Saturday, August 31, 2013
Banks in general is acting like 'SHYLAKS' in thier dealings with customers. RBI has brought down CRR to 4% from 9% in 2010 where as banks were charging 10.5% on educational loans having BPLR rate in 2010 and same bank now charges 14.5%. All these shows the total lack of governance and rule of law existing in the country. CRR being a deposit with RBI having no return of any sort is a dead deposit of bank funds. Banks could get release of additional funds to the tune of 5% of their deposit which in actual terms amounts to Rs. 3,72,000/- on a deposit figure of 72lakh crores. Inspite of this benefit they went on increasing the interest especially for a scheme targeted to economically weaker sections. Banks in general follows the KYC norms metticulously which for them is 'Kill your customer' rather than 'know your customer'. The clamour for reduction of RBI rates should be benefited to the customers and banks should reduce interest rates in tune with
RBI steps. Banks have to follow inclusive aproaches rather than exclusive. To maintain just and fair financial business there should be effective control and supervision which is totally lacking in the country.
Dr.M.C.GEORGE,ADVOCATE,INFAM(IndianFarmersMovement)National Trustee.
On Sun, 1/9/13, Vijoy Ambasta <> wrote:
Date: Sunday, 1 September, 2013, 6:11 AM
You surely have the right to
own a house but with your own cash without borrowing. Once
you borrow Rs 100 you end up paying back Rs 180. Karz lena
to dunia mein sabse bada curse hai. Read Chanakya artha
shastra & not the western way of economy. Greed is what
one sees in the opulence of others. It does not belong to why have a craving for that. That is what i meant by
contentment. We have a;; become greedy due to cheap loan
that makes all of us greedy.
On Fri, Aug 30, 2013
at 11:06 AM, mukta rae <>
mr vijoy
you talk like the bank employee. I have a right
to own a house and it has nothing to do with greed. Bank
employees till the top all enjoy those luxuries which you
feel a borrower does not deserve, with whose money
On Thu, Aug 29, 2013
at 7:53 AM, Vijoy Ambasta <>
this is what debt ridden economy means.If one does
not have the cash to pay for a car or house why can't he
live in rented apartments and use public transport.. If one
has Re 100 he must never spend Rs 1000.This is the reasons
why the EMI have increased by 100 this is exactly what
is happening now. The theme needs to be contentment and cut
down on greed and show off life style that does not belong
to you.
On Wed, Aug 28, 2013
at 7:12 PM, mukta rae <>
I have going through your mails regularly and
some of them are really good and hope they are giving you
desired results.
Here I need to raise a doubt I have in mind
regarding RBI and banks . In last 10 years I have watched
time to time RBI raising interest rates thereby affecting
the EMI payer , the banks are under obligation in utrn to
raise the EMI of the borrower, but when the RBI decreases
the interest rates there is no compulsion for the banks to
decrease the same. The end result is in last 10 years the
EMI has increased by 100% and the borrower is endlessly
paying to the bank with the number of years of EMI increased
and the amount increased. The borrower is literally the
tenant of the bank.
On Tue, Aug
27, 2013 at 8:09 PM, Venkatraman Ns <>
ToIndia Against Corruption
Replying to the
debate in parliament on 27th
August , P.Chidambaram blamed several external
factors as
well as the judiciary's "interference" for the
country's economic mess
, as if he has no responsibility . He
made empty promises like curtailing current account
deficit, boosting manufacturing sector etc.
without really explaining why he
has not done this all these years and how he would do it now
which the UPA has not done during its
The real grim fact
which he conveniently ignored is the
widespread corruption in the governance by UPA government,
resulting in
siphoning of thousands of crores of rupees
by unscrupulous ministers , politicians
and bureaucrats and associated business
men , which resulted in coal scam , 2G scam, Commonwealth
scam etc. etc. Money meant for development projects
are now largely in the pockets of unscrupulous people
forming part of
this government and Finance Minister has
nothing to say about this as this will amount to blaming
He indulged in empty rhetoric asking
why should we import coal . The
country is forced to import coal because
of the coal scam of the government. Are
we not paying a huge price for the
corruption ridden governance led by Manmohan Singh
? N.S.Venkataraman
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Re: [IAC#RG] Who : Anna retires from anti-corruption war
Anna Hazare was an actor hired to play a certain role, for which he
was well paid and he played his part fairly well. Of course later he
ostensibly developed a "conscience" and supposedly refused to accept
part of his payment when it was taken to him in a suitcase at Ralegan
All the great classical military theorists like Clausewitz would
support you insofar that for an ARMY with overwhelming force a first
attack against poorly fortified positions is indicated.
BUT, we are NOT an ARMY (in the classical sense), so we wont follow
your advice just yet, thank you. We are not entrenched and can flow /
melt away when attacked.
On 8/31/13, Ravindran P M <> wrote:
> In a world where one has to be wary of even one's own shadow your reasoning
> may be relevant in its own way. But I cannot Anna to be a simple congie
> mole. He had proved his worth in Maharashtra before he got together with
> AK, KB etc and got the IAC kicking. For me, irrespective of your claim to
> the IAC brand name, it was Team Anna that made it a household name.
