Saturday, February 14, 2015
RE: [IAC#RG] Shanti Bhushan attacks Kejriwal again, accuses him of accepting 'tainted money'
This is one another blunder by AK which has been committed and which gives an extension to all corrupt parties to unquestionably enjoy the fruit of democracy for next 5 years.
Jitendra Gupta
On Sun, 15/2/15, Ratanlal Purohit <> wrote:
Subject: RE: [IAC#RG] Shanti Bhushan attacks Kejriwal again, accuses him of accepting 'tainted money'
Date: Sunday, 15 February, 2015, 4:14 AM
A man who was found to be unfit for public administration in
the first place and some how accommodated in IRS by
Meera's father is now expected to shift the paradigm.
Let's wait and see what he does with his tainted MLAs
named by the FOUNDER Shanti Bhushanji.
On 15 Feb 2015 00:04,
"Kumar Arun" <>
Dear Fellow Bharatiya,
I am not one of the liked individuals in this particular
group, not sure the moderator Mr. Sarabjit Roy even allow
this message to reach others. In any case, all of us must
recognize the single handed efforts of an ordinary man who
has shaken the ground of seasoned politicians of all the
parties in India. Needless to mention that most popular
Modi, PM of India, must be having second thoughts on his
arrogance and aspersion he threw to a new kid, Arvind in
the politicians crowd. As long as same arrogance does not
invade the brain of Kejriwal and his loyal party men, there
is a fair chance that he will change the course of politics
in India.
Dr. Kumar Arun
Date: Sat, 14 Feb 2015 08:53:08 +0530
Subject: Re: [IAC#RG] Shanti Bhushan attacks Kejriwal again,
accuses him of accepting 'tainted money'
Dear All
Do you think AAP will last?
If so for how long?
Will they be able to implement just 20% of what they
promised ?
What will be the future of Congress (I)
under the Gandhi leadership ?
Delhi election results will be end of BJP ?
What India needs today?
Dr K S Elangbam
Bhatia ji
Please find links to actual speech by Thomas Babington
(1800-1859) in 1833 and 1833.
Really it is true that some horses are more intelligent when
they have
good jockeys
Accordingly, every IACian should read these statements by
Macaulay so
that by using Macaulay's gift to India we can exercise
the whip
'chabook' on all these vultures posing as
racehorses. With your
blessings IAC shall strive to attain Pyramid structure and
Jai Hind
On 2/12/15, Nakul stud <>
> '''THATS GREAT ! True democracy but caught
> POLITICS- a system of, by and for tics !
> IMGINE WHERE WE WILL BE, IF ONLY 10% of what we all are
spending on
> elections can instead, be spent on fighting TERROR
& development, we will be
> living inHeaven on earth,as was our living stated by
Macaulay to British
> parliament on 2.2.1935 .
> Unity and partyvad are self contradictory !
> Life has come a full circle. The world is adopting our
wisdom. Time we WENT
> BACK TO our PYRAMID system of utilising everyone's
> modiji will change the system and not vice-versa.
Till now all Political
> Leaders have fallen prey to Politics! The West
Minister, sinister system
> designed to make tics of all who want to clean public
life and partyvad,
> that divides & Poisions every Heart are a curse of
the free world.
> We deserve real democracy of, by and for the people
from village,town level
> right to the top. Strong like a MOUNTAIN with a PYRAMID
> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: [IAC#RG] Modi, wake up for heaven sake!!!
