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The 2017 Legislative Assembly polls are very crucial for Goa. It would be the last opportunity to save what remains of Goa from being laid to rest. The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) which is virtually only a Delhi based regional party is suddenly in political overdrive preying on gullible Goans. The AAP which has not been contesting elections in any other state has now a whole brigade of AAP volunteers camping in Goa and desperately attempting to sell Arvind Kejriwal in Goa. Though there are some very well meaning prominent and naive Goans associated with the AAP in Goa, it is no secret that the Goa unit of AAP is being geared and steered by persons closely linked with the devious Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS). The faces associated with the RSS who are in the AAP bandwagon, are all well known.
Infact supporting and voting for the AAP would indirectly ensure that the RSS driven BJP will comfortably cruise through at the ensuing elections and by default get a licence to further destroy what remains of Goa.
It is time the people of Goa see through this concealed game plan of the AAP which undisputedly in Goa is now a 'B' team of the BJP. Arvind Kejriwal while an activist spoke a lot on collective responsibility and public participation in Governance. But once he assumed power as the Chief Minister of Delhi, it has been a one man rule. No wonder his Senior co-founders and other leaders of the Aam Aadmi party have jumped ship and deserted him. The AAP is posturing in Goa with the hidden agenda and ulterior motive to split the anti BJP votes so that the saffron party wins by default.
The people of Goa would have to rise to the occasion and thrash the AAP and the other decoy candidates the BJP will fund and let loose on the election arena to confuse and divide the people of Goa.
Aires Rodrigues
Advocate High Court
C/G-2, Shopping Complex
Ribandar Retreat,
Ribandar – Goa – 403006
Mobile No: 9822684372
Office Tel No: (0832) 2444012
Email: airesrodrigues1@gmail.com
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Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues
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Saturday, June 11, 2016
Friday, June 10, 2016
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2016 1:53 PM
To: drmnambekar@yahoo.co.uk
Mr. Modi as PM has certainly shown strong leadership qualities both in India as well as abroad. He is being assailed for his frequent trips abroad. It only shows their ignorance of what kinds of efforts really go into these visits- diplomatically-setting agenda,planning visits, diplomatic efforts,discussions with the top leadership. No Indian Prime Minister has been able to achieve what he has done in two years.
The steps he has taken to break the stranglehold of china in the far east and Indian Ocean Islands is byitself praiseworthy. So also he has succeeded in neutralising Pakistan through strong posturing and cultivating Iran to counter china in Gwadar.
His conduct in Parliament has been equally mature and inspite of the limited ministerial talent at his dsiposal he has done very well so far in the sphere of finance, internal security,infrastructure development, federal relations etc.
There are many more achievements- but if people choose to close their eyes, there is nothing one can do.
Those who keep on Harping on ACCHE DIN- please define what he meant and what you understood then and now? Were you exxpecting a free lunch or free for all?
English media is not going to change easily and so soon so long as the investment and meantality does not change.
Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2016 1:33 PM
To: vasant sardesai
Cc: indiaresists@lists.riseup.net; Burkha Dutt; Prabhu Chawla; Sagarika Ghose; AamAadmi Party; Kumar Arun; Mukund Apte; Ashok Chowgule
On 18 May 2016, at 07:05, vasant sardesai <vasant_sardesai@yahoo.co.in> wrote:
What an analysis? I hope he will at least agree that at least for the last two years no new scam has surfaced and that they have not looted the country with both the hands as the earlier regime has done.
V. S. Sardesai
On Wednesday, 18 May 2016 11:06 AM, Aires Rodrigues <airesrodrigues1@gmail.com> wrote:
The Narendra Modi government is completing two years and has failed on all counts while throttling even basic democratic values. The foul modus operandi of high-handedly destabilizing elected governments in non-BJP ruled states must be stoutly deprecated. The right lessons must be learnt from Uttarakhand. India may be publicly acclaimed as the world's largest democracy but the ground reality is that we are now ebbing away from Democracy with no transparency in the functioning of the Government. Any person attempting to tell the Government that all is not well, gets manhandled. An opponent is incarcerated as a seditionist!
