Saturday, October 18, 2014
[IAC#RG] भारत के मुख्य न्यायधीश के नाम खुला पत्र ( कोल गेट का भाई टोल गेट )
भारत के मुख्य न्यायधीश,
उच्चतम न्यायालय,
नई दिल्ली।
विषय : पूर्वनिर्धारित एवं पूर्व सूचित आमरण अनशन को टोल प्लाजा प्रबधक
द्वारा जबरदस्ती गैर कानूनी तरीके से हटवाने, गलत व्यवहार कराने, हत्या
और अपहरण का प्रयास करने तथा भ्रष्टाचार करने पर कार्यवाई के संबंध में।
विदेशी और देशी कंपनियों के गठजोड़ से बनी मेसर्स सोमा आईसोलक्स कम्पनी
द्वारा कई नियमों और अनुबंधों की अवहेलना करते हुए सासाराम के पास टोल
गेट बनाकर कई वर्षों से अनैतिक वसूली की जा रही है। बनाए गये सड़क का लगभग
पूरा पैसा संभवत: वसूला जा चुका है । स्थानीय लोगों और गाड़ियों के लिए
बनाए जाने वाले सर्विस रोड का निर्माण जानबूझ कर जनता को लूटने के लिए
पूरा नहीं किया गया है । न तो सिक्स लेन बना है, न ही फ़ोर लेन की समय पर
मरम्म्त ही होती है और न ही अनुबंध के अनुसार सभी नागरिक सेवा और अन्य
सुविधा जैसे यातायात नियमों का अनुपालन, जरुरत वाले जगह पर ट्रैफिक
सिगनल, चौराहों और तिराहों की क्रौसिग पर जरुरी रंबल स्ट्रीप, प्राथमिक
चिकित्सा सुविधा, स्पीड नियंत्रण व्यवस्था, वेब्रीज आदि उपलब्ध करायी गयी
है जबकी इन सभी कामों के लिए जनता से कई वर्षों से पैसे वसूले जा रहे
हैं। इस कारण समय-समय पर दुर्घटनायें होती रहती हैं। दुर्घटना स्थल पर इस
कंपनी की कोई सेवा पिड़ित व्यक्ति को नहीं मिलती है और न ही बाद में कोई
सहयोग मिलता है ।
टोल प्लाजा की दूरी शहर से 10 किलोमीटर दूर होना चाहिए, जबकि सासाराम
नगरपालिका क्षेत्र से टोल प्लाजा की दूरी लगभग 3 किलोमीटर ही है । दो टोल
प्लाजा के बीच की न्यूनतम दूरी 60 किलोमीटर से कम नहीं होना चाहिए जबकि
मोहनिया टोल गेट की दूरी 50 किलोमीटर से भी कम है । एक ही प्रकार का
टैक्स एक रोड टैक्स के नाम पर तो एक टोल टैक्स के नाम पर सरकार जनता से
दो बार ले रही है। सरकार और ठेकेदार रोड टैक्स और टोल टैक्स दोनों ले रहे
हैं तो जनता को सर्विस रोड और 6 लेन दोनों सुविधा भी देना चाहिए था।
पुराने सड़क को ही उखाड़ कर 4/6 लेन बनाया गया जो की सर्विस रोड का काम कर
सकता था और 4/6 लेन अलग बनाए जा सकते थे। फ़िर से सर्विस रोड बनाने का
अनावश्यक बोझ जनता पर डाला जा रहा है इससे देश को भारी नुक़सान हुआ है।
सासाराम से टोल रोड पर 2 किलोमीटर चलते ही आमस (गया) तक का टोल टैक्स
लिया जाता है। मोहनिया टोल गेट से मलवार, सासाराम टोल गेट की दूरी 50
किलोमीटर से भी कम है जबकि दोनों तरफ़ का एक ही टैक्स लिया जाता है।
आम आदमी पार्टी, रोह्तास, बिहार इकाई अनैतिक वसूली रोकने के लिए आवेदन
राष्ट्रीय राजमार्ग एवं परिवहन मंत्रालय सहित सभी संबंधित अधिकारियों और
केंद्रीय मन्त्री को भी भेज चुकी है। परन्तु अभी तक कोई उत्तर हमें
प्राप्त नहीं हुआ है । स्थानीय जिलाधिकारी एवं उपविकास आयुक्त के साथ
दोनों पक्षों की तीन बैठक भी हो चुकी है। अध्यक्ष सह जिला एवं सत्र
न्यायधीश , जिला विधिक सेवा प्राधिकार, रोहतास (सासाराम) को भी आवेदन
दिया गया था जिसे कार्यवाही के लिए जिला पदाधिकारी और पुलिस अधीक्षक को
भेजा जा चुका है। परिवहन मंत्री श्री नितिन गडकरी नें संभवतः हमारे आवेदन
के आधार पर यह ब्यान संसद में दिया था कि "जिन सड़क या हाइवे की लागत
वसूल हो चुकी है, वहां टोल टैक्स खत्म कर दिया जाएगा। साथ ही, जहां काम
पूरा हुए बिना टोल टैक्स लेना शुरू कर दिया गया है, उस पर भी रोक लगाई
जाएगी।" यह कंपनी बहुत बड़ी बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनी है। यह समय से पहले भी काम
पूरा करने की क्षमता रखती है, परन्तु यह जानबूझकर सड़क का निर्माण पूरा