As days progress, Modi needs to recognize that India has no patience for another 5 years waiting for corrupt Delhi establishment to deliver. Here are some thoughts:1) Come out of the coccoon of Delhi PMO and stop listening to only yes men of Delhi. Consider replacing the officials who are continuing from corrupt Delhi establishment. People rejected Congress and we are continuing the same corrupt establishment.2) Nationalize all foreign deposited funds and give amnesty for a period of time. Stop corrupt instruments as Participatory notes and other issues. Why are so many corrupt cases not being pursued when we were told that there will not be interference with judiciary?3) Make every BJP MP accountable to his constituency. What are they doing and have done so far? Every day, every minute should be spend in addressing the concerns of the people. How are they implementing BJP promises to people? How many of them do even know the constituency issues? How many times did they meet their people? BJP has most MPs from UP and Bihar and if they are put to job, BJP do not need rich people funds to win elections.4) Stop the billions of dollars of Foreign NGO funding in India, it is having disastrous consequences. We control how much is invested in India in business, but we have hardly any control who are destroying India from within. Indira Gandhi did it, Putin did it, even US has so many restrictions, BJP need to seek input and come up with bold plan.5) Ban the foreign investment in Indian news media. Whose interests will they serve? How many times has this media that talked ad nauseum of 300 hundred converts about Ghar Vapasi has addressed the 17% of the Andhra state converted in just 8 years. Is anyone talking about it? Why is BJP afraid of in speaking the truth?6) Do not betray your base. Modi said during elections, 'Equal rights to all, appeasements to none'. UPA Government has implemented blatantly discriminating laws whether it is scholarships to poor and others. Why are these issues not being fixed? Why is BJP increasing the subsidy for beef? Taking your base for granted is foolish. Address the outrageous conversions going on. Why are Hindu Temples are under Government control?7) Stop paternalistic attitude that we will implement big schemes and programs and that will percolate eventually to poor. India poor is suffering and that has been the appeal of parties like AAP. Sitting pretty with rich men, making sure to protect the rich that funded elections so that they can help win future elections, people had enough of it. Show honesty, show humility and work with people and people will vote. They are hungering for honest leaders to address their day to day issues. Daily life is hell to common India, what has BJP in state and center doing to address this? Stop the police harassment, stop the harassment of state and central government officials. Think boldly and change the way India gets the bureaucrats who are responsible for the people not their political masters.8) Is Rajya Sabha a problem? How come a corrupt coalition Congress Government could pass so many laws including Andhra division with carrot and stick approach and BJP cannot do it. Use the corruption of Mulayam, Mayawati, Mamata and Jayalalitha to make them fall in line.9) Bring in genuine electoral reforms including public funding of elections and compulsory voting and paper trail for EVMs. This will stop the dependence on rich and corrupt men. People will vote if BJP shows they care.10) Reach out to those who worked very hard with sincerity to help you win. It is not the millions of the rich but more importantly the toil of so many people helped you win. Seek out the most and best of the nation and put them to work for improving India, not the same old corrupt cabal.11) India is known as the spiritual world, the ancient traditions are looked upon as the only saviour of humanity in the world. But that rich tradition is grossly neglected and the potential for tourism in developing them and improving economy of millions is very huge. Is anyone looking into this? Rehaul the archaelogy and tourism departments and release Hindu temples from Government control.Many believe, Modi is lost in PMO coccoon of Delhi cabal and fast losing touch with common man. The most important thing to do is re-look the promises made to people, distance from Delhi cabal, listen to many and work to address both macro and micro issues of India. The issues of common man are as important as big schemes. The issue of addressing corruption is as important as addressing development schemes.Modi, please wake up for heaven sake. Western educated and corrupt establishment will neither save you or save India. You have a chance of a lifetime and do NOT blow it. You did for Gujarat and you can do for India. Go back to promises made to people and start working on it and provide a progress on PMO site made on each item.Regards,
SatyaOn Thu, Feb 5, 2015 at 2:26 PM, Narayana Sd <> wrote:Even if BJP wins the Delhi there are some reminders/lessons to Narendra Modi and BJP leaders that they cannot afford to ignore.Lesson 1: Local corruption:While BJP under leadership of Narendra Modi is addressing macro issues of investments and economy, they cannot afford to ignore the issues such as the oppressive and extortionist local corruption that are daily faced by common man. In this wonderful article rediff details interviews on how petty corruption disappeared overnight during 49 day AAP rule in New Delhi. Whether that would have continued if they ruled further is debatable, but it struck a chord with the common man. A similar sentiment was expressed to me by an executive working in an MNC in Mumbai who was strong supporter of Modi saying AAP will be good for the country because it will force BJP leadership to address local corruption. He said such was disdain to Mumbai police even among middle class, if there is a police person found dying on the street, they would leave him or her