Narendra Modi rode to power vowing that he will do in 50 months what others had not done in 50 years. He had promised 'Acche din' for the Aam Aadmi and Good governance but his then enthusiasm for freedom has been waning away and we now have an emerging culture of surveillance and secrecy. Over the last two years he has only been blabbering and merrily touring the world. Fascism is at its peak, with sheer intolerance to any criticismIt is no secret that the BJP government is geared, controlled, and manipulated by the RSS and the VHP who are deeply entrenched in their very divisive ideology. The people of India are now seeing through NaMo's vicious game plan with the chorus already bugling 'BJP Hatao Desh Bachao'.Governance by cloak of secrecy and opaqueness needs to be strongly resisted. It cannot be a hush-hush regime. We need to dismantle those walls of secrecy that continue to hound transparency and good governance. Over the last two years the poor have become poorer but only the BJP has become very cash rich. In those very words of Narendra Modi 'Sabko sanmati de bhagwan' (Let good sense prevail). It is only time that the voices will speak. Jai Hind!
Aires RodriguesAdvocate High CourtC/G-2, Shopping ComplexRibandar Retreat,Ribandar – Goa – 403006
Mobile No: 9822684372
Office Tel No: (0832) 2444012Email: airesrodrigues1@gmail.comOr
You can also reach me on
Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues
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Thursday, June 9, 2016
Dear all respected Citizens,
I guess we all are responsible and sensible individual,
Could you please enlight us about What is Acche Din?? What things you want. Its not about which political background or policy you adore. I just wanted to know what is your expectations from PM or Government.
Everyone Just Crying wolf, PM did not do anything, he did that he is bad.... Blah blah. From past two years there is no policy lapse, prices are under control (Except- Dal and onion). I remember in 2013 whenever i went to buy vegetables or groceries it was damn pricey.
I agree tax and cess has increased, that's bad for our pocket. But if government spending it for the nation building then I am happy to give it.
Everyone want to make money, does anyone want to make our india rise.
Plz do criticize, but not without reason. Our PM is working day and night for us not for himself he has big responsibility to meet our expectation.
I know we all have big expectations.. Each of us and he is kind of our last hope.....
Divisions,Extrapolated by extending ( UN ending )reservations meant for TEN years ONLYJ.K.Chaudhry+ Mandalisation+OBC + Poor of other castes,religions ,
Sent from my iPadFriends All,Have we seen or noted the changes that have occurred in our great Republic....now free from the foreign hand, after 1947.....?Plus also, whatever came to pass in the first 47 years during the previous century (and before our Independence and our Division ? ) Do we see it ?We have had massive changes occur on the ground, where minorities and majorities have come to pass. Do we not see the great changes that too have occurred, during these past 70 years of our being free of the foreign rule ? Some massive changes have come to pass say in Assam, as a starter where the issues of majority and minority are concerned. Are these ... plus more points...not visible to us all ?We may regard the major change of May 2014 as a democratic process, but does the other half (the ones now in the Opposition) accept the change, truly speaking ?The media tends to play it up, of course, but lets not forget that the "other half" of our democracy does not seem to accept the change our polity did throw up in May 2014.Our democracy seems to depend totally upon who follows which religion or belongs to which caste, forgetting for the moment a few millions in our urban societies who may be as democratic as the world understands it all. May be.With all of that as a backdrop, the perennial J&K problem, and the fringe elements among our religious polities...even "spread-out" at our campuses and our unending issues related to "tolerance" or "secularism" we in India are still in a major flux of sorts.Within all of that i call it 'a slippery mess', the Chinese have made a move with Pakistan at their "beck & call" and Nepal having slipped away towards China ... are we not in an era of uncertainties ? That may very likely to show us one more route of sorts depending upon the forthcoming results in the 5-State election