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Dear Sri Venkatraman,The country needs from down the line i.e. from Village Panchayat President upto President of India people of integrity, loyalty, commitment, patriotic to the core. In a Democracy, Political parties are inevitable. With the present Political setup in the Country, any Party which wants to fight corruption, has to necessarily compete or fight with the Political parties which are contesting the Elections only with Monery Power. It is a Universal practice andIndia is no exception. As long as we need Democracy, it is inevitable. For filing Nomination Papers, conducting Public Meetings with all paraphernalia viz., Buntings, Flags, Loud Speakers, Camaras, Video, Posters, Pamphlets, travel, food, accommodation expenses to Speakers, Workers, last, but not the least Media especially eMedia, etc., etc., these are all the minimum requirements, need Money. Without Money you cannot do anything. What is required is, there must be greater transperancy in getting the Money. No illegal Money viz., from Tax Heavens which include all illegal transactions inside or outside the country, should be accepted. To contest the Elections, Money is required. We want Men of impeecable qualities viz., integrity, loyalty, commitment to the Nation and People should adorn the Panchayats, Panchayat Unions, Municipalities, Corporations, Assemblies, Parliament, Raj Bhavans, Vice President, President to stem the rot generated over the years. Tell me frankly, is it possible to get elected to these Bodies, without Money ? As long as the Monies collected and spent for contesting the Elections are transperent. accurate Income Tax Returns are filed and subjected to Public scrutiny, there is nothing wrong in collecting Money. But, none of the Political parties, Politicians, Ministers follow this and for the sake of filing IT Returns, they just file IT Returns without disclosing their actual income, Movable and Immovable Incomes from various sources. One Minister has disclosed his Assets in IT Retrun as Rs.600 Crores. How he earned, from where he earned, from whom he inherited this huge Assets. IT Dept should go into the details from where and how he earned this huge Assets. There is no mention how much IT the Minister has been paying every year. So, the IT Returns filed by most of the Politicians are farce. They don't declare their real income and source of income. No Politicians are exception. India is moving in this situation. How and Who is going to correct the situation ? India needs a very able Prime Minister with integrity, loyalty, commitment, unquestional patriotism and Vision with farsightedness to lead the Nation from the present rotten situation. Who is that Person ? The Citizens should decide. It is in their hands. In the forthcoming Elections, the Citizens should exercise their Power conferred in the Constitution to take the Nation from Darkness to Light.With Best Regards,
A.S.KALYANAMRETD. MANAGER (LPG-SALES)INDIANOIL, CHENNAIFrom: Venkatraman Ns <nsvenkatchennai@gmail.com>
To: indiaresists@lists.riseup.net
Sent: Wednesday, 16 October 2013 6:37 PM
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Post: "indiaresists@lists.riseup.net"ToIndia Against Corruption
AAM AADMI PARTY'S MONEY COLLECTION DRIVEMoney power is the bane of Indian electoral process. Money power is the beginning of political corruption and with unending cancerous growth. It is distressing that all political parties have great faith in money power much more than people power and Aam Aadmi party has proved itself to be no exception.Every political party collects money by coercion, threats and quid pro quo with commercial and industrial establishments and business men . Many political parties often organise functions where the political leaders are supposed to be weighed by silver, garlanded with lakhs of rupee notes etc. These are all obviously some methods of converting their black money into white for accounting purposes. Rarely, people donate money to these political parties voluntarily and willingly and even if done, it would not be a large amount. However, all the political parties claim that the money collected by them is by way of donation given voluntarily. Many say that they are accounted and may also give accounts which may be fake. Aam Aadmi party also claims that the money collected are voluntary donation.It is reported in the media that Aam Aadmi party has already mobilised over Rs.10.49 crore and it still wants more and is feverishly continuing it's money collection drive.If a party believes that it enjoys popularity and has the support of the people, it really does not need this sort of money. When the emphasis is on money power rather than people power to get votes, then certainly that political party will end up as one of any other political party in India. By indulging in such money collection drive, Aam Aadmi party has given one more slap on the face of the Indian voter and those who believe in healthy and vibrant democratic process under the guidance of honest and selfless leaders.N/.S.VenkataramanEmail:- nsvenkatchennai@gmail.com
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