to die. Whether getting a licence or ration card or even a death certification for a dead family member, Indians are subject to horrendous extortion and nothing was done, nay even talked about in BJP circles. I remember when Modi won, there was this euphoria that the days of this extortion and oppressive local corruption will be gone, but none of that is even talked about today by BJP.Lesson 2: Connecting with common manNarendra Bhai can take a leaf from the life of Mahatma Gandhi. If Modi wondered why does the feverish pitch for him during central elections is missing today, is it possible he is missing opportunity to associate with common man. Gandhi ji hardly spoke, but he was a powerful figure because he completely associated with common man, wearing simple loin cloth, eating most simple food, living humble life. Symbols matter and in a country where most people are poor it is important not to flaunt any displays. A poor man may not understand all the financial strategies but he quickly picks up the visual vibrations. True, the tragedy is most of the netas in India who plundered the nation to the hilt did so by wearing simple white khadi dress. Even then, Modi should pay attention to wearing flaunting dresses. In spite of the hard work he is putting day and night, in spite of impeccable credibility, the common man associates with visual symbols and they do matter.Lesson 3: The black money - managing expectationsAfter big words that they will get the black money BJP failed miserably in managing the expectations. The fact of the matter is in spite of talking about black money for more than three decades, Ram Jethmalani, who was himself once in power could do very little to get the money back. The secret banks exist for one thing only, protect the secrecy of their depositors and they are not going to bend over backwards to hand over the details to India. We are just living in fools paradise that black money will be back in no time. But then it begs a question, what is stopping BJP in declaring the black money national asset and come up with amnesty scheme to instill confidence in the common man? In one of the interviews Narendra bhai said while he would not go after anyone with vengeance he would not obstruct legal proceedings. If this is correct, why is Dr Swamy case against Sonia continues to drawn out? Many believe Jaitley is the biggest block. To be fair, Narendra Modi is thinking beyond and many of us may not realize his vision. If BJP goes after Gandhi family, with its entrenched 60 year rule and immense resources, they have potential to do enormous damage and immense harm to discredit Modi's efforts for improving country. Modi may want to first focus on building the nation instead of getting distracted with those that can undermine his efforts. As he said why should India be satisfied with just 2 trillion why not target 20 trillion. This is in tune with how Modi handles things brilliantly where he does not spend energy fighting enemies, he simply makes them irrelevant. The problem is either Jaitley is being overzealous in protecting black money holders such as Gandhi family or BJP is doing a very poor job of managing expectations.Lesson 4: The foreign economists obsessionThere seems to be this obsession with foreign educated economists, some who even went against India and that is supposed to show that we do not get carried away with smaller issues and use the best talent. But is the best talent only available from western educated economists only? How about the economists from our own country. Here comes again the Jaitley view. While he is considered a brilliant person, his tendency to rely heavily on the West educated so called intellectuals shows India needs only western educated minds to solve it issues. Jaitley budget is considered no different that the budget of previous administration. There are many sane voices in the country with very constructive ideas whether it is water resource management, debt trap, food security etc., But does Jaitely have patience to get all inputs before finalizing the budget.Lesson 5: The Jaitley factorThere is no doubt Modi and Jaitley are very close. The problem is people voted for Modi but not for Jaitley. Talk to many people in RSS, BJP, they feel that Jaitley has the biggest stamp in administration and is viewed by many as a western educated intellectual who have little touch with real life issues of India. He grew up with wheeling dealings of corrupt Delhi establishment and can serve very important role, but is the importance he is playing in Modi administration in the best interest of the nation? Issues like local corruption is not even on his radar.Lastly, the purpose of the article is not to show support for AAP to capture power. They have potential to play a very pernicious role by playing into hands of dangerous western NGOs, the CIA, the missionaries who are hell bent to break the hold of nationalistic leadership that holds power in India today. But they are rabble rousers who can play an important role in a democracy and they are serving a call for course correction in BJP. It is a gentle reminder of India's great democracy, 'BJP, thy need to introspect'.Regards,
Satya--#evmindia, #satyadRegards,
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Re: [IAC#RG] BJP deserves to lose tomorrow in Delhi
Dear Team,The outcome of great results at Delhi will definitely be worth watching this time.But the question that kicks now is, Sky high promises need the same amount of fuel to be fulfilled.All those leaders, who dont have a criminal record need to perform very high.The great diiference between '''Party ideology'' at Centre and State(Delhi) will be the catalyst for LS Polls 2019.Sincerely,Abhishek POn Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 4:35 PM, arun joshi <> wrote:Dear John
Let him govern. He has to reciprocate the magnanimity of the people of Delhi. He also owes to the Dubai donors. Even God cannot cross their path.