> I definitely like your concluding statement. While it does make sense,
> somehow when pitted against objectives there is a certain void. A void that
> almost stares at you giving you the sinking feeling! And that is when I
> look to nature for guidance. And there it is, at some point of time,
> especially when pushed to a corner, one will have to shake himself up and
> present a threatening pose and even deliver the first blow, if need be. In
> the army, we have learnt to believe that the attacking force has an edge
> over the defending one. And that is why it is said that he who hits first
> wins half the battle!
> regards n bw
> ravi
mr vijoykudoayou talk like the bank employee. I have a right to own a house and it has nothing to do with greed. Bank employees till the top all enjoy those luxuries which you feel a borrower does not deserve, with whose moneyOn Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 7:53 AM, Vijoy Ambasta <> wrote:
this is what debt ridden economy means.If one does not have the cash to pay for a car or house why can't he live in rented apartments and use public transport.. If one has Re 100 he must never spend Rs 1000.This is the reasons why the EMI have increased by 100 this is exactly what is happening now. The theme needs to be contentment and cut down on greed and show off life style that does not belong to you.VijoyOn Wed, Aug 28, 2013 at 7:12 PM, mukta rae <> wrote:
HiI have going through your mails regularly and some of them are really good and hope they are giving you desired results.Here I need to raise a doubt I have in mind regarding RBI and banks . In last 10 years I have watched time to time RBI raising interest rates thereby affecting the EMI payer , the banks are under obligation in utrn to raise the EMI of the borrower, but when the RBI decreases the interest rates there is no compulsion for the banks to decrease the same. The end result is in last 10 years the EMI has increased by 100% and the borrower is endlessly paying to the bank with the number of years of EMI increased and the amount increased. The borrower is literally the tenant of the bank.On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 8:09 PM, Venkatraman Ns <> wrote:
Post: ""To
India Against Corruption
Replying to the debate in parliament on 27th August , P.Chidambaram blamed several external factors as well as the judiciary's "interference" for the country's economic mess , as if he has no responsibility . He made empty promises like curtailing current account deficit, boosting manufacturing sector etc. without really explaining why he has not done this all these years and how he would do it now which the UPA has not done during its governance.
The real grim fact which he conveniently ignored is the widespread corruption in the governance by UPA government, resulting in siphoning of thousands of crores of rupees by unscrupulous ministers , politicians and bureaucrats and associated business men , which resulted in coal scam , 2G scam, Commonwealth scam etc. etc. Money meant for development projects are now largely in the pockets of unscrupulous people forming part of this government and Finance Minister has nothing to say about this as this will amount to blaming himself.
He indulged in empty rhetoric asking why should we import coal . The country is forced to import coal because of the coal scam of the government. Are we not paying a huge price for the corruption ridden governance led by Manmohan Singh ?
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[rti4empowerment] Re: Anna Ji
Sarabjit Roy is making many crude comment on Anna so Annaji did not
recommend him.
Anna knows that Sailesh and Prabhu is Chairman and Member respectively
of RTI Technical Advisory Committee of BMC. Anna also knows that
Prabhu stood for BMC councilor in 2012 and lost badly.
On 8/28/13, leslie almeida <> wrote:
> BMC and MCGM are the same,
> I am surprised that Anna had made Sailesh the CIC at Delhi
> there are many stalwarts in Delhi who are experts in Law and also RTI one
> such person is Sarabjit Roy, i do not know him personally but he is on RTI
> forums, only thing he is a bit crude in his ways.
> I do not know what qualifications they possess.
> As saillesh and Baskar being advisors to the BMC on RTI
> they are causing great harm to citizens, as they teach them how to avoid to
> give information.
> All is verbal at present however the BMC Buillding Proposal department
> Bandra has given me the address of the office where i could get this
> information from Bombay Muncipal Corporation (BMC) headquarters, i have
> thus filed a RTI application to this effect and will let you know of my
> findings in due course
> as you are aware it takes a month to get RTI replies.
> Mr Leslie Almeida
> RTI certified Grade A Department of Personal Training (DOPT) Govt of India
> Having 6 years of practical experience in the field offilinng effective RTI
> and rendering my services free of charge to the Public.
> On Wed, 28 Aug 2013 16:08:01 +0530 wrote
>>What you are saying is quite strange. Both Sailish and Bhaskar Prabhu
> are well known to Anna, and it was Anna only who got Sailesh made as
> RTI Commissioner.
> If your email is right it means that they are both the corrupt
> fellow. Can you explain what full form of BMC is ? Is it same as MCGM.
> Do you have proof that Sailesh and Bhaskar Prabhu are legal
> consultants to BMC ? What law qualifications do they have ?
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: leslie almeida
> Date: 26 Aug 2013 04:55:14 -0000
> Subject: Anna Ji
> To:
> I am a RTI activist from Bandra Mumbai
> Sailesh Gandhi and Baskar Prabhu have got Jobs with BMC as legal
> consultants, they are however misleading the BMC, and helping them how
> to not part with information, for which i have taken a serious note of
> and will fight them to its logical end
> Baskar Prabhu should not take credit for opposing the Amendment to the
> RTI act, a lot of NGO's and RTI activists have opposed same and are
> doing so in their own way, and i guess Anna Ji will have his own way
> he does not need to be led but he is a leader and will surely not
> disappoint the masses
> Leslie Almeida
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Re: [IAC#RG] PERFIDY of Prashant Bhushan and Arvind Kejriwal in Coalgate
Thanks, I will keep in mind.
