Saturday, June 10, 2017
[IAC#RG] Judiciary needs more investment
Friday, June 9, 2017
Re: [IAC#RG] [Ola Support] #49676314 - Regarding your call to Ola
53. Misbehaviour by TSR/Taxi driver 66(1)/192-A MV Act Non Compoundable To court- to court 54. Overcharging by TSR/Taxi 66(1)/192-A MV Act Non Compoundable To court to court 55. Refusal by TSR/Taxi driver 66(1)/192-A MV Act Non Compoundable To court to court
"8 Misbehaviour by TSR/TAXI Driver 11.3/177 90/- 270/- 9 Over charging by TSR/Taxi 11.8/177 90/- 270/- 10 Refusal by TSR/Taxi 11.9/177 90/- 270/-"
Thanks for this information.
I also noticed that Hindus are being discriminated by Ola co. drivers,
especially in Kolkata, and rides are being cancelled by drivers from
this partciular community. Kudo to Hindu Samaj for agitating this
Ola drivers are also not switching on government meters during the
ride so GPS is bypassed and OLA can charge looting fare in name of
"dynamic" pricing.
*********** ---------------------------------- ****************
Dear Ola Cabs
This is further to our several complaints that OLA cabs are grossly
over-charging members of Hindu Samaj of India by upto 400% over the
official rates for cab services in Delhi. We have also protested that
our drivers of a particular religion are discriminating against Hindu
Samaj by cancelling rides of our memberships. It is very strange that
you have not answered our complaints properly and sacked those
As discussed, we have accessed the rate card section for "Micro" and
"Mini" Can sections on your app. We summarise these as follows:-
1) MICRO - Rs. 40 as upfront fee, Rs. 6 per km and Rs. 1 per minute (ride time).
2) MINI - Rs. 50 as upfront fee, Rs. 8 per km and Rs. 1 per minute (ride time).
Taxes and tolls extra. (please point out errors, if any)
Kindly note that M/s ANI Technologies (P) Ltd. and its CEO Mr.Bhaveesh
Agrawal have undertaken to the Hon'ble Delhi High Court (August 2016)
in a contempt petition against them that they will not charge over and
beyond the fares notified by the Delhi Govt. (presently Rs. 10 per km
and Rs. 13 per km respectively) for these categories. No ride time
charges are allowed and obviously this includes OLA's upfront fees.
Kindly update us if there is any change in status
We also notice that you are using All India Tourist Permit taxi cabs
with out-of-state registrations to provide pick up and and drops
within Delhi. FTI, The Delhi Govt. has notified the rate as Rs. 5 per
km for such taxi cabs (the copy of which is with us).
Accordingly, kindly ensure that all rates quoted to members of our
organisation - HINDU SAMAJ of INDIA - are not charged beyond the Delhi
Govt fares under any circumstances, failing which riders from our
organisation shall get the offending cabs impounded by the police /
transport and insist on paying as per the official meter only.
We also request you to kindly provide the reference no/ / date of
OLA's registration with Delhi Govt. under section 93 of Motor Vehicles
Act which is mandatory for all cab aggregators to canvass for booking
cabs in Delhi.
A copy of this email is being circulated widely to Hindu Samaj and its
affiliated networks.
RP Dalvi
General Secretary
Hindu Samaj of India
On 6/7/17, Ola Support <> wrote:
> ##- Please type your reply above this line -##
> Ola Rajinder
> Thank you for contacting us.
> We hope we were able to address your query on ride rates.
> In future, you can access the rate card of any cab category and city at your
> convenience on your Ola app. Please follow the simple steps for the same:
> - Double-tap or press and hold a cab category icon (Ex: Micro, Mini or
> Prime) to get the fare breakup of that category.
> - You can also check fares after you've chosen a category and selected RIDE
> NOW or RIDE LATER. You'll see a Rate Card button that you can tap to check
> fares.
> - We have a Rate Card section in the app where you can check fares for
> different cities.
> You can also check fares for different cities on our website-
> We have created a ticket for your reference (Ticket 49676314) and marked it
> as resolved for now. Please reply to this email if you have any questions.
> Hope to see you on-board soon.
> Thank you.