Let us wish him luckOn 13 Feb 2015 12:11, "John Williams" <> wrote:Dear Col MehtaHere is a suggestion for CM Delhi , Mr Kejriwal to start with abolishing Corruption from Income Tax Deptt since he is supposed to know IN & OUTS of Income Tax and being Ex IRS and Asstt Commissioner , I T .With best wishesJohn F WilliamsSocial Activist
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2015 21:13:33 +0530
Subject: Re: [IAC#RG] BJP deserves to lose tomorrow in DelhiDon't judge him so negatively, he has to do well, abusive language of PM was his determination
Sent from my mobile
On ravindra malhotra <>, 11 Feb 2015 20:13 wrote:He has proved all of you wrong. BJP called him names as also indicated below and suffered the consequences.R.N.Malhotra
Former Chairman Railway Board
From: Rakesh Asthana <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Saturday, February 7, 2015 11:28 AM
Subject: Re: [IAC#RG] BJP deserves to lose tomorrow in Delhi
Totally disagree. I think Kejriwal is an opportunist who had the PMs chair in his dreams when he became a "Bhagoda" dishing the Delhi janta in 49 days flat. This man is just a con artist.
From: Sarbajit Roy <>
To: indiaresists <>
Sent: Friday, February 6, 2015 6:37 AM
Subject: [IAC#RG] BJP deserves to lose tomorrow in Delhi
"A triumphant Kejriwal will be a problem; a wounded Kejriwal will be
as dangerous. Kejriwal is an astute power player. He should never be
underestimated. He is a megalomaniac posing as a humble leader. It
works for him.
A BJP win does not mean all mistakes should be forgotten. That would
be the biggest mistake Modi and Shah can make."
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[IAC#RG] AAP's Promises -- Analysed
Please view my Post at LinkedIn:
Prof (Wg Cdr) Gulshan Kumar Bajwa, Fellow of SRC (Pune) -- Equivalent to PhD in Management
My public Profile on LinkedIn:
My Book (Preview): 'HRD in Creative Organisations':
Re: [IAC#RG] Court pendency behind India's low global ranking:World Bank
I need to file a SLP before the SC against NConsumer order.
Could you please help me with the SLP format, to enable me to prepare it myself.
Am I allowed to represent myself before SC?
Thank you,
Vijay Kapoor
On Thu, 2/5/15, SURESHAN P <> wrote:
Subject: Re: [IAC#RG] Court pendency behind India's low global ranking:World Bank
To: "" <>
Date: Thursday, February 5, 2015, 5:37 AM
I agree with Sarbajit
on this point ,Based on personal experience, I have
seen very rare cases in which justice denied by all the
courts. In fact even supreme court entertains
petitions based upon pure question of fact, when it was
revealed from pleadings and documents that, justice was
denied to a litigant, As far as supreme Court
is concerned , there is balancing system in courts as all
the benches are Two judge benches . So it will be difficult
for an incompetent judge to prevail over his companion.
Unless top most vested interest are not involved, in a case,
Judges acts fairly and reasonably.Main issue is
delay in disposal of cases .. That way justice
gets delayed and some time denied
On Thu, Feb 5, 2015 at
6:16 PM, Sarbajit Roy <>
I would very strongly urge you to do no such thing.
The Indian legal system is designed in such a way that
a) You are complete in your pleadings and
b) You regularly give specific written instructions to your
THEN --> EVERYTHING IS APPEALABLE to a higher forum..
You also have the liberty to be personally present in court,
if you feel that your counsel is not conducting your case
you can instruct him to stand down and inform the court that
DISAGREE with counsel and are discharging him.
If you have faith in your counsel, and the difficult
situations they
work in, then always be prepared for at least 2 levels of
Remember, that your WRITTEN PLEADINGS are stronger than
any video recording you have.
On 1/30/15, Hemant Kshirsagar <>
> Can anyone tell me with whom I should seek permission
to record a district
> judge courtroom?
> I have a case pending so for sake of shaming the
judiciary, I would like to
> record and YouTube this video.
> Regards
> Hemant Kshirsagar
> On Jan 30, 2015 5:26 PM, "Veeresh Malik"
>> On 27 January 2015 at 11:19, Holiday Bash
International <
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P. Sureshan,
Advocate-on-record, Supreme Court Of India,
NLC( India ) Law Office
No. 90, Second Floor , Bank Enclave , Laxmi Nagar,
Delhi-92..... Ph:
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Re: [IAC#RG] Court pendency behind India's low global ranking:World Bank
Sent from my iPad
Can anyone tell me with whom I should seek permission to record a district judge courtroom?