results that may start pouring in 19 th May onward ....!All said and done, we are and will remain in this state of flux we have created for ourselves. Period.Best regards and Peace.dev chopra in gurgaon***On 18 May 2016 at 14:04, YAH00!!! <rakshpal.abrol@yahoo.co.in> wrote:Dear Sir,I appreciate your feeling about the work of Prime Minister Shri Narendra D Modi.You being very good qualified advocate must be well aware about Seven Years of Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru from 1950 to 1952 and from 1952 to 1957.There after from 1957 to 1962.Mr. Narendra Damodar das Modi was not aware about the Total Control in the hand of bureaucracy including his citizenship.He was allowed to contest the General Election from Varanasi, as he had his name in the Electroll from Gujarat.Any person can contest the General Election if his/her name appears under Article 326 as Voter.He had taken oath under Article 85 (a) prior to get nominated for Lok Sabha.at Two Places one at Vadodara and other at Varanasi.His name was proposed by other persons from these constituencies. How many people know this loop hole in our Election Process. It is applicable from 1963.Our Constitution had been amended many times under Article 368,but it was not translated in Hindi prior to 1988.The leading Political Parties had been opposing the translation in Hindi.Specially CPI and CPIM and leading parties from South.We wanted to get our Constitution away from Government of India Act,1935.It was done by late Rajiv Gandhi,when Late R Venktraman was President. Now Narendra Modi is replacing all English Names of Ministries to Hindi.Is it not development?He started Swachh Bharat Abhiyan in the country.
From: Aires Rodrigues <airesrodrigues1@gmail.com>
To: "indiaresists@lists.riseup.net" <indiaresists@lists.riseup.net>
Sent: Sunday, 15 May 2016 6:53 AM
The Narendra Modi government is completing two years and has failed on all counts while throttling even basic democratic values. The foul modus operandi of high-handedly destabilizing elected governments in non-BJP ruled states must be stoutly deprecated. The right lessons must be learnt from Uttarakhand. India may be publicly acclaimed as the world's largest democracy but the ground reality is that we are now ebbing away from Democracy with no transparency in the functioning of the Government. Any person attempting to tell the Government that all is not well, gets manhandled. An opponent is incarcerated as a seditionist!Narendra Modi rode to power vowing that he will do in 50 months what others had not done in 50 years. He had promised 'Acche din' for the Aam Aadmi and Good governance but his then enthusiasm for freedom has been waning away and we now have an emerging culture of surveillance and secrecy. Over the last two years he has only been blabbering and merrily touring the world. Fascism is at its peak, with sheer intolerance to any criticismIt is no secret that the BJP government is geared, controlled, and manipulated by the RSS and the VHP who are deeply entrenched in their very divisive ideology. The people of India are now seeing through NaMo's vicious game plan with the chorus already bugling 'BJP Hatao Desh Bachao'.Governance by cloak of secrecy and opaqueness needs to be strongly resisted. It cannot be a hush-hush regime. We need to dismantle those walls of secrecy that continue to hound transparency and good governance. Over the last two years the poor have become poorer but only the BJP has become very cash rich. In those very words of Narendra Modi 'Sabko sanmati de bhagwan' (Let good sense prevail). It is only time that the voices will speak. Jai Hind!Aires RodriguesAdvocate High CourtC/G-2, Shopping ComplexRibandar Retreat,Ribandar – Goa – 403006Mobile No: 9822684372Office Tel No: (0832) 2444012Email: airesrodrigues1@gmail.comOrYou can also reach me onFacebook.com/ AiresRodriguesTwitter@rodrigues_aires
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Dear All,People can criticize Modiji, but what KHONGRESS did for the last 60 years? looting and looting!!!! People like Aires want Idiot and dumb Sonia and Rahul so as every one can loot. Please do asses the performance of UPA 1 and 2 (forget about Nehru / Indira / Rajiv rules) and feel the difference and then comment or sent mail.RegardsHariharanTel: 9744214484On Wed, May 18, 2016 at 12:59 PM, Gaur J K <gaurjk@hotmail.com> wrote:Post: "indiaresists@lists.riseup.net"There are many who feel Modi has done more in 2 years than Congress did as UPA 1 and 2.