Till Mr. Shourie was physically able to attend the court, he was doing it and used to get the PILs vetted by Advocates. Payments of the kind you have mentioned were not involved.
PIL as an instrument of justice has developed at the initiative of the SC mainly during
the last 30-35 years. The first PIL Mr.Sourie filed was in 1980 challenging discrimation in defence and civil services. By this I do not mean to say he was the pioneer or first to use the PIL. He merely used the pre-existing remedy available then.
Prashant Bhusan,s personal involvement with Common Cause has increased during the last 7-8 years.
I am aware of the recent changes in the Governing Council to which you had alluded in one of your earlier posts.
I am also aware of unsigned letters circulated about Mr. Bhusan about source of his income. But if we have to judge the honesty and integrety of Advocates merelyon their relations with business houses , many more names come to mind.
Being in Mumbai,I have limited interaction with Common cAuse, but keep myself
informed about their activites
Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 01:32:37 +0530
Subject: Re: [IAC#RG] PERFIDY of Prashant Bhushan and Arvind Kejriwal in CoalgateDear Mr Gaur
We have no problems with HONEST people who are in multiple movements.
Since IAC is an HONEST movement and a TRANSPARENT movement it is not
likely that we will have serious differences which cannot be resolved
by FRANK discussions with other persons of INTEGRITY.
What we do have problems with is DISHONESTY and DISHONEST persons.
We are not saying that Common Cause is corrupt or dishonest. What we
are exposing is a small clique inside Common Cause which is acting as
a proxy for some very dirty people and misusing what H D Shourie etc
had set up.
In fact as a member of Common Cause YOU should be questioning them
"Look here - Mr. Sarbajit Roy of IAC openly says that the Common
Cause's Coalgate PIL in SC is filed on behalf of Congress persons, and
he has compared the prayer clauses in the 2 Petitions to bring this
out. Further, Mr. Sarbajit Roy openly says that Advocates Kamini
Jaiswal and Prashant Bhushan who usually represent CC in the PILs they
file, usually have the same set of eminent busy bodies(all Congress
proxies play acting that they are made
of the "right stuff") who have none/little prior locus in the matter
to represent the Public as Petitioners. And further, Mr Sarbajit Roy
of IAC asks who is financing all these PILs for CC and could Common
Cause be able to afford to do these PILs by engaging even a slightly
decent uninvolved SC counsel who takes min. 25,000 per hearing - where
are Common Causes funds coming from to launch these PILs ? Where is
the funding / accounts / list f donors on their website (They only have an auditor's note that books seem
OK) ?
Till these questions are not asked and answered, I will say, if asked,
that from what I can make out "Common Cause" has become "Common
Please don't misunderstand me. We have no problem with honest people
in multiple movements - your personal integrity is your shield /
kawach - and such people are assets for us - so long as they at least
respect (if not necessarily follow) IAC's core philosophy .
On 8/30/13, Gaur J K <> wrote:
> 30/8/13
> Dear Mr. S. Roy,
> Since you are taking objection to Mr. B.V Rao for not disclosing his
> association with Common Cause, I should mention that I am also a member
> since 2001,although I had
> mentioned this fact in one of my earlier posts. But I do not belong to any
> gang as you have mentioned. I became a menber when Late Sh. H.D. was the
> Director with whom my association goes back to 1966 when he was the Director
> of Indian Institute of Foreign Trade.
> A large number of membership is drawn from retired Army Officers and
> beaurocrats as you will be knowing.
> I try to judge issues on the merits without being unduly influenced by
> personalities.
> I do not wish to discontinue my association with Common Cause.
> If it is causing any conflict of interest with IAC, I will abide by your
> advice.
> Nonetheless my commitmentment to the cause of eradicating corruption will
> remain.
> Thanks
> JKGaur
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Re: [IAC#RG] Who : Anna retires from anti-corruption war
Dear Ravi
You have not got the thrust of Babubhai's message "Who Anna ?"
So let me expand further to refresh your memory.
Q1:WHO was Anna Hazare before 2011 ?
A1: A small time Congress mole from Maharashtra.
Q2 WHO "inserted" him in "IAC" to go on fast from 30 Jan 2011 and elevated him to national status ?
A2: His Congress sponsors like Kiran Bedi, Aruna Roy, Sri Sri Ravisankar, Arvind Kejriwal, Admiral Ramdas, MG Devasahyam (another mole) etc. They could not have done this without paid media like NDTV and the Congress+Mukesh_Ambani networks and newspapers.
Q3: WHY was "fake Gandhian" Anna Hazare inserted ?
A3: Because eminent Gandhians led by Shambhu Dutt Sharma of GSSB (Gandhi Social Seva Brigade) were going on fast unto death from that day for 3 core anti-corruption demands (call and date had been given in Oct 2010 after Common Wealth Games scam).
Q4: WHO did Anna benefit in the end?