I have a case pending so for sake of shaming the judiciary, I would like to record and YouTube this video.
Hemant KshirsagarOn Jan 30, 2015 5:26 PM, "Veeresh Malik" <> wrote:On 27 January 2015 at 11:19, Holiday Bash International <> wrote:WE are the witness to injustice by High Court Judge . He just did not hear us Infact on the day of argument he gave his order before even our lawyer opened his mouth which means it was pre deceided the judgment .If there was a viedio clipping it would have been easy for us to prove in SC that our constitutional right has been violated .Any way we will still try getting justice from SCAmarjitPuneOn Mon, Jan 26, 2015 at 4:30 PM, SURESHAN P <> wrote:Not only in SC, this kind of thing happens in all courts. I have witnessed many such frauds by judges. It is surprising that later many such judges had been promoted or got post retirel positions. In re- video recording of court proceedings are concerned there is an international national commitment from the country and help offered from outside. ADR may have more information About this. Let some body from their side explain it. Purposefully our judiciary and politicians keeps silent about this commitment. If video recording of every proceedings takes place and a mechanism is made in place to deal with erring judicial officers, much problems can easily be solved.
On Jan 26, 2015 3:07 PM, "capt beniwal" <> wrote:Sir, I have been requesting to President and CJI to start live telecast of SC proceedings. when we can see live how a Law is made in parliament, then we want to see how that law is applied.if a lower court commit an error it can be corrected by higher court but if the SC commit error , deliberately or otherwise, it can not be corrected and the litigant suffer for life.i personally saw in SC , when an ex military men pension case was heard, there was No ASG in court during hearing but in SC order, came few days later, it was stated the ASG made the statement ( thats another point that quoted statement itself is incorrect misleading) which became the basis of the order and that ex fauji suffer, beside hundreds of similarly placed men.ASG got the case settled in chambers.Had there been recording/live telecast the two ex-judges would have dared to act dishonestly. soon after Both got next better appointments.Today is age of e- governance. Crores are spend on it.If there is Rule of Law then Judges can not be allowed to behave like dictators.To stop that attitude - Live telecast/recording is the answer.rgds. beniwalOn Saturday, 24 January 2015 10:21 PM, Pankaj Rai <> wrote:
Your Lordship,As a party in person who has argued a number of cases in High Court, I fail to understand two things. Admittedly, the number of Judges in India is much lower as compared to other countries in the West. However, what are the reasons whereby the Judiciary is reluctant in taking action against a litigant if he files false affidavits and tampered documents even in High Courts? Why don't High Courts start dismissing cases if people make dishonest pleadings and award exemplary costs? Will it not reduce the number of cases significantly if zero tolerance is shown to fraud? Why are orders not passed on applications of perjury?The second question is whether the existing legal system will inspire confidence unless the Judiciary is made accountable and there is a mandatory recording of court proceedings especially in High Courts/Supreme Courts?Kind regards,PankajMaj Pankaj Rai (Retd),Cell: +91 99163 57115On Saturday, 24 January 2015 11:59 AM, Dinesh Verma <> wrote:
Dear All,I do not hold brief for Judges nor I wish to defend the incompetent Judges.Exceptions are everywhere.I just wish to bring certain facts,as reported, to the notice of the readers.It may be known to many.In America on every 10 Lakh citizens 125 Judges are available where as in India on 10 Lakh Citizens only 09 Judges are appointed.This figure shows thatinsufficiency of judges is one of the reason for delay in disposal of cases.In 2011 the High Court of Bombay notified to fill 100 vacancies but could fill up only 41.In 2012 out of 159 vacancies only 55 could be filled up.This means even if sanctioned strength is increased ,desired number of quality officers may not be available.Still effort is to be made.D.C.VermaFormer JudgeOn Thu, Jan 22, 2015 at 9:06 PM, Ravindran P M <> wrote:Mr Verma,Any increase in the number of judges without enforcing accountability and transparency will only be wastage of taxpayers' money. The ground reality is that our judiciary is a 10000 pc failure by the basic rule that justice delayed is justice denied. And is justice denied only through delay? Abs NOT! And why the delay and denial of justice? Incompetence, ignorance and arrogance of judges!Amoung the three organs of our Constitution the law-makers are controlled by the people, bureaucracy (yes, bureaucracy, because without the active support of the bureaucracy no politician can do