नहीं कर रही ताकि सड़क के मरम्मत की अवधी के अन्तिम वर्ष में सड़क बना यहाँ
से चली जाए और मरम्मत तथा अन्य सुविधाओं पर होने वाले खर्च को चुरा ले
जाए। साथ ही उसे अपना पैसा भी कम निवेश करना पड़े, पैसा जनता से पहले ही
वसूल ले। देश के हर कोने में भूमी अधिग्रहण में विलम्ब का बहाना बनाया जा
रह है। ठेकेदार, राष्ट्रीय राजमार्ग प्राधिकरण, और स्थानीय प्रशासन एक
दूसरे को दोषी बता कर देश और देश की जनता का अहित कर रहे हैं, जबकि अन्दर
से इनकी मिलीभगत है। ठेकेदार इनके सह्योग से अपने हित में मनमाने ढ़ंग से
नियमों और प्रावधानों में परिवर्तन भी करा लेते हैं, जो कि देश और जनता
के हित में नहीं होता है। देश के बाकी हिस्सों में भी यह कंपनी यही
गोरखधंधा कर रहीं है । समय पर सड़क नहीं बनाने के कारण इस कंपनी पर
हर्जाना भी लगाया जा चुका है और वह हर्जाना भी जनता से वसूल कर भरती है।
ऐसी स्थिति में इसके अनैतिक कमाई में से सरकारी अधिकारियों और नेताओं के
भी अनैतिक लाभ लेने की संभावना से इनकार नहीं किया जा सकता है। यह लूट की
व्यवस्था बदलनी चाहिए।
हमारी माँग पुरी तरह से जायज है और हम 20 अगस्त 2014, दिन बुधवार को टोल
प्लाजा गेट, मलवार, सासाराम पर अवैध वसूली बंद कराने के लिए आन्दोलन भी
कर चुके हैं। इस आवेदन पर कार्यवाई होती है तो इसका लाभ पुरे देश को
मिलेगा, पुरे देश में जाल की तरह फ़ैले ये लूट गेट पर नियन्त्रण लगाया
जाना शुरु हो जाएगा। सर्वोच्च न्यायालय में एक मुकदमा सिविल अपील सं -
4611/2014 में जो अनियमितता और लूट की सिकायत पायी गयी थी, वह आज भी
दोहराई जा रही है। यह एक प्रकार से न्यायालय को धोखा देना और अवमामना
करना भी है।
हम इस देश की सभी जिम्मेदार संस्थान विधायिका, कार्यपालिका और
न्यायपलिका से गुहार लगा चुके हैं। व्यापक जनहित में कोई कार्यवाही न
होने के कारण हमें फ़िर से आन्दोलन करना पड़ रहा है, न चाह्ते हुए भी सरकार
पर त्वरित करवाई करने के लिए दबाव बनाने हेतु 13/10/2014 को जिला
मुख्यालय पर धरना तथा 14/10/2014 को टोल गेट पर अनशन किया गया, जहाँ
हमारे साथ गलत व्यवहार भी किया गया। इसके लिए ठेकेदार, राष्ट्रीय
राजमार्ग प्राधिकरण, स्थानीय प्रशासन, राज्य सरकार, केन्द्र सरकार और
अन्य संवैधानिक संस्थाएँ भी जिम्मेदार हैं। मैं देशहित और जनहित में
व्यवस्था परिवर्तन के लिए 2010 से ही आंदोलनात्मक रास्ता अपनाता रहा हूँ।
जिसमें धरना, प्रदर्शन, आमरण अनशन, सविनय अवज्ञा आन्दोलन (कानून तोड़ना /
सिविल डिसआडर / नाफरमानी), गिरफ्तारी देना और जेल जाना भी शामिल है। आज
की व्यवस्था में सूचना अधिकार कार्यकर्ताओं और व्हिसिल ब्लोअर
कार्यकर्ताओं को हिंसा और झुठे मुकदमों का भी शिकार होना पड़ता है। उक्त
कंपनी के भ्रष्टाचार के खिलाफ कोई कार्यवाई न होने के कारण टोल गेट पर
आमरण सत्याग्रह अनशन तथा सिर्फ एक लेन का रास्ता रोककर सांकेतिक सिविल
नाफरमानी का काम किया जा रहा था ताकि विरोध स्वरूप गिरफतारी भी दी जा
सके। उक्त लेन से आवागमन बंद हो गया था। टोल गेट के कर्मचारी और अधिकारी
मेरे पास आए थे, मैंने उन्हें अपने आमरण अनशन और गिरफतारी देने का इरादा
और कारण बता दिया था और पुलिस को सूचना देने का अनुरोध भी किया था। कुछ
देर बाद मेरे खिलाफ साजिश करके एक डम्फर को मेरे लेन में जबरदस्ती घुसाया
गया। मुझे कुचलने के लिए भी चालक पर दबाव बनाया गया। जब चालक आगे नहीं
बढ़ा तो मेरे हाथ पैर टाँग कर किनारे वाले लेन में भिंगे हुए सड़क पर डाल
दिया गया मेरा समान भी सड़क पर फेक दिया गया जिसमे धार्मिक ग्रंथ गीता और
कुरान भी था। थोड़ी देर में वहाँ पर एम्बुलेंस ले आया गया और मेरा अपहरण
कर कहीं ले जाने की तैयारी की जाने लगी। मेरा कुछ समान भी गाड़ी में रख
दिया गया। परन्तु उसी समय हमारे जिला संयोजक आ गये और मोबाईल से क्लिप