A4; Corrupt Congress and BJP scamsters in Common Wealth Games Rs. 38,000+ crore scam (see how everybody forgets so easily) who are still in power.
Q5; HOW was Anna inserted ?
A5: By assuring GSSB and IAC/HRA that S D Sharma's life was too precious, that SDS was 90+ years and it would take at least 3 weeks to get Govt to agree, and that instead Anna would "fast-unto-death" Satyagraha till 3 demands were achieved.
Q6: Did the 3 demands get achieved ?
A6: No - not even 1 of them
Q7: Did Anna actually fast unto death ?
A7: Very funny - ha ha ha !
Q8: Did Sarbajit protest in 2011 itself, WHY is he saying this only now ?
A8: Please see emails (publicly archived of Humjanenge google groups exchanged between myself and Justice (Retd) K N Nath President of GSSB dated 4/5 Feb 2011)
Q9: Why is Sarbajit the National Convenor of IAC now ?
A9: Because top leadership of HRA acknowledges that I was correct in my reading of those Mir Jafars. HRA has expelled all the foreign financed NAC / NCPRI haramis from IAC.
Q10: What is IAC doing to arouse the conscience of people against corruption ?
A10: We are following blend of Indian (Chanakya) and Chinese (Deng Xiao Ping) principles -
"Be Observant, Maintain low profile, Never disclose your True Strength, Never claim Leadership. Always Contribute" etc.
On Sun, Aug 11, 2013 at 4:10 AM, Ravindran P M <> wrote:
> Dear Sri Babubhai Vaghela
> It is quite unbecoming of you to deprecate Anna like this. After all his contribution in waking up the national conscience against corruption is something that we all need to appreciate. I have been reading your mails regularly and know that you are yourself a great crusader against corruption. Your own attitude 'either we fight corruption for what it is or just forget it is also a common attitude and unfortunately most people opt for the second option. In practice, if it had been the first option then things would have been a lot different on the ground.
> regards n bw
> ravi
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Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 19:49:52 +0530
Speaking in Parliament , the Finance Minister accused judiciary of putting impediments in the functioning of the government. Certainly, millions of well informed Indians will reject this charge with the contempt that it deserves. On the other hand, people think that the judiciary is the only hope today to restore probity in public life and people want judiciary to be proactive.
But for the Supreme Court, the people involved in monumental corruption such as Commonwealth games, 2G scam, Coal scam and several other scams of Manmohan Singh's government which have become the order of the day now, would have gone scot free. Several organisations would have got away with environmental violations. It is true that Supreme Court has now become sort of powerful constitutional body. But, this is only because of the huge support that it gets from the public and the common man who feel helpless in the present situation.
The government is now trying to bring several amendments in Parliament to curtail the powers of the Supreme Court and control its function in a direct or indirect way. Credibility of the ministers and politicians in the country is already low and their attempt to check the Supreme Court may lead to a lot of public anger which these politicians cannot control.
It is necessary that those in charge of the government at top level should have the wisdom to see things in proper perspective and understand the public mood and the ultimate limitations of the ministers and politicians. By indulging in unchecked corruption and nepotism on the one hand and in trying to put down Supreme Court, which is the only place where people hope to get justice , the central government is playing with fire.
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Friday, August 30, 2013
RE: [IAC#RG] PERFIDY of Prashant Bhushan and Arvind Kejriwal in Coalgate
Till Mr. Shourie was physically able to attend the court, he was doing it and used to get the PILs vetted by Advocates. Payments of the kind you have mentioned were not involved.
PIL as an instrument of justice has developed at the initiative of the SC mainly during
the last 30-35 years. The first PIL Mr.Sourie filed was in 1980 challenging discrimation in defence and civil services. By this I do not mean to say he was the pioneer or first to use the PIL. He merely used the pre-existing remedy available then.
Prashant Bhusan,s personal involvement with Common Cause has increased during the last 7-8 years.
I am aware of the recent changes in the Governing Council to which you had alluded in one of your earlier posts.
I am also aware of unsigned letters circulated about Mr. Bhusan about source of his income. But if we have to judge the honesty and integrety of Advocates merelyon their relations with business houses , many more names come to mind.
Being in Mumbai,I have limited interaction with Common cAuse, but keep myself
informed about their activites
Subject: Re: [IAC#RG] PERFIDY of Prashant Bhushan and Arvind Kejriwal in Coalgate
Dear Mr Gaur
We have no problems with HONEST people who are in multiple movements.
Since IAC is an HONEST movement and a TRANSPARENT movement it is not
likely that we will have serious differences which cannot be resolved
by FRANK discussions with other persons of INTEGRITY.
What we do have problems with is DISHONESTY and DISHONEST persons.
We are not saying that Common Cause is corrupt or dishonest. What we
are exposing is a small clique inside Common Cause which is acting as
a proxy for some very dirty people and misusing what H D Shourie etc
had set up.