any wrong!) and finally the judiciary; the law-enforcers are also controlled by the law-makers and the judiciary. And then there are the ears and eyes of the people- the media waiting to sensationalise every news involving the misdemeanour of these authorities. Inspite of such strict supervision and control all that we can hear these days are about politician-bureaucrat-underworld nexus even though the fact remains that none, worth the name, from this unholy nexus have ever been punished by the holier-than-thou judiciary.So now think how bad a system can be which is not only NOT subject to supervision but also kept beyond critical observation. Well isn't our judiciary is just that? And do I need to recapitulate that quip: power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely?Please read my blogs:REFORMING OUR JUSTICE DELIVERY SYSTEM atWho will judge the judges? atReport of the NCRWC- a Citizens Review atLokpal or not- the judiciary needs to be disciplined first atIndian judiciary-who said what atJudges! no sermons please atravi--On Thu, Jan 22, 2015 at 1:28 PM, Dinesh Verma <> wrote:For reform in judicial system Committee after Committee were formed but, except few ,in general, recommendations were not implemented.It is well known that vacancies, from top court ,ie Supreme Court to lower subordinate courts ,are not filled up.Cases are piling up.Sanctioned strength of Judges is proportionately insufficient for the cases already pending or to meet the new institutions.Even sanctioned strength is not filled up.This also leads to delay in decision.Increase in legislation ,increase in population,increase in peoples awareness for their rights,increase in strikes by members of the Bar,increase in seeking adjournments on various avoidable grounds are other reasons for increase in litigation.The sanctioned strength of Judges at all the levels is desired to be increased by four times with simultaneous increase in infrastructure.It is for the authorities & for policy makers to consider and take an early action.D.C.VermaFormer JudgeOn Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 10:30 PM, Dipak Shah <> wrote:I can give you as many as more than 20 of my cases. How they are rattled by Justices . Are they taking oath for such doing business. Without having filed Affidavit in reply by Respondents , having served the notice, dismissed the cases taking own intuition of the subject matter.!!!!!Relevance of the cases not related to the case under study!!!!Recently Gujarat High Court has made a rule that Party In Person cannot appear in his case unless Special Committee takes interview and passes him to appear and competent to appear in the case. Otherwise he has to engage Advocate in his case. This is against fundamental rights of a person under Constitution.I had seen one Advocate of one Justice loitering in the courts to canvass for doing favorable judgment !!!!In one case Justice G T Nanavati and other Justice made order immediately after abolition of Controller of Capital Issues office by Manmoihan Singh in Fianance Bill. in 1992. C C I Office was afraud and cash counter to Grant hefty premiums over the share public issue.Since the office is abolished the petition is dismissed. No Affidavit filed by Controller of Capital Issues!!! How the flow of water gate flows!!!! To fight with this I had to appeal to Supreme Court of India by spending lacs of rupees!!!!One case may be seen , very minutely. Attached Document, See also relevance of the names and Google Search all and every thing.How the Cases are being handled. There is no supervisor !! Appeal and Appeal and Appeal till you die.Shah D J
On Wednesday, 21 January 2015 8:25 AM, Dipak Shah <> wrote:
I can give you as many as more than 20 of my cases. How they are rattled by Justices . Are they taking oath for such doing business. Without having filed Affidavit in reply by Respondents , having served the notice, dismissed the cases taking own intuition of the subject matter.!!!!!Relevance of the cases not related to the case under study!!!!Recently Gujarat High Court has made a rule that Party In Person cannot appear in his case unless Special Committee takes interview and passes him to appear and competent to appear in the case. Otherwise he has to engage Advocate in his case. This is against fundamental rights of a person under Constitution.I had seen one Advocate of one Justice loitering in the courts to canvass for doing favorable judgment !!!!In one case Justice G T Nanavati and other Justice made order immediately after abolition of Controller of Capital Issues office by Manmoihan Singh in Fianance Bill. in 1992. C C I Office was afraud and cash counter to Grant hefty premiums over the share public issue.Since the office is abolished the petition is dismissed. No Affidavit filed by Controller of Capital Issues!!! How the flow of water gate flows!!!! To fight with this I had to appeal to Supreme Court of India by spending lacs of rupees!!!!One case may be seen , very minutely. Attached Documents, See also relevance of the names and Google Search all and every thing.How the Cases are being handled. There is no supervisor !! Appeal and Appeal and Appeal till you die.Shah D JOn Wednesday, 21 January 2015 1:07 AM, Manohar Sharma <> wrote:
