--- On Sat, 4/21/12, virendra verma <virendrasahai@gmail.com> wrote:
Saturday, April 21, 2012
[HumJanenge] Fw: Re: Very Apt Issue for RTI - Inexcusable to Soldiers Anywhere
Re: [HumJanenge] Very Apt Issue for RTI - Inexcusable to Soldiers Anywhere
Sir, the Constitution of india gives MPs right to decide - what pay/perks they can have for themselves. poor framers of the constitution could not imagine about the present lot of MPs. now the only thing required to stop the decoity by the elected reps is to get the constitution amended so that we the people decide what to be given to the servants of we the people. MPs and Supreme court judges have made themselves entitled for pension and perks with it for life time by just in office for ONE DAY repeat just one day sevice because minimum service period for pension clause has been deleted, which earlier was 5 years for MP and 7 yrs for SC judge. for all public servants(civil/military) it is still 10 yrs. please remember it is Indian democracy. rgds. beniwal --- On Sat, 21/4/12, Mahesh Khera <mkkhera@yahoo.com> wrote:
Re: [HumJanenge] Mah SIC wants state to limit RTI pleas
(Sorry for the news related post, but could not resist this one.)
Information chief wants state to limit Right to Information pleas
MUMBAI: At a time when there is intense debate on changes introduced by the state government to the Right to Information (RTI) Act, the state information commission has recommended curbs on the number of appeals a person can file.
Arguing that multiple appeals and applications filed by the same individuals were hampering disposal of the RTI appeals and delaying discharge of information, acting state information commissioner Bhaskar Patil has asked the government to frame rules to limit the number of appeals a person was eligible to.
Full story at this link
Re: [HumJanenge] Very Apt Issue for RTI - Inexcusable to Soldiers Anywhere
To: "humjanenge@googlegroups.com" <humjanenge@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Friday, 20 April 2012 9:11 PM
Subject: Re: [HumJanenge] Very Apt Issue for RTI - Inexcusable to Soldiers Anywhere
From: Mahesh Khera <mkkhera@yahoo.com>
To: Humjanenge <humjanenge@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Friday, 20 April 2012 3:44 PM
Subject: [HumJanenge] Very Apt Issue for RTI - Inexcusable to Soldiers Anywhere
Honorable Members of HJ Group,Please ponder over the post below as to how the government has treated our soldiers. While they have always stood the toughest test in the most challenging environment, the government must also pay back the gratitude of the nation to the soldiers. If any honorable member of HJ Group wants to seek any clarifications, kindly contact Brig PT Gangadharan as mentioned at the end of this post."MAKES GREAT SENSE.......
UNEXPLAINABLE and completely INEXCUSAB LE!!!. Our Indian Soldiers not different.Ill treated by the Nation on all possible count.Denied every benefit even applicable to civilian employees.
No one has been able to explain to me why young men and women serve in the Indian Army(U.S. Military for 20 years), risking their lives protecting freedom, and only get 50% of their pay. While Politicians hold their political positions in the safe confines of the capital, protected by these same men and women, and receive full pay, retirement after serving one term. It just does not make any sense.
If each person that receives this will forward it on to 20 people, in three days, most people in India will know the truth about the government attitude towards its Armed Forces and have the message.. This is one proposal that really should be passed around.
The least the Govt can do at this juncture is to accept the Report of the Parliament Committee on OROP and withdraw all cases of petition of the Govt from SC where judgement has already been passed in favour of Defence Forces. Do not make the life difficult for a soldier, if you want your freedom intact.
Brigadier PTGangadharan, Guards,
Veteran,Nr Chimaya school,PO >Nellicode
Kozhikode(Calicut) -673016.
Tel:0495 2356863/9447766863
E Mail ID- brigadier.ptgangadh aran@gmail. com "Jai Hind,
Col Mahesh Khera
[HumJanenge] Mah SIC wants state to limit RTI pleas
Information chief wants state to limit Right to Information pleas
MUMBAI: At a time when there is intense debate on changes introduced by the state government to the Right to Information (RTI) Act, the state information commission has recommended curbs on the number of appeals a person can file.
Arguing that multiple appeals and applications filed by the same individuals were hampering disposal of the RTI appeals and delaying discharge of information, acting state information commissioner Bhaskar Patil has asked the government to frame rules to limit the number of appeals a person was eligible to.
Full story at this link
Re: [HumJanenge] CIC SM allows CPIO of SC escape penal provisions.
Looks like you have arrived late on the scene. Maybe you might like to do some of your home work and start reading some of the wise RTI related judgment by Justice S Ravindra Bhatt, Justice A P Shah etc. Further you might like to check out some of these links, before you decide to respond http://articles.economictimes.indiatimes.com/2011-05-15/news/29545724_1_rti-act-pio-central-information-commission http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2009-09-02/india/28100758_1_sc-judges-assets-declaration-delhi-high-court Parliament is Supreme is the Maxim of our Constitution. Manoj (Off topic: You might like to watch Raising the Bar" tonight and tomorrow night on Zee Cafe, before you respond) --- On Fri, 4/20/12, capt beniwal <trident142@yahoo.co.in> wrote:
[HumJanenge] IC SG - Transfer of cases in CIC to be disclosed
IC Shailesh Gandhi ordered the PIO to "send a copy of the said notes/order of the CIC. In case these are weeded out this should be stated" before the 10th of May.