In fact as a member of Common Cause YOU should be questioning them
"Look here - Mr. Sarbajit Roy of IAC openly says that the Common
Cause's Coalgate PIL in SC is filed on behalf of Congress persons, and
he has compared the prayer clauses in the 2 Petitions to bring this
out. Further, Mr. Sarbajit Roy openly says that Advocates Kamini
Jaiswal and Prashant Bhushan who usually represent CC in the PILs they
file, usually have the same set of eminent busy bodies(all Congress
proxies play acting that they are made
of the "right stuff") who have none/little prior locus in the matter
to represent the Public as Petitioners. And further, Mr Sarbajit Roy
of IAC asks who is financing all these PILs for CC and could Common
Cause be able to afford to do these PILs by engaging even a slightly
decent uninvolved SC counsel who takes min. 25,000 per hearing - where
are Common Causes funds coming from to launch these PILs ? Where is
the funding / accounts / list f donors on their website (They only have an auditor's note that books seem
OK) ?
Till these questions are not asked and answered, I will say, if asked,
that from what I can make out "Common Cause" has become "Common
Please don't misunderstand me. We have no problem with honest people
in multiple movements - your personal integrity is your shield /
kawach - and such people are assets for us - so long as they at least
respect (if not necessarily follow) IAC's core philosophy .
On 8/30/13, Gaur J K <> wrote:
> 30/8/13
> Dear Mr. S. Roy,
> Since you are taking objection to Mr. B.V Rao for not disclosing his
> association with Common Cause, I should mention that I am also a member
> since 2001,although I had
> mentioned this fact in one of my earlier posts. But I do not belong to any
> gang as you have mentioned. I became a menber when Late Sh. H.D. was the
> Director with whom my association goes back to 1966 when he was the Director
> of Indian Institute of Foreign Trade.
> A large number of membership is drawn from retired Army Officers and
> beaurocrats as you will be knowing.
> I try to judge issues on the merits without being unduly influenced by
> personalities.
> I do not wish to discontinue my association with Common Cause.
> If it is causing any conflict of interest with IAC, I will abide by your
> advice.
> Nonetheless my commitmentment to the cause of eradicating corruption will
> remain.
> Thanks
> JKGaur
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[IAC#RG] Blank IPO for RTI application
Please if any judgment on that give for reference.
Thanking you & Regards,
Azhar Tamboli
Sent from my BlackBerry®
Re: [IAC#RG] PERFIDY of Prashant Bhushan and Arvind Kejriwal in Coalgate
As is well known I am only a dummy at IAC and nobody's boss.
The posts which focus on Arvind / AAP are mainly because at street
level IAC's boys and AAP's are still having problems. We have actually
instructed our boys to maintain an extremely low profile. But as we
know, ultimately elections are won by "notes, bottles, thekedars and
On 18th August Arvind provoked us by dragging Kiran Bedi back into the
anti-corruption circle, So I reminded them of Coalgate in a 24-August
email, On 25-26 August they form a fake IAC and circulate press
releases and get 20 kids to wave tricolors claiming to be Anna's IAC
volunteers, On 27th some well wishers file my email in SC and Prashant
Bhushan has to defend himself there on 29th. And it will go on like
this unless AAP control their boys. IAC's team is very quiet at
present, once elections start their services/expertise are always in
great demand.
Quoting Amrish Puri in Mr. India : "ek machar aadmi ko hijda bana deta hai"
On 8/30/13, Girender Singh <> wrote:
> Dear Mr. Sarbajit
> I have very small machchar who is writing to a Lion like you please don't
> take it otherwise although you never reply to the such posts. You are a
> highly brilliant officer controlling IAC platform! What I felt many times
> that the most of your posts are biased because they focuses on the Arvind &
> Co. Being a brilliant fellow of IAC what will be the outcome of your
> maligned and biased researches if they don't benefits a common people.
> Sometimes it also seems that you are helping the Congress from the back
> door! It is my personal view. I don't have any wrong intention to raising
> concerns against you because you are our boss... we are very small
> volunteers of IAC or may be nothing in your view.
> Honestly I don't satisfied with the working of IAC in such a way. Excuse Me!
> Pardon Me....Sir!
> Girendra Singh, New Delhi.
Re: [IAC#RG] PERFIDY of Prashant Bhushan and Arvind Kejriwal in Coalgate
We have no problems with HONEST people who are in multiple movements.
Since IAC is an HONEST movement and a TRANSPARENT movement it is not
likely that we will have serious differences which cannot be resolved
by FRANK discussions with other persons of INTEGRITY.
What we do have problems with is DISHONESTY and DISHONEST persons.
We are not saying that Common Cause is corrupt or dishonest. What we
are exposing is a small clique inside Common Cause which is acting as
a proxy for some very dirty people and misusing what H D Shourie etc
had set up.
In fact as a member of Common Cause YOU should be questioning them
"Look here - Mr. Sarbajit Roy of IAC openly says that the Common
Cause's Coalgate PIL in SC is filed on behalf of Congress persons, and
he has compared the prayer clauses in the 2 Petitions to bring this
out. Further, Mr. Sarbajit Roy openly says that Advocates Kamini
Jaiswal and Prashant Bhushan who usually represent CC in the PILs they
file, usually have the same set of eminent busy bodies(all Congress
proxies play acting that they are made
of the "right stuff") who have none/little prior locus in the matter
to represent the Public as Petitioners. And further, Mr Sarbajit Roy
of IAC asks who is financing all these PILs for CC and could Common
Cause be able to afford to do these PILs by engaging even a slightly
decent uninvolved SC counsel who takes min. 25,000 per hearing - where
are Common Causes funds coming from to launch these PILs ? Where is
the funding / accounts / list f donors on their website (They only have an auditor's note that books seem
OK) ?