लेने लगे तो मेरा समान उतार दिया गया और एम्बुलेंस को हटा लिया गया। उनके
सी॰सी॰ टी॰वी॰ कैमरे में सारे साक्ष्य मौजूद हैं। वे साक्ष्यों के साथ
छेड़छाड़ कर सकते हैं, अत: उनके कम्प्यूटर का हार्डडिस्क जप्त किया जाए
और विडियो क्लिप का सी॰डी॰ बना कर मुझे भी उपलब्ध कराया जाए। पुलिस
अधीक्षक और जिला प्रशासन को घटना की सूचना देने के बावजूद पुलिस नहीं आयी
तो इस संबंध में एक संक्षिप्त प्राथमिकी शिवसागर थाना में 14-10-2014 को
ही दर्ज करा दी गयी थी।
हम आपसे निम्न आग्रह करते हैं :-
1. टोल प्लाजा निश्चित दूरी पर ले जाने तथा अनुबंध के अनुसार सभी कार्य
100% पूरा होने तक टैक्स वसूली पर रोक लगाया जाए। सर्विस रोड और 6 लेन
रोड दोनों बनने तक रोड टैक्स और टोल टैक्स दोनों पर रोक लगाई जाए।
2. अनुबंध का समय से और पूरा अनुपालन न होने के कारण ठेकेदार, राष्ट्रीय
राजमार्ग प्राधिकरण, और स्थानीय प्रशासन तिनों के जिम्मेंदार लोगों पर
जुर्माना लगाया जाए।
3. नये अल्प समय सीमा के अन्दर अनुबंध के अनुसार बचे सारे कार्य पुरा
करने और सुविधा देने का विषयवार उल्लेख करते हुए सपथ पत्र लिया जाए,
अन्यथा अनुबंध का समय विस्तार न किया जाए।
4. टोल सड़क का उपयोग की गयी वास्तविक दूरी के हिसाब से टैक्स का निर्धारण किया जाए।
5. अब तक हुई सभी दुर्घटना में मारे गये लोगों और घायल हुए लोगों के
परिजनों को इस कंपनी से पर्याप्त मुआवज़ा दिलाया जाए।
6. ठेकेदार कंपनी के बही खातों और फर्जी खर्चों की CAG अंकेक्षण कराया जाए।
7. टोल गेट घोटाले की CBI जाँच हो।
8. मेरी हत्या और अपहरण का प्रयास करने और मेरे साथ दुरव्यवहार कराने का
साजिश रचने वाले टोल प्लाजा प्रबंधक को तत्काल गिरफ्तार कर सजा दिलाया
आपका विश्वासी,
स्थान : जमुहार
दिनांक: 19/10/2014 ( ग़ुलाम कुन्दनम् )
सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता
पता : ग़्राम + पोस्ट - जमुहार,
थाना - डेहरी, जिला - रोहतास (बिहार)।
मोबाईल सं – 9931018391॰
FB लिंक :- भारत के मुख्य न्यायधीश के नाम खुला पत्र ( कोल गेट का भाई टोल गेट )
कोल गेट का भाई टोल गेट
तथाकथित विदेशी निवेशक,
लूट रहे इस देश को बेशक,
घोटाले करते भर भर पेट,
कोल गेट का भाई टोल गेट ।
सर्विस रोड तो हमें दिए नहीं,
हमारा पुराना रोड भी खा गए,
फोर लेन सही मरम्मत नहीं ,
सिक्स लेन का ठेका पा गए ।
विदेशी लूट कर ले ही जा रहे,
कुछ नेता - अफ्सर भी खाता है।
हमारे पैसों से ही रोड बनाना,
क्या यही निवेश कहलाता है ?
प्रशासन, प्राधिकरण और कंपनी,
तीनों मिल बाँट कर खाते हैं,
कोर्ट पूछती विलंब का कारण,
तो एक- दूसरे पर दोष लगाते हैं ।
नागरिक सुविधा, सुरक्षा मानक,
कागजों में देखे जाते है,
इनकी खामियों के कारण,
कई लोग जान गवाते हैं ।
- ग़ुलाम कुन्दनम्
(सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता)
[IAC#RG] Why BJP cannot reveal the list of those who stashed money abroad?
-----Original Message-----
From: 'S. Kalyanaraman' [prajnabharata] <>
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Sent: Sat, Oct 18, 2014 1:27 pm
Subject: [prajnabharata] Arun Jaitley's defense of dogged persistence. Has NaMo consultedl all experts to get back kaala dhan? Jaitley's defense of dogged persistence. Has NaMo consultedl all experts to get back kaala dhan?
FM Arun Jaitley: NDA's approach on black money doggedly persistent, not adventurist
By ECONOMICTIMES.COM | 18 Oct, 2014, 03.16PM IST
"The NDA government stands committed to detect the names, prosecuting the guilty and making them public," Jaitley wrote in his blog.
