Shri KB "Anna" Hazare at Ralegan Siddhi
Dear Annaji
The entire INDIA AGAINST CORRUPTION is delighted to see that your BVJAN (nyaas) central office is functioning once again from Ralegan Siddhi and that you are still touring the country even at this advanced age seeking to light revolutionary fire in minds of youth and oppressed classes.
To ensure the grand success of your farmer's andolan from 23rd March 2018, I request you to kindly pay attention to what follows, given as free advice from your well wishers in IAC core committee (all committed RTI activists many who know you since at least 2004),
1) All persons associated with BEEF EXPORTS or DIAMOND EXPORTS business must be immediately removed from any position of responsibility in your andolan / trusts.
2) All persons who are / were in Aam Aadmi Party at any point of time must be immediately removed from any position of responsibility in your andolan.
3) All persons who were brought into Lokpal andolan by BJP leaders, now Governors or Ministers, like Madam Kiran Bedi or Gen V.K.Singh, must be immediately removed from any position of responsibility in your andolan.
4) A proper and independent website must be opened for your kisan andolan / BVJAN. You must place the full audited accounts till FY 2017 on this website. It is strange that after Shri Suresh Pathareji left you no accounts appear to have been prepared since 2011 for BVJAN, and you and other trustees were functioining on basis of stay order/s from Charity Commissioner Pune after the suspension of the BVJAN trust in 2016. The INDIA AGAINST CORRUPTION will not tolerate misuse of our BRAND IAC name again as was done in 2011-12.
5) Please personally direct that no money or donations are collected in your name or by using your image which are not properly receipted and audited. You are aware that a Criminal Writ Petition is pending in Supreme Court since 2011 which is being regularly heard even today for your accounts.
6) You must issue clear and proper apology for the 2013 Jan Tantra Morcha failed experiment in which while many innocent persons were duped but by which Gen VK Singh became a BJP Minister and Ms. Kiran Bedi a Lt.Governor.
7) You must issue clear and proper acknowledgment for the 2012 ANNA SMS Card failed experiment in which persons close to you made crores of rupees and enabled the entire database of India Against Corruption's 12 million subscribers was given to BJP. INDIA AGAINST CORRUPTION is again clearly informing you that the same scamsters of ANNA SMS 2012 are somehow back in your movement as Core Committee members to repeat the exercise which is called "OPERATION LOTUS BLOOM" (English translation) for the BJP and to gain new members for BJP/RSS.
8) Finally, please understand very clearly and carefully that INDIA AGAINST CORRUPTION is fully against LOKPAL / LOKAYUKT, which we at IAC believe is a World Bank / IMF sponsored program to achieve American imperialism in India and to break up India. INDIA AGAINST CORRUPTION will not tolerate again the misuse of Brand IAC name for promoting Lokpal / Lokayukta in any andolan associated with you. If you still insist on promoting Lokpal as a solution to corruption, you may kindly do so using BVJAN name only or some new name which does not confuse the innocent public or which is used to collect money from public.
Kindly acknowldge receipt of this email.
Jai Hind
Er. Sarbajit Roy
National Convenor
New Delhi, Hindustan.
Mobile : 8010205897