> Ola Support
Post: ""
Exit: " "
Quit: " "
Re: [IAC#RG] [Ola Support] #49676314 - Regarding your call to Ola
with out-of-state registrations to provide pick up and and drops
within Delhi. FTI, The Delhi Govt. has notified the rate as Rs. 5 per
km for such taxi cabs (the copy of which is with us).
Dear Ola Cabs
This is further to our several complaints that OLA cabs are grossly
over-charging members of Hindu Samaj of India by upto 400% over the
official rates for cab services in Delhi. We have also protested that
our drivers of a particular religion are discriminating against Hindu
Samaj by cancelling rides of our memberships. It is very strange that
you have not answered our complaints properly and sacked those
As discussed, we have accessed the rate card section for "Micro" and
"Mini" Can sections on your app. We summarise these as follows:-
1) MICRO - Rs. 40 as upfront fee, Rs. 6 per km and Rs. 1 per minute (ride time).
2) MINI - Rs. 50 as upfront fee, Rs. 8 per km and Rs. 1 per minute (ride time).
Taxes and tolls extra. (please point out errors, if any)
Kindly note that M/s ANI Technologies (P) Ltd. and its CEO Mr.
Bhaveesh Agrawal have undertaken to the Hon'ble Delhi High Court
(August 2016) in a contempt petition against them that they will not
charge over and beyond the fares notified by the Delhi Govt.
(presently Rs. 10 per km and Rs. 13 per km respectively) for these
categories. No ride time charges are allowed and obviously this
includes OLA's upfront fees. Kindly update us if there is any change
in status
We also notice that you are using All India Tourist Permit taxi cabs
with out-of-state registrations to provide pick up and and drops
within Delhi. FTI, The Delhi Govt. has notified the rate as Rs. 5 per
km for such taxi cabs (the copy of which is with us).
Accordingly, kindly ensure that all rates quoted to members of our
organisation - HINDU SAMAJ of INDIA - are not charged beyond the Delhi
Govt fares under any circumstances, failing which riders from our
organisation shall get the offending cabs impounded by the police /
transport and insist on paying as per the official meter only.
We also request you to kindly provide the reference no/ / date of
OLA's registration with Delhi Govt. under section 93 of Motor Vehicles
Act which is mandatory for all cab aggregators to canvass for booking
cabs in Delhi.
A copy of this email is being circulated widely to Hindu Samaj and its
affiliated networks.
RP Dalvi
General Secretary
Hindu Samaj of India
On 6/7/17, Ola Support <> wrote:
> ##- Please type your reply above this line -##
> Ola Rajinder
> Thank you for contacting us.
> We hope we were able to address your query on ride rates.
> In future, you can access the rate card of any cab category and city at your
> convenience on your Ola app. Please follow the simple steps for the same:
> - Double-tap or press and hold a cab category icon (Ex: Micro, Mini or
> Prime) to get the fare breakup of that category.
> - You can also check fares after you've chosen a category and selected RIDE
> NOW or RIDE LATER. You'll see a Rate Card button that you can tap to check
> fares.
> - We have a Rate Card section in the app where you can check fares for
> different cities.
> You can also check fares for different cities on our website-
> We have created a ticket for your reference (Ticket 49676314) and marked it
> as resolved for now. Please reply to this email if you have any questions.
> Hope to see you on-board soon.
> Thank you.
> Ola Support
> Get quick help by clicking on the Support section in your Ola app menu or by
> visiting
> How would you rate the support you received?
> You can copy the following URL into your browser to rate:
> satisfaction/new/ H5xnLkeAR20CpKXxyXe1YvTTu? locale=1
> --------------------------------
> This email is a service from Ola Cabs.
Post: ""
Exit: " "
Quit: " "
Re: [IAC#RG] [Ola Support] #49676314 - Regarding your call to Ola
I also noticed that Hindus are being discriminated by Ola co. drivers,
especially in Kolkata, and rides are being cancelled by drivers from
this partciular community. Kudo to Hindu Samaj for agitating this
Ola drivers are also not switching on government meters during the
ride so GPS is bypassed and OLA can charge looting fare in name of
"dynamic" pricing.