Till these questions are not asked and answered, I will say, if asked,
that from what I can make out "Common Cause" has become "Common
Please don't misunderstand me. We have no problem with honest people
in multiple movements - your personal integrity is your shield /
kawach - and such people are assets for us - so long as they at least
respect (if not necessarily follow) IAC's core philosophy .
On 8/30/13, Gaur J K <> wrote:
> 30/8/13
> Dear Mr. S. Roy,
> Since you are taking objection to Mr. B.V Rao for not disclosing his
> association with Common Cause, I should mention that I am also a member
> since 2001,although I had
> mentioned this fact in one of my earlier posts. But I do not belong to any
> gang as you have mentioned. I became a menber when Late Sh. H.D. was the
> Director with whom my association goes back to 1966 when he was the Director
> of Indian Institute of Foreign Trade.
> A large number of membership is drawn from retired Army Officers and
> beaurocrats as you will be knowing.
> I try to judge issues on the merits without being unduly influenced by
> personalities.
> I do not wish to discontinue my association with Common Cause.
> If it is causing any conflict of interest with IAC, I will abide by your
> advice.
> Nonetheless my commitmentment to the cause of eradicating corruption will
> remain.
> Thanks
> JKGaur
Re: [IAC#RG] Why is entire ESM community calling you names?
On Thursday, August 29, 2013, Veeresh Malik wrote:
Dear Ashok Coomar,Thank you for writing in, and I must salute your tone of language, far different from the tone used by Shri Pannu.Now, on contents and some facts:-1) My mother takes a pension from the Indian Army thanks to my late father, my late maternal grandmother took an award for all 4 sons in the Armed Forces (though only 3 continued, the first had to take a civil job to bring up the zero restart family after '47)2) I have a list as long as your arm of family members from the close circle of relatives as well as close friends who have been in the Armed Forces and are in the Armed Forces and some have also made the Supreme Sacrifice and so get slightly outraged when people choose to question my patriotism.3) Not having been in the Armed Forces myself but from an institution which produced the earliest Chiefs of Staff of the Indian Navt as well as other Star Officers for the Indian Army, so connections of not just the Indian Navy, my own training went through the full drill on Armed Forces pattern, and more, including swearing loyalty to flag and country.My single point question here to you is this - if after retiring, a person from the Indian Armed Forces or Civilian Government services voluntarily exits from Indian citizenship and swears loyalty as well as fealty to another country, then what right does he have to the benefits of the Army Act or similar, whether ex Armed Forces or Civilian?Would we justify the benefits if, hypothetical situation, the Supreme Commander in Chief, the President of India did something like this?Please do not try to churn the issue up into other unrelated issues of loyalty, patriotism, and need of the Nation and the hour. I am not a fool to not know the importance of a strong Armed Forces. If it is your contention that strong Armed Forces can not exist without booze, then I have nothing more to say. However, if that was not your contention, then:-4) As far as duty free booze is concerned, tots of rum could have been justified in gunpowder days, which is what we also were taught, but in this day and age, when Armed Forces personnel are expected to be tech savvy as well as in charge of equipment costing billions? On an ordinary cargo tanker carrying crude oil, a clear window of no booze for 15 days prior is now SOP. A railway engine driver, merchant navy sailor, civil aircraft pilot, truck operator, lab technician, surgeon, teacher, everybody else is supposed to be cold sober nil alcohol. But our Armed Forces expect to get cheap booze?5) Given half a chance, the dispensation towards no booze needs to be instilled into people joining the Armed Forces from the date of induction, just as it is done in other professions requiring some amount of responsibility. Maybe it is a good idea to put this in the curriculum of the training establishments for the Armed Forces, as is done with responsible Armed Forces, increasingly, worldwide?Deflecting any rational arguments into vague retorts about being anti-National would make anybody else an easy target, but not me, Coomar, or Pannu - I got far too many family members and friends who have died in the Service of the Nation for you and your ilk to get patronising, condescending and supercilious with me. In addition, I have pursued one too many compensation claim for families of such people where people in service have put obstacles, to not know the truth.Have a nice day, try and remain sober, and set a good example to the youngsters joining the forces. Calling me names just makes me more keen to do a follow-up article.Warm regards/Veeresh Malik
On 28 August 2013 19:43, Maj Gen Ashok Coomar <> wrote:
Dear Mr Malik,It is indeed unfortunate that we have such ignorant citizens in this country who will neither see nor listen to reason. They continue their lament without pausing to analyse whether one should excise the head because of a headache.There is no alternative to an army to defend the nation. You may be right that there are aberrations but the nation has no option but to take the delinquents to ask rather than spite the entire armed forces as you seem to suggest.In national interest it is imperative that our countrymen are careful not to run down the entire institution of the armed forces lest it may compels them to follow the lead given by others - forget about the responsibility you are charged with, just line your nest!Perhaps you can imagine the consequences if that happens.If you do then please refrain from plying your lonely furrow.I pray to God to bestow some patriotic wisdom on you,Yours sincerely,Ashok Coomar-------Original Message-------From: Veeresh MalikDate: 8/27/2013 11:55:40 PMSubject: Re: [IAC#RG] PIL dismissed. subsidised alcohol to Defence remains.Dear Air Commodre (Retd) T Pannu and others in this list.Ignoring the silly language used by Air Comm Pannu on calling me a "traitor", for which I could easily choose to file a case under the IT Act if I wanted to, which said language does no justice to the rank he claims to hold, let me place a few simple facts on record:-1) The Army Act and its specific requirement of "citizen of India" (exception - Nepali) is paramount. It supercedes any GOI letter. Aliens, foreigners (which is what people voluntarily become when they renounce Indian citizenship to pledge loyalty and fealty to another country) are not covered under the said Act and its applications to other Services. A similar situation exists with civilian pensioners too. Please wait for the announcement on pensions wrt aliens/foreigners, which to some extent is already in place in practice for ECHS/MI Room benefits. Rank or otherwise, what right do foreigners and aliens even if they were in the Indian Armed Forces at one time, have to enter restricted areas which includes Armed Forces Hospitals, Installations, Offices, Air Force St
Speaking in Parliament , the Finance Minister accused judiciary of putting impediments in the functioning of the government. Certainly, millions of well informed Indians will reject this charge with the contempt that it deserves. On the other hand, people think that the judiciary is the only hope today to restore probity in public life and people want judiciary to be proactive.