"Nobody has ever suggested that the names should not be made public. They should be made public in accordance with the existing due process of law," he reiterated. NEW DELHI: Seeking to clarify the NDA government's stand on the issue of black money,Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on Saturday said, "The NDA government will not withhold any information, including names of account holders who have stashed black money abroad, from the public; but the names will be revealed after following the due process of completing investigations and reaching conclusions about quantum of unaccounted money."
"The NDA government stands committed to detect the names, prosecuting the guilty and making them public. We are not going to be pushed into an act of adventurism where we violate the treaties and then plead that we are no longer able to get the cooperation of reciprocating states," Jaitley wrote in his blog. "Such an approach may actually help the account holders. Adventurism will be short-sighted. A mature approach will take us to the root of the matter," he added.
"Any premature and out of court disclosure of the names of account holders would not only vitiate the investigations but will enable such account holders to get away with their offences. It will also violate India's Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements (DTAA) with other countries and will choke receipt of all further information from those countries," Jaitley went on to elaborate.
"All that the Government has requested the Supreme Court is to clarify that it has not prohibited the Government of India to enter into Treaties with countries wherein a commitment may be made by the Government to maintain confidentiality of information received as per international standards," he said. "If such a commitment to maintain the confidentiality is not given we will not receive any information about Indians hiding their money in other countries including offshore financial centres and tax havens. Thus the clarification sought from the Supreme Court is only to facilitate collection of information about illegal money stashed abroad," he added.
"On October 15, 2014, a team of officials led by Revenue Secretary and comprising of Chairman, CBDT has signed a Joint Statement with the appropriate authorities in Switzerland with regard to investigation into black money stacked in Swiss banks," Jaitley said. He went on to explain the four important aspects of that agreement which are:
(i) With regard to the list available with India of account holders in the HSBC, where Indian tax authorities have conducted independent investigations, the Swiss would provide India with details upon our furnishing of adequate evidence in this regard.
(ii) Whenever India has some information/ documentary evidence, the Swiss would confirm the authenticity or otherwise of that evidence.
(iii) This would be done in a time bound manner.
(iv) Discussion would now start on a bilateral agreement on automatic exchange of information in the banking system. If this bilateral arrangement is arrived at, it will be an important milestone in detection of black money held by Indians in the Swiss banks.--
S. Kalyanaraman
Activist & Environmentalist
Founder Secretary, SIGNATURE
Ex-Member-BMC's Tree Authority

ToIndia Against Corruption
While every citizen is convinced that the politicians are the fountain head of corruption in India, sadly the law of the land is unable to catch up with their misdeeds. The courts in India spend several years to conduct proceedings and give judgements in the case of these politicians who adopt ingenious methods to delay the justice . When the judgement is finally delivered imposing jail terms, the convicted politician manages to just come out on bail after spending a few days in prison .
The well trained gang of sycophants maintained by the corrupt politicians conduct chorus of orchestered protest when the convicted politician is in jail, as if the heaven has fallen down. While the convicted politician coming out on bail has no sense of shame, the sycophants celebrate the event as if the particular politician has conquered the world. The media gives them the publicity that they badly want and which they do not really deserve.
These wealthy politicians convicted on corruption charges get bail in a matter of a few days. However, thousands of lesser mortals in India languish in jail for several years unheard of by the judiciary.
While the politician coming out on bail has the last laugh , the judiciary is becoming the laughing stock.
Nandini Voice For The Deprived
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ToIndia Against Corruption
While every citizen is convinced that the politicians are the fountain head of corruption in India, sadly the law of the land is unable to catch up with their misdeeds. The courts in India spend several years to conduct proceedings and give judgements in the case of these politicians who adopt ingenious methods to delay the justice . When the judgement is finally delivered imposing jail terms, the convicted politician manages to just come out on bail after spending a few days in prison .
The well trained gang of sycophants maintained by the corrupt politicians conduct chorus of orchestered protest when the convicted politician is in jail, as if the heaven has fallen down. While the convicted politician coming out on bail has no sense of shame, the sycophants celebrate the event as if the particular politician has conquered the world. The media gives them the publicity that they badly want and which they do not really deserve.
These wealthy politicians convicted on corruption charges get bail in a matter of a few days. However, thousands of lesser mortals in India languish in jail for several years unheard of by the judiciary.
While the politician coming out on bail has the last laugh , the judiciary is becoming the laughing stock.
Nandini Voice For The Deprived
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P. Sureshan,
Advocate-on-record, Supreme Court Of India,
NLC( India ) Law Office
No. 90, Second Floor , Bank Enclave , Laxmi Nagar, Delhi-92..... Ph: 9818083219,8802797432,01132081075
Date: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 08:44:16 -0500
While every citizen is convinced that the politicians are the fountain head of corruption in India, sadly the law of the land is unable to catch up with their misdeeds. The courts in India spend several years to conduct proceedings and give judgements in the case of these politicians who adopt ingenious methods to delay the justice . When the judgement is finally delivered imposing jail terms, the convicted politician manages to just come out on bail after spending a few days in prison .