There is no remote controlled Govt. of MMS.
There are no scams tumbling out every other day.
No democratic institution has been undermined-Parliament or Judiciary.
Uttrakhand is congress creation. If Bahuguna had been made CM after the last state elections,there would have been no rebels
Freedom of speech is subject to reasonable restrictions as the Supreme Court has recently held on defamation.
From: indiaresists-request@lists.riseup.net <indiaresists-request@lists.riseup.net> on behalf of Aires Rodrigues <airesrodrigues1@gmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, May 15, 2016 6:53:29 AM
To: indiaresists@lists.riseup.net
Subject: [IAC#RG] NARENDRA MODI'S TWO DISMAL YEARS AS PMThe Narendra Modi government is completing two years and has failed on all counts while throttling even basic democratic values. The foul modus operandi of high-handedly destabilizing elected governments in non-BJP ruled states must be stoutly deprecated. The right lessons must be learnt from Uttarakhand. India may be publicly acclaimed as the world's largest democracy but the ground reality is that we are now ebbing away from Democracy with no transparency in the functioning of the Government. Any person attempting to tell the Government that all is not well, gets manhandled. An opponent is incarcerated as a seditionist!
Narendra Modi rode to power vowing that he will do in 50 months what others had not done in 50 years. He had promised 'Acche din' for the Aam Aadmi and Good governance but his then enthusiasm for freedom has been waning away and we now have an emerging culture of surveillance and secrecy. Over the last two years he has only been blabbering and merrily touring the world. Fascism is at its peak, with sheer intolerance to any criticism
It is no secret that the BJP government is geared, controlled, and manipulated by the RSS and the VHP who are deeply entrenched in their very divisive ideology. The people of India are now seeing through NaMo's vicious game plan with the chorus already bugling 'BJP Hatao Desh Bachao'.
Governance by cloak of secrecy and opaqueness needs to be strongly resisted. It cannot be a hush-hush regime. We need to dismantle those walls of secrecy that continue to hound transparency and good governance. Over the last two years the poor have become poorer but only the BJP has become very cash rich. In those very words of Narendra Modi 'Sabko sanmati de bhagwan' (Let good sense prevail). It is only time that the voices will speak. Jai Hind!
Aires Rodrigues
Advocate High Court
C/G-2, Shopping Complex
Ribandar Retreat,
Ribandar – Goa – 403006
Mobile No: 9822684372
Office Tel No: (0832) 2444012
Email: airesrodrigues1@gmail.com
You can also reach me on
Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues
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Wednesday, June 8, 2016
Re: [IAC#RG] US stool pigeon(s) !
Having been very close to RSS hierarchy , my own guardian their sarsanghchaalak the first non Brahmin, having attended their meetings at Keshav Kunj , also presided over a north delhi meeting, I never came across any homage paying ,image brandishing or mention of either Swami Vivekanand or Netaji Bose! These do not fit into RSS ideology which is steeped in pure capitalism and service to markets . Whatever sheen they may acquire is to give impression otherwise . Disquieting its abject affectation for Jews both bonded by many common beliefs and interests. The outer crust does not convey this .
-----Original Message-----
From: indiaresists-request@lists.riseup.net [mailto:indiaresists-request@lists.riseup.net] On Behalf Of Sarbajit Roy
Sent: 25 May 2014 16:08
To: indiaresists
Subject: [IAC#RG] US stool pigeon(s) !
Dear Supratim
Please find some pictures attached to this email.
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-Joshi NM
We have not come this far because of the politicians; but 'in spite of them'. The moment we call a +2 failed cheat as Minister for education or a tea master as Electricity Minister, we are dating doom. Your duty is to do your bit to the nation and ask not what the nation has todone to you. Above all,ignore politics, they are not worth your attention and time. Regards.
