triservicesveterans] HOW WE SAFEGUARD OUR BORDERS - A Pity
Signal of infra gap: 'Welcome to China' on phones in India

Displaying characters in Mandarin to indicate full connectivity, the phone promptly switches to Beijing time, which is two-and-a-half hours ahead of India. You then look across the Line
"But we have no connectivity, whether it is roads or mobiles. It takes a mental toll. Even the evacuation of an injured soldier becomes a huge logistical challenge since the only road coming to Kibithu from Tezu is frequently blocked by landslides," says an Indian Army officer, keeping tabs on the PLA troops across the unresolved border in this 'east of the north-east' region.
"If the road is cut off during hostilities, we will not be able to move troops or equipment. The main operational challenge for us here is the lack of roads, bridges and inter-valley connectivity, not military equipment or manpower," he adds. In the entire Lohit Valley sector, for instance, there is no concrete bridge after Hawai, which is 76km south of Kibithu.

But this last-mile connectivity for Indian troops remains a distant dream till now. Only 28 of the 73 'strategic' all-weather roads, with more east-west lateral links as well as better access routes to stra tegic peaks and valleys, identified for construction almost two decades ago have been fully completed till now.
In eastern Arunachal Pradesh, for instance, the road heads are around 20 to 70 km away from the LAC in most stretches, forcing Indian troops to regularly undertake long-range patrols to "physically dominate" the country's claim lines in the treacherous terrain. "Unlike us, the Chinese troops largely remain in their rear areas because they can reinforce fast due to their infrastructure build-up," says an officer.
There is now a renewed but belated thrust on road and communication connectivity in the region, which has speeded up after the 73-day troop faceoff at Doklam near the Sikkim-Bhutan-Tibet trijunction last year.
"We are working on 17 single-span bridges in the Lohit Valley area, which will be 35-to 74-metre long and capable of even carrying tanks. We are also working on a major bailey suspension bridge, which will be the first such one between Hawai and Kibithu," says Colonel Rajeev Dhingra, commander of the 48 Border Road Task-Force. The soldiers are keeping their fingers crossed.
" SINHGARH",Pulleppady,
Chittoor Road,Kochi-682018
Phone- ( 0484) 2380987
Re: [IAC#RG] the 'hard life' of army veterans
For Omkar Razdan ji.:
Many of us have soldiers in our families, who lived with bodies full of shrapnel and shellshocked ears till the end of their lives, having served at many war fronts. Some were decorated, some forgotten. My IMA surgeon grandfather served in Mesopotamia, Cremia, Egypt in WWI, amputating wounded limbs of soldiers without anaesthesia or antibiotics, hearing their screams and seeing them die anyway which made him turn atheist.
Sarbajit's grandfather, also an army surgeon, was a Japanese POW for three years, living in the most inhuman conditions in SE Asia.
Which fronts did you and Annaji serve at? Please inform year, rank and roles. What 'hard life' are you referring to?
My Mama Gen. D.K. Palit in 1948 was the first army man to enter old Leh, where he secured the city against the so-called raiders, while Major Sharma lost his life defending Srinagar. My brother in-law lived near the Siachen glacier for three years in huge hardship.
We would like to felicitate you for your role in defending the motherland so please inform what assignments you and Annaji went on in service.
Joya Roy
On 28 Mar 2018 7:33 p.m., "Omkar Razdan" <indiaresists@lists.riseup.net> wrote: respected Advocate SahibIt would be very helpful if you comment over the ethicsless colleagues in your own profession. That would be creditworthy and appropriateRegards & best wishesEr. Omkar Razdan, Former Vice Chairman and, Life Member, Transparency International,India,On Wednesday, 14 March, 2018, 7:42:33 AM IST, Aires Rodrigues <indiaresists@lists.riseup.net> wrote: Post: "indiaresists@lists.riseup.netOver the last 50 years I have had the occasion to closely interact with some very good, not so good and some very awful Chief Secretaries and Director Generals of Police. But the current Chief Secretary Dharmendra Sharma and DGP Dr Muktesh Chander could be rated very poorly for their miserable performance as both talk a lot but have sadly failed to walk their talk.
As the two most vital beauracrats of the State it was incumbent on them to be vigilant and loyal to the interests of Goa. But the two having acting as caged parrots of the ruling brigade have failed in their bounden duty to safeguard even the fundamental provisions of our Constitution and the framework of law.
The bureaucrats should be independent and impartial while ensuring that the administration is free from political interference. They should not shamelessly bow, bend and crawl all over, while blindly signing on the dotted line at the dictates of the political bosses. Infact the bureaucrats must strictly function within the parameters of law and cannot end up being spineless slaves of the Political masters.
A bureaucrat by law is constitutionally duty bound to be politically neutral at all times. Ruling politicians cannot be using bureaucrats as pawns in their political games. We need to stem this interdependent chronic relationship that exists between Ministers and Civil servants. For Good Governance and Rule of law to prevail, the political neutrality and impartiality of the civil servants is very vital. With bureaucrats actin
g as colluding caged parrots, the ruling party has been able to carry on with the further destruction and degradation of Goa. Once the Pearl of the Orient, it has now been reduced to a Corruption embedded gambling, prostitution, narcotics and crime hub.