*********** ---------------------------------- ****************
Dear Ola Cabs
This is further to our several complaints that OLA cabs are grossly
over-charging members of Hindu Samaj of India by upto 400% over the
official rates for cab services in Delhi. We have also protested that
our drivers of a particular religion are discriminating against Hindu
Samaj by cancelling rides of our memberships. It is very strange that
you have not answered our complaints properly and sacked those
As discussed, we have accessed the rate card section for "Micro" and
"Mini" Can sections on your app. We summarise these as follows:-
1) MICRO - Rs. 40 as upfront fee, Rs. 6 per km and Rs. 1 per minute (ride time).
2) MINI - Rs. 50 as upfront fee, Rs. 8 per km and Rs. 1 per minute (ride time).
Taxes and tolls extra. (please point out errors, if any)
Kindly note that M/s ANI Technologies (P) Ltd. and its CEO Mr.Bhaveesh
Agrawal have undertaken to the Hon'ble Delhi High Court (August 2016)
in a contempt petition against them that they will not charge over and
beyond the fares notified by the Delhi Govt. (presently Rs. 10 per km
and Rs. 13 per km respectively) for these categories. No ride time
charges are allowed and obviously this includes OLA's upfront fees.
Kindly update us if there is any change in status
We also notice that you are using All India Tourist Permit taxi cabs
with out-of-state registrations to provide pick up and and drops
within Delhi. FTI, The Delhi Govt. has notified the rate as Rs. 5 per
km for such taxi cabs (the copy of which is with us).
Accordingly, kindly ensure that all rates quoted to members of our
organisation - HINDU SAMAJ of INDIA - are not charged beyond the Delhi
Govt fares under any circumstances, failing which riders from our
organisation shall get the offending cabs impounded by the police /
transport and insist on paying as per the official meter only.
We also request you to kindly provide the reference no/ / date of
OLA's registration with Delhi Govt. under section 93 of Motor Vehicles
Act which is mandatory for all cab aggregators to canvass for booking
cabs in Delhi.
A copy of this email is being circulated widely to Hindu Samaj and its
affiliated networks.
RP Dalvi
General Secretary
Hindu Samaj of India
On 6/7/17, Ola Support <> wrote:
> ##- Please type your reply above this line -##
> Ola Rajinder
> Thank you for contacting us.
> We hope we were able to address your query on ride rates.
> In future, you can access the rate card of any cab category and city at your
> convenience on your Ola app. Please follow the simple steps for the same:
> - Double-tap or press and hold a cab category icon (Ex: Micro, Mini or
> Prime) to get the fare breakup of that category.
> - You can also check fares after you've chosen a category and selected RIDE
> NOW or RIDE LATER. You'll see a Rate Card button that you can tap to check
> fares.
> - We have a Rate Card section in the app where you can check fares for
> different cities.
> You can also check fares for different cities on our website-
> We have created a ticket for your reference (Ticket 49676314) and marked it
> as resolved for now. Please reply to this email if you have any questions.
> Hope to see you on-board soon.
> Thank you.
> Ola Support
[IAC#RG] When Army Chief Says He Wishes Kashmiris Were Firing At His Men
Shared via NDTV News App (Android - | iPhone - )
Thursday, June 8, 2017
[IAC#RG] "भारत कभी सत्य - अहिंसा का पुजारी था"
हिंसा का प्रशिक्षण देकर,
अहिंसा की उम्मीद,
क्यों लगाए बैठे हैं नेता?
बंद - हडताल का आहवान कर,
राजनीतिक दलों के नेताओं ने अबतक
देश भर में हिंसा क्यों कराया था?
हिंसक आंदोलन का नेतृत्व कर रहे
किसान संगठन के नेता को
हिंसा का प्रशिक्षण किसने दिलाया था?
अहिंसक सत्याग्रह की आवाज़
न सुनने की अंग्रेजी नीति ने ही,
हिंसक क्रांति की आग को सुलगाया था।
किसान-मजदूर-गरीब-बेरोजगार को मूर्ख बना
कार्पोरेटों को लाभ दिलाने की नीति
किस - किस ने बनाया था?
जनलोकपाल आन्दोलन के दौरान,
हमने एक कंकड तक नहीं उछाले,
फिर भी पूरी संसद को हिलाया था।
हिंसा का समर्थन हम नहीं करते,
पर लोग कबतक रहेंगे मरते?