The well trained gang of sycophants maintained by the corrupt politicians conduct chorus of orchestered protest when the convicted politician is in jail, as if the heaven has fallen down. While the convicted politician coming out on bail has no sense of shame, the sycophants celebrate the event as if the particular politician has conquered the world. The media gives them the publicity that they badly want and which they do not really deserve.
These wealthy politicians convicted on corruption charges get bail in a matter of a few days. However, thousands of lesser mortals in India languish in jail for several years unheard of by the judiciary.
While the politician coming out on bail has the last laugh , the judiciary is becoming the laughing stock.
Nandini Voice For The Deprived
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[IAC#RG] Fwd: {ICAN} Fwd: [Manushi] Love Jehad -Real Threat or Phobic Fantasy?
From: Madhu Kishwar <>
Date: Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 6:53 PM
Subject: [Manushi] Love Jehad -Real Threat or Phobic Fantasy?
To: Manushi-india <>
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Friday, October 17, 2014
ToIndia Against Corruption
While every citizen is convinced that the politicians are the fountain head of corruption in India, sadly the law of the land is unable to catch up with their misdeeds. The courts in India spend several years to conduct proceedings and give judgements in the case of these politicians who adopt ingenious methods to delay the justice . When the judgement is finally delivered imposing jail terms, the convicted politician manages to just come out on bail after spending a few days in prison .
The well trained gang of sycophants maintained by the corrupt politicians conduct chorus of orchestered protest when the convicted politician is in jail, as if the heaven has fallen down. While the convicted politician coming out on bail has no sense of shame, the sycophants celebrate the event as if the particular politician has conquered the world. The media gives them the publicity that they badly want and which they do not really deserve.
These wealthy politicians convicted on corruption charges get bail in a matter of a few days. However, thousands of lesser mortals in India languish in jail for several years unheard of by the judiciary.
While the politician coming out on bail has the last laugh , the judiciary is becoming the laughing stock.
Nandini Voice For The Deprived
Post: ""
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While every citizen is convinced that the politicians are the fountain head of corruption in India, sadly the law of the land is unable to catch up with their misdeeds. The courts in India spend several years to conduct proceedings and give judgements in the case of these politicians who adopt ingenious methods to delay the justice . When the judgement is finally delivered imposing jail terms, the convicted politician manages to just come out on bail after spending a few days in prison .
The well trained gang of sycophants maintained by the corrupt politicians conduct chorus of orchestered protest when the convicted politician is in jail, as if the heaven has fallen down. While the convicted politician coming out on bail has no sense of shame, the sycophants celebrate the event as if the particular politician has conquered the world. The media gives them the publicity that they badly want and which they do not really deserve.
These wealthy politicians convicted on corruption charges get bail in a matter of a few days. However, thousands of lesser mortals in India languish in jail for several years unheard of by the judiciary.
While the politician coming out on bail has the last laugh , the judiciary is becoming the laughing stock.
Nandini Voice For The Deprived
Thursday, October 16, 2014
[HumJanenge] Re: [HumJanenge-YG] RTI anniversary
It opened for citizens to file applications on the 100th day - see
5(1) and 5(2).
PS: That is why HJ-GG is far superior to those other fellows on Yahoo.whoo who ?
On 10/15/14, Lokesh Batra [HumJanenge]
<> wrote:
> We need to add 120 days given for setting up the system after the Act was
> enacted on 15 June 2014. It was opened for citizens' on completion of above
> 120 days period.
> Regards,
> -Lokesh
> ________________________________
> From: "vijay kumbhar [HumJanenge]"
> <>
> To:
> Sent: Friday, October 10, 2014 10:46 AM
> Subject: [HumJanenge-YG] RTI anniversary
> Dear friends,
> In todays Times
> of india ( ) and even on Wikipedia date of anniversary
> of
> RTI act is given as 13th October. Wikipedia goes further to say that "The
> effective date is often incorrectly referred to as 12 October 2005. The Act
> actually came to force on the midnight between the 12th and 13th, which
> means
> that it came into effect from the 13th onwards."
> I don't know why
> there is unnecessary confusion when in the act itself date is specifically
> written on first page?
> Regards,
> Vijay Kumbhar
> (Surajya Sangharsh Samiti)
> 09923299199
> ________________________________
> Posted by: vijay kumbhar <>
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[HumJanenge] Re: [HumJanenge-YG] Fwd: !2-10-14
First learn to count ... 1,2 , 3, ..8, 9.
On 10/15/14, Bhaskar Prabhu [HumJanenge]
<> wrote:
> Dear friends,
> On the 10th Anniversary of RIGHT TO INFORMATION in India,
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RE: [IAC#RG] IAC's position on homosexualtity
and resilience of the values which have stood the test of time whereas other old civilisations have fallen by the wayside. And this is what amazes the world except the Indians.
Subject: Re: [IAC#RG] IAC's position on homosexualtity
Very 19th century
Original Message
From: Sarbajit Roy
Sent: Sunday, 12 October 2014 16:36
Reply To:
Subject: Re: [IAC#RG] IAC's position on homosexualtity
The IAC movement having carefully considered the sense of the members,
now proposes the following draft resolution on subject of
homosexuality and allied matters like regulation of prostitutes.