Dear Sir, I am of the opinion that it is almost impossible to move the bureaucracy. Unless they are toppled the nation would never move ahead. Politicians are just pawns in their hands and they manipulate them with ease. The IAS has to be replaced by respective cadres in the respective ministries e.g Medical experts for Health Ministry, Rail experts for Rail Ministry, Defence Uniformed personnel for Defence Ministry, Shipping experts for Shipping Ministry, Financial wizards for the Finance ministry, Police chiefs for Home Ministry etc etc.Unless the above is achieved, a politician can do nothing, even if he happens to be Narendra Modi. Modi thought he could handle them in 50 months but they proved smarter. Maybe he needs more time to de worm the nation of bureaucrats.Regards,On Sun, May 15, 2016 at 6:53 AM, Aires Rodrigues <airesrodrigues1@gmail.com> wrote:The Narendra Modi government is completing two years and has failed on all counts while throttling even basic democratic values. The foul modus operandi of high-handedly destabilizing elected governments in non-BJP ruled states must be stoutly deprecated. The right lessons must be learnt from Uttarakhand. India may be publicly acclaimed as the world's largest democracy but the ground reality is that we are now ebbing away from Democracy with no transparency in the functioning of the Government. Any person attempting to tell the Government that all is not well, gets manhandled. An opponent is incarcerated as a seditionist!Narendra Modi rode to power vowing that he will do in 50 months what others had not done in 50 years. He had promised 'Acche din' for the Aam Aadmi and Good governance but his then enthusiasm for freedom has been waning away and we now have an emerging culture of surveillance and secrecy. Over the last two years he has only been blabbering and merrily touring the world. Fascism is at its peak, with sheer intolerance to any criticismIt is no secret that the BJP government is geared, controlled, and manipulated by the RSS and the VHP who are de
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To Hariharan Pillai: you may not know the ground realities, away from the media gaze, but well known to the public. In BJP ruled states Deputy Commissioners in Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh have paid Crores (4 crore in my district and in coal mine areas) to the CMs for their postings. This started in Arjun Munda's time and parallels or exceeds Independent Koda's greed. The DCs also pay a monthly donation to the CM, partly for his own capital formation but ostensibly for the 2019 elections. The DCs will take the money payeable from all projects given to the district (such as the Rs 460 crore given by Finmin for 'infrastructure development' in my district), and rent seeking from industries and tendering. Some of it goes to their own pockets. The last DC allegedly left his posting Rs 500 crore richer. Is that not "loot"?
And BJP's Yeddurappa did the same in the iron ore mining areas in the South.
Please wake up to the huge loot going on in BJP ruled States. And the real reason for branding tribal protests as 'Naxalite' in the mining areas and sending armies of paramilitaries to shoot, loot and move them off the face of the earth. These huge scams and atrocities on people are not reported in your national print media as journalists are jailed or lose their jobs for such news. See what is happening in Chhattisgarh.
Do you have any inkling of who pays the price for the 24×7 electricity and clean piped water supply you enjoy? How many people have been killed, jailed, their lives and families ruined, for the rapacious looting of national and natural resources in BJP states?
Dear All,People can criticize Modiji, but what KHONGRESS did for the last 60 years? looting and looting!!!! People like Aires want Idiot and dumb Sonia and Rahul so as every one can loot. Please do asses the performance of UPA 1 and 2 (forget about Nehru / Indira / Rajiv rules) and feel the difference and then comment or sent mail.RegardsHariharanTel: 9744214484On Wed, May 18, 2016 at 12:59 PM, Gaur J K <gaurjk@hotmail.com> wrote:There are many who feel Modi has done more in 2 years than Congress did as UPA 1 and 2.
There is no remote controlled Govt. of MMS.
There are no scams tumbling out every other day.
No democratic institution has been undermined-Parliament or Judiciary.
Uttrakhand is congress creation. If Bahuguna had been made CM after the last state elections,there would have been no rebels
Freedom of speech is subject to reasonable restrictions as the Supreme Court has recently held on defamation.