टूटते धौर्य ने गाँधीजी के आन्दोलन को भी,
कभी उग्र - हिंसक बनाया था।
सरकार से भी अपील है
अहिंसक आंदोलनों की सुनें,
आंदोलनकारियों से भी अपील है,
अहिंसा का रास्ता चुनें,
नहीं तो, इतिहास में लिखा मिलेगा,
भारत कभी सत्य - अहिंसा का पुजारी था । 2 ।
हम ॐ.ੴ.الله .† ……. (Õm - Õnkār - Allāh .God…..) से मंदसौर पुलिस
फायरिंग में शहीद हुए किसानों की आत्मा को शांति प्रदान करने की
प्रार्थना करते हैं। घायल किसानोंन एवं हिंसात्मक आंदोलन में घायलों के
शीघ्र स्वस्थ होने की कामना, प्रभावित परिवारों के प्रति गहरी संवेदना
तथा संपत्ति के नुकसान पर भी दुख व्यक्त करते हुए पीड़ितों को ईश्वर से
शक्ति प्रदान करने की प्रार्थना करते हैं ।
मंदसौर से पहले नंदीग्राम, सिंगुर, भट्टा-पारसौल और टप्पल में भी देश के
अन्नदाता मारे गए हैं । इसके लिए सभी पूरवर्ती पार्टियों की सरकारें और
उनकी दोगली नीतियाँ जिम्मेदार रही हैं। भाजपा और कांग्रेस मंदसौर हिंसा
के लिए एक दूसरे को दोषी बता रहें हैं, जबकि दोनों की गलत नीतियाँ इसके
लिए जिम्मेदार हैं, दोनों के नेता इसमें शामिल रहे हैं। कांग्रेस के
नेताओं के शामिल होने की बात की जा रही है तो आन्दोलन का नेतृत्व कर रहे
नेता संघ के किसान संगठन के नेता रह चुके हैं। समस्या को सिर्फ राजनैतिक
लड़ाई बताकर किसानों की असली माँगों को दबाने का प्रयास किया जा रहा है।
हम सरकारों से किसानो, मजदूरों, गरीबों और बेरोजगारों के लिए साफ मन से
उनके हित में योजनाएँ बनाने, उनकी मांगों पर समय रहते ध्यान देने और
दोगली तथा धोखेबाज़ी वाली नीतियाँ छोड़ने की भी अपील करते हैं।
आंदोलनकारियों से भी आंदोलन को अहिंसक बनाने की प्रार्थना करते हैं।
Õm - Õnkār - Allāh .God…..
ॐ.ੴ.الله .† …….
Jai Hind! Jai Jagat (Universe)!
- ग़ुलाम कुन्दनम् (Ghulam Kundanam).
Facebook Link:-
"भारत कभी सत्य - अहिंसा का पुजारी था"
Re: [IAC#RG] [Ola Support] #49676314 - Regarding your call to Ola
This is further to our several complaints that OLA cabs are grossly
over-charging members of Hindu Samaj of India by upto 400% over the
official rates for cab services in Delhi. We have also protested that
our drivers of a particular religion are discriminating against Hindu
Samaj by cancelling rides of our memberships. It is very strange that
you have not answered our complaints properly and sacked those
As discussed, we have accessed the rate card section for "Micro" and
"Mini" Can sections on your app. We summarise these as follows:-
1) MICRO - Rs. 40 as upfront fee, Rs. 6 per km and Rs. 1 per minute (ride time).
2) MINI - Rs. 50 as upfront fee, Rs. 8 per km and Rs. 1 per minute (ride time).
Taxes and tolls extra. (please point out errors, if any)
Kindly note that M/s ANI Technologies (P) Ltd. and its CEO Mr.
Bhaveesh Agrawal have undertaken to the Hon'ble Delhi High Court
(August 2016) in a contempt petition against them that they will not
charge over and beyond the fares notified by the Delhi Govt.