"That India Against Corruption opposes the arbitrary and divisive
categorisation of Indian citizens and other persons resident within
the territory of India to frame and/or amend laws and/or policies to
provide special benefits to any person or groupings of persons within
the territory of India.
That India Against Corruption renews and reiterates its position that
the well established body of criminal laws in India should remain
essentially unchanged and not be tampered with.
That IAC firmly denounces and opposes all foreign forces, and their
Indian lackeys, which are meddling with India's polity, including its
laws, to divide and destroy India's multi-ethnic peaceful secular
culture and society, evolved over 10 millennia of recorded history."
The discussion is open, as this is a core issue for IAC ...
On 10/2/14, ltcolttkishore <> wrote:
> Freedom to be LGBTs, prostitution and hope the kind hearts will take up
> cudgels on behalf of rapists, child abusers/ molesters, activities of scum
> of the society like drug addicts, drug peddlers treating them as some
> unfortunate chemical imbalance of physiology!!!
> Too much of permissiveness is bad,"ati starve tar varjeyate".
> Is there an insidious attempt to initiate rot in our long established
> cultural values based on aggregate experience of Rishis/ Munis/jeevanMuktas
> .
> I feel concerned at the unabashed permissiveness sought to be supported by
> some of the subscribers.Unless the majority are not taken in to confidence
> the ' enlightened ( ?)and champions of freedom to do ANY THING' have to hold
> fire. Possibly over a period of time and process of societal evolution the
> unseemly things of present times may gain legitimacy and social acceptance.
> LtCol(retd.)T.T.Kishore, Engineers
> On Sep 30, 2014, at 3:54 PM, SURESHAN P <> wrote:
> Completely agree with this proposal, Freedom of an individual is utmost
> important and government has no role to curtail it unless and until
> enjoyment of freedom interfere with others freedom"
> Further, prostitution is required to be legalized and regulated, This
> will save many sex workers from police atrocities and forced sex. Even
> regularized prostitution will give a right to every sex worker to live
> freely and fearlessly and they are not required to work just like a bonded
> labor under a pimp or brothel managers.
> These are all much needed law amendment
> regards
>> On Tue, Sep 30, 2014 at 9:44 AM, Sarbajit Roy <> wrote:
>> Dear Raminder,
>> Seriously, for a long time I have been wondering if IAC should settle
>> its policy on "unpopular" issues like homosexuality, birth /
>> population control in the same way that we have an unpopular position
>> on "right to own and bear arms".
>> In keeping with the clauses in IAC's charter on inclusiveness,
>> diversity, secularism etc. I propose a sense of the house motion on
>> the following lines.
>> "That India Against Corruption supports the freedom of every person
>> resident within the territory of India to explore all forms and
>> variations of consensual sexual practices, and marry irrespective of
>> gender. That accordingly laws like Indian Penal Code and Special
>> Marriage Act etc. require to be amended."
>> Sarbajit
>> On 9/30/14, Raminder Singh <> wrote:
>> > Sarabjit
>> >
>> > Good One :)
>> > And here's another :-
>> >
>> > The RSS, VHP and Vatican all have something in common. Being being
>> > mostly
>> > practicing closet homosexuals, they all denounce homosexuality in
>> > public.
>> >
>> > Rami
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> --
> P. Sureshan,
> Advocate-on-record, Supreme Court Of India,
> NLC( India ) Law Office
> No. 90, Second Floor , Bank Enclave , Laxmi Nagar, Delhi-92..... Ph:
> 9818083219,8802797432,01132081075
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Wednesday, October 15, 2014
RE: [IAC#RG] Objections to Draft TTO (59th Amendment)
Date: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 21:50:21 +0530
Subject: [IAC#RG] Objections to Draft TTO (59th Amendment)

Shri Manish Sinha,
Telecom Regulatory Authority of India, ("TRAI")
Date: 12-October-2014
SUB: Objections to Draft TTO (59th Amendment) submitted on behalf of INDIA AGAINST CORRUPTION.
We thank the Authority for the opportunity to comment on the proposed TTO amendment/s.
Please find below our brief objections / comments to the subject draft TTO amendment/s.
1) That we, the India Against Corruption 'jan andolan', firmly oppose the extension of the TT order for mandatory reporting of tariffs to the ISPs.
2) Our reasons for this lie in clause 7 of the TTO 1999 which is completely discriminatory for the small consumers vis-a-vis the corporate and bulk users whose negotiated tariffs are exempt from reporting. As a consequence Telcos / ISPs are selling way below cost to corporates but gouging the unorganised general consumers. Accordingly, India Against Corruption has decided to organise the general category of telecom and internet consumers to negotiate better tariffs for their communication, and oppose such discriminatory and predatory amendments which cause us to doubt the integrity of the person/s proposing it.
3) Nowadays with convergence between Voice and Data networks, IAC fails to see why, say, a telecom / data provider RCOM (Reliance ADAG) is offering highly attractive call + data packages to certain groups for youth to communicate with each other, but will not offer the same facilities to our body's very substantial membership, who are in a different age group to communicate with each other.
4) Similarly, we also fail to see why the almost free tariff loot of MTNL for public servants is exempt from reporting, whereas only the vastly over-priced schemes available to the general paying public are being reported to TRAI and to Parliament to depict that this telco is in the best of heath.