I and in my circle has EXPERIENCED how petitions r NEGLECTED and time PASSED to get DEATH of CAUSE of PETITIONS 4 example one see WP @ M-HC/8508/2003.On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 7:46 AM, sonico sharma sharma <> wrote:![]()
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justice delayed is justice denied
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 12:51:50 +0530
Subject: [IAC#RG] Court pendency behind India's low global ranking: World BankDate : 17-01-2015
To,1. Hon'ble Shri Pranab MukherjeeThe President of India,2. Dr.Hamid AnsariHon'ble Vice President of India,3. Mrs.Sumitra MahajanHon'ble Speaker, Loksabha4. Hon'ble Shri Narendra Modi,The Prime Minister of India5. Hon'ble Justice H.L.DattuThe Chief Justice of India6. Hon'ble Smt.Sushma SwarajMinister for External Affair7. Hon'ble Shri D.V.Sadananda GowdaMinister for Law & Justice
Please read The Times of India report dated 17-1-2015 as hereunder, captioned 'Court pendency behind India's low global ranking: World Bank finding: 'Ease of Doing Business'. India was ranked 142 among 189 countries last year. The World Bank suggested that there was an urgent need for reforms in the system of performance appraisal of judicial reforms.
We go on urging for your appointments to discuss judicial reforms but you never care to reply. Now we will be more aggressive (Gandhian ways) an pursuing the mission justice. We will take the issue before the UN and the comity of nations.
I dare you all to sue me if you feel I have defamed institutions or the dignitaries.
(Bhagvanji Raiyani)Chairman & Managing TrusteeForum For Fast Justice09820403912Kuber Bhuvan, Bajaj Road, Vile Parle (West), Mumbai – 400 056.The Times of India report:Court pendency behind India's low global ranking: World Bank.
NEW DELHI: Large pendency of cases in Indian courts and non-implementation of judicial reforms have been cited by the World Bank as one of the key reasons for India's low rank on the Bank's Index of 'Ease of Doing Business'. India was ranked 142 among 189 countries last year.
In a memorandum to the department of industrial policy and promotion (DIPP) under the commerce ministry, the World Bank suggested linking judges' appraisal with reduction of pendency in courts. Sources said the matter was discussed at a meeting organized by the DIPP recently to refine the performance evaluation system of judges to link their performance to the resolution of specific bottlenecks as suggested by the World Bank.
The DIPP is also coordinating implementation of the 'Make in India' campaign of the Modi government.
Interestingly, the World Bank suggested that there was an urgent need for reforms in the system of performance appraisal of judicial officers in the country to bring about uniformity and infuse objectivity and standardization.
The Bank cited an example from Malaysia where implementation of a reform index for judges improved case disposal rates and reduced backlog by 50% in less than three years. Another example was cited from the United Arab Emirates, where rewards were instituted for the best performers.
According to the memorandum, the liberal grant of adjournments was an often cited reason for delays in court proceedings in India. It recommended monitoring the number of times judges granted adjournments and the reasons for granting them. "This can be done through case management systems and linked to performance management evaluations," it said.
It asked the government to ensure that adjournments were not indefinite by setting a time limit.
Just a few weeks ago, the Modi government had written to chief justices of all 24 high courts to ensure speedier settlement of commercial and other disputes for creating a conducive investment climate and success of 'Make in India' campaign.
"One of the reforms introduced by Malaysia between 2009 and 2011 during the overhaul of the judicial system was the implementation of a reform index for judges," the Bank said, citing how this index, fixed by the judges themselves, was aimed at allowing them to assess and monitor their performance. As a result of this and other measures, case disposal rates in Malaysian courts improved and backlog was reduced by 50% in less than three years, it said.
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RE: [IAC#RG] Shanti Bhushan attacks Kejriwal again, accuses him of accepting 'tainted money'
A man who was found to be unfit for public administration in the first place and some how accommodated in IRS by Meera's father is now expected to shift the paradigm.
Let's wait and see what he does with his tainted MLAs named by the FOUNDER Shanti Bhushanji.