(presently Rs. 10 per km and Rs. 13 per km respectively) for these
categories. No ride time charges are allowed and obviously this
includes OLA's upfront fees. Kindly update us if there is any change
in status
We also notice that you are using All India Tourist Permit taxi cabs
with out-of-state registrations to provide pick up and and drops
within Delhi. FTI, The Delhi Govt. has notified the rate as Rs. 5 per
km for such taxi cabs (the copy of which is with us).
Accordingly, kindly ensure that all rates quoted to members of our
organisation - HINDU SAMAJ of INDIA - are not charged beyond the Delhi
Govt fares under any circumstances, failing which riders from our
organisation shall get the offending cabs impounded by the police /
transport and insist on paying as per the official meter only.
We also request you to kindly provide the reference no/ / date of
OLA's registration with Delhi Govt. under section 93 of Motor Vehicles
Act which is mandatory for all cab aggregators to canvass for booking
cabs in Delhi.
A copy of this email is being circulated widely to Hindu Samaj and its
affiliated networks.
RP Dalvi
General Secretary
Hindu Samaj of India
On 6/7/17, Ola Support <> wrote:
> ##- Please type your reply above this line -##
> Ola Rajinder
> Thank you for contacting us.
> We hope we were able to address your query on ride rates.
> In future, you can access the rate card of any cab category and city at your
> convenience on your Ola app. Please follow the simple steps for the same:
> - Double-tap or press and hold a cab category icon (Ex: Micro, Mini or
> Prime) to get the fare breakup of that category.
> - You can also check fares after you've chosen a category and selected RIDE
> NOW or RIDE LATER. You'll see a Rate Card button that you can tap to check
> fares.
> - We have a Rate Card section in the app where you can check fares for
> different cities.
> You can also check fares for different cities on our website-
> We have created a ticket for your reference (Ticket 49676314) and marked it
> as resolved for now. Please reply to this email if you have any questions.
> Hope to see you on-board soon.
> Thank you.
> Ola Support
> Get quick help by clicking on the Support section in your Ola app menu or by
> visiting
> How would you rate the support you received?
> You can copy the following URL into your browser to rate:
> --------------------------------
> This email is a service from Ola Cabs.
Re: [IAC#RG] "A-team" of Congress and "B-team" of BJP
It will be interesting to know how much money/assets Anna Hazare has accumulated by "doing anything for a fee".You are saying Lok Pal is required only because World Bank wants it !. I am not able to make out what interest World Bank has in a Lok Pal Bill and whether the core committee of IAC is interested that no Lok Pal is required and the top Politicians and top bureaucrats should have no fear or control and be free to continue with their (corrupt) practices.R.N.Malhotra
From: Sarbajit Roy <>
To: indiaresists <> Sent: Monday, June 5, 2017 8:59 AM
Subject: Re: [IAC#RG] "A-team" of Congress and "B-team" of BJP
Anna Hazare was (and still is) an actor for hire who will say and do anything for a fee.Dear Shri Malhotra,Thanks for highlighting what you deemed as unverified / scandalous portions in one of my earlier emails. ie.Incidentally, Kejriwal was not interested in politics till April 2012. All he wanted was to get the World Bank dictated Lokpal Bill (Ombudsman Act) implemented for which he was being handsomely paid in crores by World Bank, CIA and through some George Soros linked front organisations.Since I and some other core committee members of IAC know the internal dynamics of the IAC movement between 2007 till 2012 involving these persons, I do not feel inclined to change my opinion of them in any way.You may verify that IAC's core committee knows these people for many yearseg: (May 2007) - Photos from IAC private archives by Veeresh Malik (co-Convenor IAC)Furthermore, anything we have to say about Mr. Anna Hazare is usually first communicated to his office (his official email ID) as well as by telephone calls to his personal staff (for Mr. Anna Hazare's own good), which are duly acknowledged to us by them. Also, some of the more innocuous emails have been shared with IAC's subscribers in interest of transparency (eg. role of Moen Quereshi with certain peoiple very close to Annaji at certain times in his life saga). issues-to-be.html Sarbajit RoyOn Mon, May 29, 2017 at 11:05 PM, ravindra malhotra <> wrote:Issue raised by me has been sidestepped. Please read again the sentences in the mail of 20th May converted to bold letters in coloured font. Forum is being misused by using such unwarranted and unjustified language.R.N.Malhotra