But for the Supreme Court, the people involved in monumental corruption such as Commonwealth games, 2G scam, Coal scam and several other scams of Manmohan Singh's government which have become the order of the day now, would have gone scot free. Several organisations would have got away with environmental violations. It is true that Supreme Court has now become sort of powerful constitutional body. But, this is only because of the huge support that it gets from the public and the common man who feel helpless in the present situation.
The government is now trying to bring several amendments in Parliament to curtail the powers of the Supreme Court and control its function in a direct or indirect way. Credibility of the ministers and politicians in the country is already low and their attempt to check the Supreme Court may lead to a lot of public anger which these politicians cannot control.
It is necessary that those in charge of the government at top level should have the wisdom to see things in proper perspective and understand the public mood and the ultimate limitations of the ministers and politicians. By indulging in unchecked corruption and nepotism on the one hand and in trying to put down Supreme Court, which is the only place where people hope to get justice , the central government is playing with fire.
RE: [IAC#RG] PERFIDY of Prashant Bhushan and Arvind Kejriwal in Coalgate
Dear Mr. S. Roy,
Since you are taking objection to Mr. B.V Rao for not disclosing his association with Common Cause, I should mention that I am also a member since 2001,although I had
mentioned this fact in one of my earlier posts. But I do not belong to any gang as you have mentioned. I became a menber when Late Sh. H.D. was the Director with whom my association goes back to 1966 when he was the Director of Indian Institute of Foreign Trade.
A large number of membership is drawn from retired Army Officers and beaurocrats as you will be knowing.
I try to judge issues on the merits without being unduly influenced by personalities.
I do not wish to discontinue my association with Common Cause.
If it is causing any conflict of interest with IAC, I will abide by your advice.
Nonetheless my commitmentment to the cause of eradicating corruption will remain.
Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 22:29:20 +0530
Subject: Re: [IAC#RG] PERFIDY of Prashant Bhushan and Arvind Kejriwal in Coalgate
You have to read between the lines, because the Indianewsco reporter was inside the courtroom, and the BS reporter seems to have been outside and took some hearsay bites from Bhushan.
if mr sarabjit has such hard evidence why does he not knock on the doors of the SCjai hind
On Sun, Aug 25, 2013 at 7:15 PM, Sarbajit Roy <> wrote:---------- Forwarded message ----------To: Venkata Rao <>
From: Sarbajit Roy <>
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 07:45:18 +0530
Subject: Re: [IAC#RG] PERFIDY of Prashant Bhushan and Arvind Kejriwal
in Coalgate
Dear Group Captain (Retd) Rao,
1) I am not anybody's leader. This is a democratic and relatively flat
volunteer movement.
2) You ought to have disclosed your clear connection to Prashant
Bhushan, Kamini Jaiswal and the rest of the Common Cause gang.
3) I was not associated with IAC during period Arvind and Prashant
were in it. In fact I was ACTIVELY DISASSOCIATED from it.
On 8/26/13, Venkata Rao <> wrote:
> Our 'Great Leader' Sarbajit's following mail does not contribute to punish
> those guilty of 'Coalgate'; It rather exibits Sarbajit's unforgettable ill
> association with others in the near past.
> He could do well without such outbursts.
> Regards to all,
> BV Rao
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Re: [IAC#RG] PERFIDY of Prashant Bhushan and Arvind Kejriwal in Coalgate
From: Sarbajit Roy <>
To: indiaresists <>
Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2013 9:59 PM
Subject: Re: [IAC#RG] PERFIDY of Prashant Bhushan and Arvind Kejriwal in Coalgate
You have to read between the lines, because the Indianewsco reporter was inside the courtroom, and the BS reporter seems to have been outside and took some hearsay bites from Bhushan.
if mr sarabjit has such hard evidence why does he not knock on the doors of the SCjai hind
On Sun, Aug 25, 2013 at 7:15 PM, Sarbajit Roy <> wrote:
---------- Forwarded message ----------To: Venkata Rao <>
From: Sarbajit Roy <>
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 07:45:18 +0530
Subject: Re: [IAC#RG] PERFIDY of Prashant Bhushan and Arvind Kejriwal
in Coalgate
Dear Group Captain (Retd) Rao,
1) I am not anybody's leader. This is a democratic and relatively flat
volunteer movement.