From: indiaresists-request@lists.riseup.net <indiaresists-request@lists.riseup.net> on behalf of Aires Rodrigues <airesrodrigues1@gmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, May 15, 2016 6:53:29 AM
To: indiaresists@lists.riseup.net
Subject: [IAC#RG] NARENDRA MODI'S TWO DISMAL YEARS AS PMThe Narendra Modi government is completing two years and has failed on all counts while throttling even basic democratic values. The foul modus operandi of high-handedly destabilizing elected governments in non-BJP ruled states must be stoutly deprecated. The right lessons must be learnt from Uttarakhand. India may be publicly acclaimed as the world's largest democracy but the ground reality is that we are now ebbing away from Democracy with no transparency in the functioning of the Government. Any person attempting to tell the Government that all is not well, gets manhandled. An opponent is incarcerated as a seditionist!
Narendra Modi rode to power vowing that he will do in 50 months what others had not done in 50 years. He had promised 'Acche din' for the Aam Aadmi and Good governance but his then enthusiasm for freedom has been waning away and we now have an emerging culture of surveillance and secrecy. Over the last two years he has only been blabbering and merrily touring the world. Fascism is at its peak, with sheer intolerance to any criticism
It is no secret that the BJP government is geared, controlled, and manipulated by the RSS and the VHP who are deeply entrenched in their very divisive ideology. The people of India are now seeing through NaMo's vicious game plan with the chorus already bugling 'BJP Hatao Desh Bachao'.
Governance by cloak of secrecy and opaqueness needs to be strongly resisted. It cannot be a hush-hush regime. We need to dismantle those walls of secrecy that continue to hound transparency and good governance. Over the last two years the poor have become poorer but only the BJP has become very cash rich. In those very words of Narendra Modi 'Sabko sanmati de bhagwan' (Let good sense prevail). It is only time that the voices will speak. Jai Hind!
Aires Rodrigues
Advocate High Court
C/G-2, Shopping Complex
Ribandar Retreat,
Ribandar – Goa – 403006
Mobile No: 9822684372
Office Tel No: (0832) 2444012
Email: airesrodrigues1@gmail.com
You can also reach me on
Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues
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From: vedavyas shenoy <vedavyas.shenoy@gmail.com>
To: indiaresists@lists.riseup.net
Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2016 2:01 PM
The Narendra Modi government is completing two years and has failed on all counts while throttling even basic democratic values. The foul modus operandi of high-handedly destabilizing elected governments in non-BJP ruled states must be stoutly deprecated. The right lessons must be learnt from Uttarakhand. India may be publicly acclaimed as the world's largest democracy but the ground reality is that we are now ebbing away from Democracy with no transparency in the functioning of the Government. Any person attempting to tell the Government that all is not well, gets manhandled. An opponent is incarcerated as a seditionist!Narendra Modi rode to power vowing that he will do in 50 months what others had not done in 50 years. He had promised 'Acche din' for the Aam Aadmi and Good governance but his then enthusiasm for freedom has been waning away and we now have an emerging culture of surveillance and secrecy. Over the last two years he has only been blabbering and merrily touring the world. Fascism is at its peak, with sheer intolerance to any criticismIt is no secret that the BJP government is geared, controlled, and manipulated by the RSS and the VHP who are deeply entrenched in their very divisive ideology. The people of India are now seeing through NaMo's vicious game plan with the chorus already bugling 'BJP Hatao Desh Bachao'.Governance by cloak of secrecy and opaqueness needs to be strongly resisted. It cannot be a hush-hush regime. We need to dismantle those walls of secrecy that continue to hound transparency and good governance. Over the last two years the poor have become poorer but only the BJP has become very cash rich. In those very words of Narendra Modi 'Sabko sanmati de bhagwan' (Let good sense prevail). It is only time that the voices will speak. Jai Hind!Aires RodriguesAdvocate High CourtC/G-2, Shopping ComplexRibandar Retreat,Ribandar – Goa – 403006Mobile No: 9822684372Office Tel No: (0832) 2444012Email: airesrodrigues1@gmail.comOrYou can also reach me onFacebook.com/ AiresRodriguesTwitter@rodrigues_aires
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