From: Sarbajit Roy <>
To: indiaresists < >
Sent: Sunday, May 28, 2017 9:46 PM
Subject: Re: [IAC#RG] "A-team" of Congress and "B-team" of BJP
I repeat and reiterate my opinion that the present day higher judiciary along with their system, of "officers of the court" (ie. advocates) is probably the most corrupt institution of India and the reason India is in such a mess today. They are answerable to nobody, they are self appointing and self-serving, utterly resistant to transparency, essentially a law unto themselves and the fees being paid today to the so-called designated senior advocates are a public scandal (eg. alleged Rs. 3.2 crore legal bill for Ram Jethmalani to defend Arvind Kejriwal) leading us in civil society to apprehend that perhaps portions of these scandalous fees find its way back to the judges they appear before so thyat litigation piles up as court dates (taarikh pe taarikh pe taarikh) are given at the drop of a hatSirI, as one of the moderators, would be very interested in knowing which parts of my impugned message you found scandalous, improbable etc. and why ?Actually, I recall in one of our RTIs filed to the Delhi High Court a few years back in 2013 I came across an instance of a sitting judge "bribing" another sitting judge, and after 2 hotly contested appeals hearings the Delhi High Court RTI Appellate officer eventually gave me a certified copy of the document in question (the kuccha copy already being with me) whereupon I was able to get the receipient judge transferred out (but not dismissed because the procedure is too cumbersome and impossible).On Sat, May 27, 2017 at 10:43 PM, ravindra malhotra < > wrote:I am surprised that moderators permit such scandalous, unverified, improbable and imaginary accusations to be circulated amongst people of IAC#RG. Many of the writers seem to have their own dreams that they pen down the next day for circulation.R.N.Malhotra
From: Sarbajit Roy <>
To: indiaresists < >
Sent: Saturday, May 20, 2017 9:48 PM
Subject: Re: [IAC#RG] "A-team" of Congress and "B-team" of BJP
Dear Shri GaurAll these 3 parties - BJP, AAP and Congress are corrupt. So it makes no difference who is in which party.Actually, The real cause of India's corruption is its corrupt higher judiciary and court system where the corruptors and corruptees find easy relief and refuge.
It is now time for citizens to demand their rights and governance and establish who is working (or not working) for them.Kejriwal never had any respect for Hazare which was only for the TV cameras. Plus Anna Hazare was (and still is) an actor for hire who will say and do anything for a fee.Incidentally, Kejriwal was not interested in politics till April 2012. All he wanted was to get the World Bank dictated Lokpal Bill (Ombudsman Act) implemented for which he was being handsomely paid in crores by World Bank, CIA and through some George Soros linked front organisations.SarbajitOn Fri, May 19, 2017 at 12:13 PM, Gaur J K <> wrote:19/5/17If AK expels all from Congress and BJP what will be left with AAP? May be some with left idology as in Punjab or Educated but unemployed/unemployables with aspirations to be leaders or from builders lobby to cover up their tracks. But none of them with any experience of governance and yesmen for AK.Whatever your view is of Anna Hazare, the fact remains that AK had accepted him as his Guru and acquired the public face through that Aandolan. What was AK,s political/public persona till then?J,K, GaurFrom: indiaresists-request@lists. <indiaresists-request@lists.> on behalf of Rajinder Dalvi <>
Sent: Friday, May 19, 2017 7:19 AM
Subject: Re: [IAC#RG] "A-team" of Congress and "B-team" of BJPWhile the well known corruption within Aam Aadmi Party is slowly emerging, you are overlooking the far larger corruption in the BJP.
When will we have a similar post/s about Narendra Modi, Nitin Gadkari, Venkiah Naidu, Piyush Goyal etc
You must look at this in the larger context of BJP and Congress being old allies in corruption..
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Tuesday, June 6, 2017
Re: [IAC#RG] Dismiss Rawat
The emails posted to this list by our esteemed veterans seem to imply
that the actions of the Indian Army are above scrutiny or criticism by
We, the list moderators of India Against Corruption, hereby clarify
that our forum shall never prevent or discourage genuine or expert
criticsm of any branch of the Indian State - including the armed
forces or the MoD.