7) Accordingly we call for a level playing field, in that all telecom tariffs and connections must be reported equally to the regulator and should also be made available under RTI to those citizens interested in having such information on application.
With best wishes
yours faithfully
Er. Sarbajit Roy
National Convenor
India Against Corruption, jan andolan
B-59 Defence Colony (2nd. floor)
New Delhi 110024
Tel : 011-24334262
Mob : 08010205897
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Re: [IAC#RG] Time to render justice to Sadhvi Pragya - let us wipe thisblot of shame on what is done to a Sadhu and a woman
Now, I can understand why Sarbjeet Roy is such an interesting person. He is alleging all possible motives and collusions to my work. Thanks Sarbjeetji for such new insights into my work.Well, to respond to Mr. Devender, the Indian judicial system largely involved the local residents. Advantage is the locals always knew who is who and what he does. The deliberations were held in open meetings, almost all acquaintances/ residents of the village. This limited the chances of the litigants lying.At initiation level, the litigants followed a custom. Each would get into agreement to invite two-three people from each side and allow them to deliberate and pronounce judgement. In case of disagreement, though rare, any of the litigating parties could approach a larger village gathering. If one of the litigants was still not satisfied, he/she could approach a multi village gathering. The last was in practice in khap areas like West UP, Delhi, Haryana and Punjab. In rest of country, the highest court of appeal was village panchayat. In the khap areas, the British had accepted thee supremacy of local customs and preferred not to interfere.Below is extract from a book on customary practices in erstwhile Punjab."Pax Romana could be said to have influenced even British effort to induct the customary usages of rural communities into a system of customary law in the Punjab. The British Government's attitude to custom was described by Michael O'Dwyer's concluding lines of his speech in 1915, at the Conference on Customary Law in Simla: "The problem before us in the Punjab is unique. Other Provinces in India, have as a rule, the Dharma Shastras and the various commentaries on them for the Hindus and the Shariyat and the Hadis for the Muhamaddans . . . Here we have elected to be governed by custom. We have no body of feeling that condemns our tribal customs as a whole as antiquated or unsuitable. Nodesire for uniformity, no sense of injustice involved in the maintenance of the existing system.Our function is therefore to uphold, not to destroy." Consequently, the process of assimilation of custom into the legal frameworkof rural society in Punjab was done at various stages but the final shape was given by the enactment of the PunjabLaws Act IV 1872. Therefore, even though the root of Punjab custom was tradition and was in several ways"coincident with popular feelings and necessities" nevertheless they (Punjab customs) became the law of theprovince by a single statute."The above extract is not focussed on judicial system, but, relates to it. It only serves to highlight the role of local customs, traditions, and many of these were related to dispute resolution.In rest of country too, the judicial system worked similarly. Please visit any far away village in any corner of country and you would see such systems still in operation.A friend , Faizul, from Bengal told me about such systems in their society. Similarly, in Assam, South India etc.Yes, there were deficiencies too. If the village gathering was hijacked by influential landlord or a purohit, or anyone else, it led to skewed justice. So, wheresoever, people could ensure a wider participation in the jury, the decision were just and quick.Much can be discussed. This is for now.On Mon, Oct 13, 2014 at 4:40 PM, Sarbajit Roy <> wrote:Dear All
Question: If Mr Diwan Singh (Ridge Bachao Andolan) is so concerned
with the poor quality of "British" laws and seeks their abolition in
favour of "khap" system, then why did he and his so-called 'andolan'
go to Supreme Court in Vasant Kunj malls case with Prashant Bhushan as
his advocate ?
Since I have asked the question, let me also provide 1 possible opinion.
Ans: Because these dubious NGOs and the people who promote them, are
oftentimes nothing but proxies for mafias. In the Vasant Kunj Malls
case, because the Delhi High Court had stopped construction in Vasant
Kunj in "Sultangarhi" matter in an absolutely water-tight judgment,
the land mafia arranged many NGO rascals to file an absolutely bakwaas
PIL with bakwaas counsel to quickly get contrary orders in an
unrelated proceeding in SC. Since it was very valuable land on which
the malls (DLF, Ambience etc) were 80% constructed and stopped by
'Sultangarhi' judgment, such dubious andolans came in very handy to
bypass Sultangarhi judgment, in 2006 (if I recall correctly), by
throwing their case.
On 10/13/14,
<> wrote:
> Dear Diwan Singh Ji. You have said something rather fascinating. Can you
> please throw some more light on what you have said that the parties involved
> in litigation chose their own juries? and can you also please say what was
> the system of justice and do you think it could cater for the intricate and
> complex which we have become.
> I agree with what you have said about the British being much smarter,
> calculative and effective. Regards Devinder
>> From: Diwan Singh <>
>>Cc: Rakshpal Abrol <>;
>> "" <>
>>Sent: Monday, October 13, 2014 7:50 AM
>>Subject: Re: [IAC#RG] Time to render justice to Sadhvi Pragya - let us wipe
>> thisblot of shame on what is done to a Sadhu and a woman
>>Dear Devinderji,
>>Thats why I said, its a deep discussion. The Mughals system was not so
>> pervasive. It did not effect the day to day lives of Indian villages. The
>> Mughal system could not dislodge our traditonal judicial system that
>> involved juries chosen by the parties themselves.