2) You ought to have disclosed your clear connection to Prashant
Bhushan, Kamini Jaiswal and the rest of the Common Cause gang.
3) I was not associated with IAC during period Arvind and Prashant
were in it. In fact I was ACTIVELY DISASSOCIATED from it.
On 8/26/13, Venkata Rao <> wrote:
> Our 'Great Leader' Sarbajit's following mail does not contribute to punish
> those guilty of 'Coalgate'; It rather exibits Sarbajit's unforgettable ill
> association with others in the near past.
> He could do well without such outbursts.
> Regards to all,
> BV Rao
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RE: [IAC#RG] Simplified inference - Why is entire ESM community calling you names?
I have given a detailed pointwise rebuttal on your irresponsible earlier mail.It did not see the day.
By sending such frivolous mail,what is your intention?
All soldiers are patriots.But all patriots need not be soldiers.
Subject: [IAC#RG] Simplified inference - Why is entire ESM community calling you names?
1. Those who serve as Soldiers are Patriots.
2. Those who do not do are not Patriots. 3. Those who question the
aberrations in the system are Traitors.
Post: "" Exit: "" Quit: "" Help: WWW :
Thursday, August 29, 2013
this is what debt ridden economy means.If one does not have the cash to pay for a car or house why can't he live in rented apartments and use public transport.. If one has Re 100 he must never spend Rs 1000.This is the reasons why the EMI have increased by 100 this is exactly what is happening now. The theme needs to be contentment and cut down on greed and show off life style that does not belong to you.VijoyOn Wed, Aug 28, 2013 at 7:12 PM, mukta rae <> wrote:
HiI have going through your mails regularly and some of them are really good and hope they are giving you desired results.Here I need to raise a doubt I have in mind regarding RBI and banks . In last 10 years I have watched time to time RBI raising interest rates thereby affecting the EMI payer , the banks are under obligation in utrn to raise the EMI of the borrower, but when the RBI decreases the interest rates there is no compulsion for the banks to decrease the same. The end result is in last 10 years the EMI has increased by 100% and the borrower is endlessly paying to the bank with the number of years of EMI increased and the amount increased. The borrower is literally the tenant of the bank.On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 8:09 PM, Venkatraman Ns <> wrote:
Post: ""To
India Against Corruption
Replying to the debate in parliament on 27th August , P.Chidambaram blamed several external factors as well as the judiciary's "interference" for the country's economic mess , as if he has no responsibility . He made empty promises like curtailing current account deficit, boosting manufacturing sector etc. without really explaining why he has not done this all these years and how he would do it now which the UPA has not done during its governance.
The real grim fact which he conveniently ignored is the widespread corruption in the governance by UPA government, resulting in siphoning of thousands of crores of rupees by unscrupulous ministers , politicians and bureaucrats and associated business men , which resulted in coal scam , 2G scam, Commonwealth scam etc. etc. Money meant for development projects are now largely in the pockets of unscrupulous people forming part of this government and Finance Minister has nothing to say about this as this will amount to blaming himself.
He indulged in empty rhetoric asking why should we import coal . The country is forced to import coal because of the coal scam of the government. Are we not paying a huge price for the corruption ridden governance led by Manmohan Singh ?
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Re: [IAC#RG] PERFIDY of Prashant Bhushan and Arvind Kejriwal in Coalgate
You have to read between the lines, because the Indianewsco reporter was inside the courtroom, and the BS reporter seems to have been outside and took some hearsay bites from Bhushan.
if mr sarabjit has such hard evidence why does he not knock on the doors of the SCjai hind
On Sun, Aug 25, 2013 at 7:15 PM, Sarbajit Roy <> wrote:
---------- Forwarded message ----------To: Venkata Rao <>
From: Sarbajit Roy <>
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 07:45:18 +0530
Subject: Re: [IAC#RG] PERFIDY of Prashant Bhushan and Arvind Kejriwal
in Coalgate
Dear Group Captain (Retd) Rao,
1) I am not anybody's leader. This is a democratic and relatively flat
volunteer movement.
2) You ought to have disclosed your clear connection to Prashant
Bhushan, Kamini Jaiswal and the rest of the Common Cause gang.
3) I was not associated with IAC during period Arvind and Prashant
were in it. In fact I was ACTIVELY DISASSOCIATED from it.
On 8/26/13, Venkata Rao <> wrote:
> Our 'Great Leader' Sarbajit's following mail does not contribute to punish
> those guilty of 'Coalgate'; It rather exibits Sarbajit's unforgettable ill
> association with others in the near past.
> He could do well without such outbursts.
> Regards to all,
> BV Rao
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Re: [IAC#RG] Simplified inference - Why is entire ESM community calling you names?