Because the link posted by Gen. Katoch is from a "fake-news" Hindu
front organisation website whose authenticity is dubious, and because
there seems to be no official statement as yet from the Indian Army or
any wing of Govt that the individual tied to the jeep is actually a
terrorist / anti-national / ringleader (and we only have Major Gogoi's
word for it) the members are requested not to use abusive terms to
refer to other members or to impugn their sanity, competence or
Finally, we at IAC we will not trust the Govt blindly. for instance we
(civilians) are still waiting for official proof that the Govt. of
India actually carried out effective counter-strikes in response to
the attack on the army's Uri camp last September ( RTIs we have filed
have not been properly replied to).
Sarbajit Roy
On 6/5/17, Prakash Katoch <> wrote:
> Sir,
> There are plenty stupid people around and I don't get into discussions like
> this. I had only posted this link to help them discover their stupidity.
> Warm regards.
> Prakash.
> On Mon, Jun 5, 2017 at 7:19 AM, PRAKASH GOKARN <>
> wrote:
>> Dear Prakash,
>> With due respect, I suggest that the words 'stupid COAS' be removed from
>> the
>> Subject heading.
>> We should not be seen denigrating an appointment. But a particular
>> person.
>> I think this 'chain' was started by a civilian. Should we encourage it?
>> Regards,
>> Prakash Gokarn
>> On 1 Jun 2017, at 09:01, Prakash Katoch <> wrote:
>> *Innocent Man?
>> <>*
Monday, June 5, 2017
Re: [IAC#RG] Dismiss this stupid COAS "Rawat"
In my opinion whatever you know about COAS or your views on his competence, you should have not raised this on this forum in the context of the incident in Kashmir.
Majority of people feel the major did the right thing in the circustances he was placed in. You can say the end i.e. saving the life of the trapped people justifies the means adopted by the major[no morality or ethics involved]
It appears from one of your posts that you were on the legal side. If I am correct your job was more to do with legal matters not fighting on the front. If I am wrong I stand corrected.
I suggested you read Arun Shourie,s book ,the title is Indian controversies- kind of essays on secularism-real and counterfeit, terrorism ,use of religion as an instrument. In this book Chapter 23,24,25 are devoted to Kashmir Problem. In short Pakistan after losing Bangladesh is hellbent on dismembering India through Kashmir and terrorists are trained, financed
to create chaos and India has to counter it ruthlessly and relentlessly over a long period of time.Since it it has become a very sensitive issue India Against Corruption should not be used as a forum to critisize or undermine the morale of the Armed Forces at this time
From: < > on behalf of Rajinder Dalvi <>
Sent: Monday, May 29, 2017 10:51 PM
Subject: Re: [IAC#RG] Dismiss this stupid COAS "Rawat"It is impossible for me to "leave" a force in which I had the honour
of serving when it was still a professional army (barely) with
educated offiers. Nowadays though it is the jumped up jawans like
Major Gogoi who will do anything to please their RSS masters for cheap
The sense of the argument that I get here is that the end justifies
the means, no matter how dishonorable those means may be.
I am unable to share certain details of our COAS's service in Congo as
part of the UN deplyments there in 2008, but what happened there under
his command was certainly far worse and dishonourable than what Gogoi
did. Since Gen. Rawat is well known for complaining and cooking up
excuses for his non-performance we can only hope that the security
situation in J&K and N-E does not deteriorate further during his
On 5/29/17, Gaur J K <> wrote:
> 28/5/17
> Please leave the army alone and don,t try to fish in troubled water. Some of
> photos circulated on social media showing Indian soldiers being chased,
> beaten and brutally assaulted by the crowd of stone pelters should put any
> self respecting Indian to shame.
> I did not see any post from you when two indian soldiers were abducted by
> Pakistani Army and beheaded.
> Earlier S. Roy had circulated the interview of Arun Shourie. If you consider
> his views as sensible please read his book where he has extensively dealt
> with question of Kashmir, where we have erred and what needs to be done.