>>What Mr. Bhatia has sent is right. The British actually dislodged
>> everything. They were much smarter, calculative and effective. They have
>> been so effective that most of us educated Indians do not know about
>> traditional Indian judicial system.
>>On Sun, Oct 12, 2014 at 4:15 PM, <> wrote:
>>What was our legal system before the British took control of us and
>> introduced English legal system??.In what way was it superior to the
>> system we presently have.?? We were then ruled by the Mughals and I
>> believe that they had the Qazi, Kotwal and Qued khana. What was the source
>> of their law, was it based on equity or law or both or just what the
>> Quaran said about the crime and punishment in a given situation.. Just
>> imagine, what system of law would have existed today if the British had
>> not come. Would it have been able to cope with the growing complexities of
>> the society.?? What quality, and the level of legal intellect would have
>> been applied in arriving at a judgement which would have also served as
>> legal precedent.
>>>You are right about the "hegemony of the British and their own need. After
>>> all they were ruling a country as big as India. It needed a fully
>>> developed social order, a transport system, and law and order machinery.
>>> without which they would have been unable to rule.
>>>I agree with you that litigation in India is prohibitively expensive and
>>> atrociously slow and no doubt people are afraid to get involved any kind
>>> of legal action. Devinder.
>>> From: Diwan Singh <>
>>>>Cc: Rakshpal Abrol <>;
>>>> "" <>
>>>>Sent: Sunday, October 12, 2014 10:21 AM
>>>>Subject: Re: [IAC#RG] Time to render justice to Sadhvi Pragya - let us
>>>> wipe thisblot of shame on what is done to a Sadhu and a woman
>>>>This judicial system supresses everything. People fear going to courts
>>>> and the police. What use is such system that is so expensive, have no
>>>> regards for local custom, culture. Our old system was pretty good, swift
>>>> and delivered justice. No doubt, it needed some reforms. Its a matter of
>>>> detail, can not discuss so much online. We could have continued with old
>>>> system with reforms, but , then, it would not have allowed hegemony for
>>>> the British. So, they brought their own, to suit their own needs.
>>>>On Sun, Oct 12, 2014 at 2:26 PM, <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>Most of the European Laws as well as the American laws are based on the
>>>> British Law. The British law has the most well developed ystem of
>>>> jurisprudence. In Indian we did not have any such system before the
>>>> British rule. So there is nothing wrong with have a system which is
>>>> adopted and practised by more than half the world.
>>>>>I should however mention that since independence, our judiciary has
>>>>> developed our own case law and legal prcedents. So it is not understood
>>>>> how our own culture is being suppressed??. Devinder
>>>>> From: Rakshpal Abrol <>
>>>>>>To: ""
>>>>>> <>; Diwan Singh <>
>>>>>>Cc: "" <>
>>>>>>Sent: Sunday, October 12, 2014 9:07 AM
>>>>>>Subject: Re: [IAC#RG] Time to render justice to Sadhvi Pragya - let us
>>>>>> wipe thisblot of shame on what is done to a Sadhu and a woman
>>>>>>In our country, we have adapted Indian Penal Code,1860 enacted by
>>>>>> Britishers to supress the growth of our culture. Please o through the
>>>>>> Statement dated 2nd February,1835 of Lord Mccauley.
>>>>>>You can see the same on Face-Book of RajnishAbrol.
>>>>>>The plan of the State Government failed as on 26th November,2008, it
>>>>>> was meant for Sadhvi Pragya.
>>>>>>Warm regards,
>>>>>>Rakshpal Abrol
> Activist
>>>>>> From: ""
>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>To: Diwan Singh <>
>>>>>>Cc: "" <>
>>>>>>Sent: Saturday, 11 October 2014 8:08 PM
>>>>>>Subject: Re: [IAC#RG] Time to render justice to Sadhvi Pragya - let us
>>>>>> wipe thisblot of shame on what is done to a Sadhu and a woman
>>>>>>It is premature to say whether she has been punished enough or not. If
>>>>>> we go by the gravity of the alleged crime, she has not spent enough
>>>>>> time in jail, because such crimes entail a long term in imprisonment
>>>>>> and any time spent in prison, waiting for the trial is adjusted
>>>>>> against the eventual prison sentence. This can only be decided by a
>>>>>> fair and speedy trial which she is being denied.
>>>>>>The fact that she is a Sadhvi, has no value in the eyes of law. Her
>>>>>> status is that of a citizen and that is what she will be treated as.
>>>>>> Sadhvi's do not get involved in criminal conspiracies to kill other
>>>>>> people. Another political Sadhvi got away lightly was Uma Bharati who
>>>>>> confessed to instigating the demolition of a historic structure.
>>>>>> Devinder
>>>>>> From: Diwan Singh <>
>>>>>>>Sent: Saturday, October 11, 2014 3:11 PM
>>>>>>>Subject: Re: [IAC#RG] Time to render justice to Sadhvi Pragya - let us
>>>>>>> wipe thisblot of shame on what is done to a Sadhu and a woman
>>>>>>>I support this mail. shadvi pragya seems to be punished already
>>>>>>> without being convicted. She is a saint and deserve respect from the
>>>>>>> society.
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