The law requires that no Government servant should be politically biased or inclined to any party. May these great words of our late President Dr APJ Abdul Kalam be an inspiration to them all in the discharge of their duties. "If you salute your duty, you no need to salute anybody, but if you pollute your duty, you have to salute everybody".
Aires Rodrigues
Advocate High Court
C/G-2, Shopping Complex
Ribandar Retreat,
Ribandar – Goa – 403006
Mobile No: 9822684372
Office Tel No: (0832) 2444012
Email: airesrodrigues1@gmail.com
You can also reach me on
Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues
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Re: [IAC#RG] the 'hard life' of army veterans
What rank, division, posting, and field experience did Annaji have? Can't we be exact? I'm sure he would enlighten us if asked. He gets a pension, you know.
Mr. Anna Hazare was working in Army in the year 1965 as he had claimed very ofen.
From: Prodipto Roy <indiaresists@lists.riseup.net>
To: indiaresists@lists.riseup.net; shikha and rahul <agnishikha@gmail.com>; shoiba65 <shoiba65@gmail.com>; Dibya Choudhuri <dibyachoudhuri@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, 2 April 2018 7:48 AM
Subject: Re: [IAC#RG] the 'hard life' of army veterans
Post: "indiaresists@lists.riseup.netFor Omkar Razdan ji.:Many of us have soldiers in our families, who lived with bodies full of shrapnel and shellshocked ears till the end of their lives, having served at many war fronts. Some were decorated, some forgotten. My IMA surgeon grandfather served in Mesopotamia, Cremia, Egypt in WWI, amputating wounded limbs of soldiers without anaesthesia or antibiotics, hearing their screams and seeing them die anyway which made him turn atheist.Sarbajit's grandfather, also an army surgeon, was a Japanese POW for three years, living in the most inhuman conditions in SE Asia.Which fronts did you and Annaji serve at? Please inform year, rank and roles. What 'hard life' are you referring to?My Mama Gen. D.K. Palit in 1948 was the first army man to enter old Leh, where he secured the city against the so-called raiders, while Major Sharma lost his life defending Srinagar. My brother in-law lived near the Siachen glacier for three years in huge hardship.We would like to felicitate you for your role in defending the motherland so please inform what assignments you and Annaji went on in service.Joya RoyOn 28 Mar 2018 7:33 p.m., "Omkar Razdan" <indiaresists@lists.riseup.net> wrote: respected Advocate SahibIt would be very helpful if you comment over the ethicsless colleagues in your own profession. That would be creditworthy and appropriateRegards & best wishesEr. Omkar Razdan, Former Vice Chairman and, Life Member, Transparency International,India,On Wednesday, 14 March, 2018, 7:42:33 AM IST, Aires Rodrigues <indiaresists@lists.riseup.net > wrote:Post: "indiaresists@lists.riseup.net "Over the last 50 years I have had the occasion to closely interact with some very good, not so good and some very awful Chief Secretaries and Director Generals of Police. But the current Chief Secretary Dharmendra Sharma and DGP Dr Muktesh Chander could be rated very poorly for their miserable performance as both talk a lot but have sadly failed to walk their talk.As the two most vital beauracrats of the State it was incumbent on them to be vigilant and loyal to the interests of Goa. But the two having acting as caged parrots of the ruling brigade have failed in their bounden duty to safeguard even the fundamental provisions of our Constitution and the framework of law.The bureaucrats should be independent and impartial while ensuring that the administration is free from political interference. They should not shamelessly bow, bend and crawl all over, while blindly signing on the dotted line at the dictates of the political bosses. Infact the bureaucrats must strictly function within the parameters of law and cannot end up being spineless slaves of the Political masters.A bureaucrat by law is constitutionally duty bound to be politically neutral at all times. Ruling politicians cannot be using bureaucrats as pawns in their political games. We need to stem this interdependent chronic relationship that exists between Ministers and Civil servants. For Good Governance and Rule of law to prevail, the political neutrality and impartiality of the civil servants is very vital. With bureaucrats acting as colluding caged parrots, the ruling party has been able to carry on with the further destruction and degradation of Goa. Once the Pearl of the Orient, it has now been reduced to a Corruption embedded gambling, prostitution, narcotics and crime hub.The law requires that no Government servant should be politically biased or inclined to any party. May these great words of our late President Dr APJ Abdul Kalam be an inspiration to them all in the discharge of their duties. "If you salute your duty, you no need to salute anybody, but if you pollute your duty, you have to salute everybody".Aires RodriguesAdvocate High CourtC/G-2, Shopping ComplexRibandar Retreat,Ribandar – Goa – 403006Mobile No: 9822684372Office Tel No: (0832) 2444012Email: airesrodrigues1@gmail.comOrYou can also reach me onFacebook.com/ AiresRodriguesTwitter@rodrigues_aires
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