> JKGaur
> ________________________________
> From:
> < > on behalf of Rajinder Dalvi
> <>
> Sent: Monday, May 29, 2017 12:33 AM
> To: indiaresists
> Subject: [IAC#RG] Dismiss this stupid COAS "Rawat"
> A Kashmiri goes to vote in troubled times; braving the scorn of his
> fellowmen (who mostly want to secede from India), and the response of
> the Indian Army's officer is to tie him up, and drive him around for 5
> hours on the bonnet of a jeep. Then the COAS commends his junior for
> this blatant assault on democracy while the CoI is underway.
> If Farooq Ahmed Dar is indeed a "terrorist" and/or "ringleader" (both
> words being included as Unparliamentary ones) then Army should either
> arrest Dar, or summon him as a witness in the court of inquiry against
> Gogoi, or else eliminate him in a staged encounter as is usually done
> in J&K (eg. Pathrabal) and then conduct a proforma CoI/CM.
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Re: [IAC#RG] Dismiss Rawat
Re deleting the Stupid COAS in the heading. Its is apt. We condemn his action not him. And it was written by an army veteran and supported by others. If we praise him or justify the junior officer's action tomorrow he might award an officer who ties a child or a riotous schoolgirl to his vehicle as a means to achieve a dubious end, thus alienating a set of our own people forever.
Joya Roy
Dear Prakash,With due respect, I suggest that the words 'stupid COAS' be removed from theSubject heading.We should not be seen denigrating an appointment. But a particular person.I think this 'chain' was started by a civilian. Should we encourage it?Regards,Prakash Gokarn
Innocent Man?
politics/meet-innocent-man- tied-indian-army-jeep-closer- look-farooq-ahmed-dar/
On Tue, May 30, 2017 at 11:44 AM, R. Dua <> wrote:
Anybody who has worked with Forces and has been deputed to difficult areas like Kashmir at this moment knows that some strict action is required.
Now wether this Dar is as innocent as some ppl say is doubtful.
An Army guy will never pick up a innocent bystander unless the local fella is actively involved in continous act which is against safety of officials and the Nation.
Kashmir is becoming the hot bed for these anti national activities.
And they have themselves invited the Army there with situation getting out if hand as we watch.Sitting in our drawing rooms its easy to fire at Gogoi. We shd be with him and fight the insurgents and then we should judge him.
Regards to all.
On 30 May 2017 11:20, "kameswar elangbam" <> wrote:
IAC has become a group of frustrated idiotic persons who has become anti to anything and full of negative attitudes; exactly from the comments and opinions made by the members after the Maj Gogoi episode in Kashmir.To express so much against the current government somewhat similar like Rajdeep and Burkha of 2002 days, that they couldn't defend from the alleged paid paid News syndrome till today.
Let's name IAC as "INDIANS AGAINST COUNTRY " and be a group of Namak Harams for betraying the very nation, Army and the government who feed us.Jai Hind
On 29 May 2017 23:50, "Debashish Haar" <> wrote:
This message is eligible for Automatic Cleanup! ( Add cleanup rule | More info
Also to the list owner, i see the place has become too full with folks who are too full with themselves. I dont want to be among the blinds being led by blinds and deafs who "dance to their beats."
Could you please suggest an easier way to unsubscribe to this group?
On May 29, 2017 9:06 PM, "Debashish Haar" <> wrote:
Mr Vijay Shivdasani,
With due respect could you please then enlighten us what exactly happened, and i assume your core competence makes you an authority in the subject.
On May 29, 2017 9:02 PM, "Vijay Shivdasani" <> wrote:
Sorry--I don't think you know what you are talking about! You should be behind bars for suggesting what you have.Pls stick to your core competence
Vijay ShivdasaniMumbai
On Mon, May 29, 2017 at 12:33 AM, Rajinder Dalvi <> wrote:
A Kashmiri goes to vote in troubled times; braving the scorn of his
fellowmen (who mostly want to secede from India), and the response of
the Indian Army's officer is to tie him up, and drive him around for 5
hours on the bonnet of a jeep. Then the COAS commends his junior for
this blatant assault on democracy while the CoI is underway.
If Farooq Ahmed Dar is indeed a "terrorist" and/or "ringleader" (both
words being included as Unparliamentary ones) then Army should either
arrest Dar, or summon him as a witness in the court of inquiry against
Gogoi, or else eliminate him in a staged encounter as is usually done
in J&K (eg. Pathrabal) and then conduct a proforma CoI/CM.
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