Dear Fellow Bharatiya,
I am not one of the liked individuals in this particular group, not sure the moderator Mr. Sarabjit Roy even allow this message to reach others. In any case, all of us must recognize the single handed efforts of an ordinary man who has shaken the ground of seasoned politicians of all the parties in India. Needless to mention that most popular Modi, PM of India, must be having second thoughts on his arrogance and aspersion he threw to a new kid, Arvind in the politicians crowd. As long as same arrogance does not invade the brain of Kejriwal and his loyal party men, there is a fair chance that he will change the course of politics in India.
Dr. Kumar Arun
Date: Sat, 14 Feb 2015 08:53:08 +0530
Subject: Re: [IAC#RG] Shanti Bhushan attacks Kejriwal again, accuses him of accepting 'tainted money'Dear All
Do you think AAP will last?
If so for how long?
Will they be able to implement just 20% of what they promised ?
What will be the future of Congress (I)
under the Gandhi leadership ?
Delhi election results will be end of BJP ?
What India needs today?
Dr K S Elangbam
ShillongDear Bhatia ji
Please find links to actual speech by Thomas Babington Macaulay
(1800-1859) in 1833 and 1833.
Really it is true that some horses are more intelligent when they have
good jockeys
Accordingly, every IACian should read these statements by Macaulay so
that by using Macaulay's gift to India we can exercise the whip
'chabook' on all these vultures posing as racehorses. With your
blessings IAC shall strive to attain Pyramid structure and direct
Jai Hind
On 2/12/15, Nakul stud <> wrote:
> '''THATS GREAT ! True democracy but caught in THE VICIOUS CIRCLE OF
> POLITICS- a system of, by and for tics !
> IMGINE WHERE WE WILL BE, IF ONLY 10% of what we all are spending on
> elections can instead, be spent on fighting TERROR & development, we will be
> living inHeaven on earth,as was our living stated by Macaulay to British
> parliament on 2.2.1935 .
> Unity and partyvad are self contradictory !
> Life has come a full circle. The world is adopting our wisdom. Time we WENT
> BACK TO our PYRAMID system of utilising everyone's WISE COUNCIL FROM
> modiji will change the system and not vice-versa. Till now all Political
> Leaders have fallen prey to Politics! The West Minister, sinister system
> designed to make tics of all who want to clean public life and partyvad,
> that divides & Poisions every Heart are a curse of the free world.
> We deserve real democracy of, by and for the people from village,town level
> right to the top. Strong like a MOUNTAIN with a PYRAMID SHAPE.''
> Sent from my iPhone
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Friday, February 13, 2015
Re: [IAC#RG] BJP deserves to lose tomorrow in Delhi
Dear John
Let him govern. He has to reciprocate the magnanimity of the people of Delhi. He also owes to the Dubai donors. Even God cannot cross their path.
Let us wish him luckOn 13 Feb 2015 12:11, "John Williams" <> wrote:Dear Col MehtaHere is a suggestion for CM Delhi , Mr Kejriwal to start with abolishing Corruption from Income Tax Deptt since he is supposed to know IN & OUTS of Income Tax and being Ex IRS and Asstt Commissioner , I T .With best wishesJohn F WilliamsSocial Activist
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2015 21:13:33 +0530
Subject: Re: [IAC#RG] BJP deserves to lose tomorrow in DelhiDon't judge him so negatively, he has to do well, abusive language of PM was his determination
Sent from my mobile
On ravindra malhotra <>, 11 Feb 2015 20:13 wrote:He has proved all of you wrong. BJP called him names as also indicated below and suffered the consequences.R.N.Malhotra
Former Chairman Railway Board
From: Rakesh Asthana <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Saturday, February 7, 2015 11:28 AM
Subject: Re: [IAC#RG] BJP deserves to lose tomorrow in Delhi
Totally disagree. I think Kejriwal is an opportunist who had the PMs chair in his dreams when he became a "Bhagoda" dishing the Delhi janta in 49 days flat. This man is just a con artist.
From: Sarbajit Roy <>
To: indiaresists <>
Sent: Friday, February 6, 2015 6:37 AM
Subject: [IAC#RG] BJP deserves to lose tomorrow in Delhi
"A triumphant Kejriwal will be a problem; a wounded Kejriwal will be
as dangerous. Kejriwal is an astute power player. He should never be
underestimated. He is a megalomaniac posing as a humble leader. It
works for him.
A BJP win does not mean all mistakes should be forgotten. That would
be the biggest mistake Modi and Shah can make."
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