[HumJanenge] IC SS - Disclose action on MP's complain
The CPIO responded by stating he "is not bound to interpret or provide opinion or answer clarificatory questions as provided u/s 2(f) and 2(j) of the RTI Act."
However, IC Sushma Singh wisely allowed the appeal and ordered the CPIO to "provide copies of letters received from the above-said Members of Parliament and action taken as per record within ten days of receipt of this order.".
I am not aware if we have an Shri Onkar Singh in this list. So I will appreciate that as and when Shri Singh receives this information, the same could be posted in this list.
[HumJanenge] Air India order to provide status of Mercy Petition
She directed the CPIO of Air India "to inform the appellant about the present status of his mercy appeal as per their record within two weeks of receipt of this order".
Best wishes
[HumJanenge] Ten Years old DPC papers missing in Central Coalfields Ltd
IC Sushma Singh did not buy their story and has order the disclosure of the DPC papers. She has also directed them to trace for the missing papers and inform the applicant of the outcome.
Public Records Act were already in place. So the CPIO cannot claim that the DPC papers, which are more than 10 years old, are missing. Applicant could have pressed for records destruction registers besides other relevant documents.
I tried to visit their website, to know more about this Miniratna Company. However, their official website is down. Check link
Let us hope better sense prevails.
Manoj Pai
Re: [HumJanenge] IC SS rules Sundry Debtor details not personal informatiom.
@Lt Gen K S Rao, Yes, SBI is a public authority and you can file an RTI with them, as described by Sarbajit Roy in his post. (Yes, he can always answer better than me). Maybe the CPIO could choose the "fiduciary capacity" route to delay or deny you the information. However, you can always tell them to treat allotment of bank lockers like allotment of a berth in the train. If the Rail authorities can put up the entire list of berths allotted to different passengers, there is no reason, why the bank cannot do the same. Further, you can also insist that the bank put up the waiting list of applicants of such lockers on their notice board. Certain Govt. Offices do the same for staff lockers. . @ Jaiprakash, So far, there is no bank in this region that asks for a fix deposit in favor of a bank locker. But most banks do try to fool a gullible customers by insisting on such demands @Sarbajit, Like discussed earlier in this list, we do have a couple of would be Zorros. But neither of them have heard of the Scarlet Pimpernel. @Rest of the list members. Given the fact that most Govt. / PSU employees find it easier to receive loan, why dont some of you ask the SBI and other Banks to put up list of those Govt. employees who have defaulted in their loans? This could be displayed proactively by each bank. After all these loans are sanctioned from the taxpayers money. Manoj --- On Sat, 4/21/12, jaiprakash narain <coljpn@yahoo.co.in> wrote:
Re: [HumJanenge] Very Apt Issue for RTI - Inexcusable to Soldiers Anywhere
sir, the loot/dacoity of the public money/assets is through the nexus of politicians-babus-judges. i hope you all know that a MP and supreme court judge have made themslves entitled to life time pension( OROP Basis) just after ONE DAY in office. its because if an MP or SC judge resigns( does not need approval) after one day he/she is entitled for life time pension. First the MPs got it, then the judges asked for and got it in Jan 2004 through Bhardwaj- then law minister. The babus played the ball for both. for these two public servants one day in office is sufficient to get pension and the perks attached but for other public servants its minimum of 10 years in office. blatant violation of the constitution of india by the law makers(MPs) and law custodians(Judges). then why not the president of india also loot. after all its she who appointed these two class of public servants. Never forget this is Indian democracy. beniwal --- On Sat, 21/4/12, Mahesh Khera <mkkhera@yahoo.com> wrote:
Re: [HumJanenge] Very Apt Issue for RTI - Inexcusable to Soldiers Anywhere
Dear Honorable Members of HJ Group,Col Rahul has raised a much larger issue of very high public interest. We the people have a right to know how our elected representatives are governed as far as their pay/perks are concerned. Tax payer money is being used to build a palatial house for the current honorable President when she retires, the country needs to know how has this been allowed ? Once, out of the office, what should be the just and fair way for the rest of the life of the ex - President needs to be made available on the web for the people to know. No other country in the world does this as brazenly as India does.I have no idea as to how to give this issue a national importance where people of India must know what has been done for all ex-Presidents, ex-Governors, ex-PMs, ex-CMs and ex-politicians so far. What is the way forward to streamline this post retirement scheme for all ex-politicians as stated above.India is not Russia or China where in the garb of socialism, serving and ex-politicians are treated as demigods. When our Planning Commission fixes 32/- limit for BPL, what should be a reasonable scheme for our ex-politicians just like other democratic nations, is a very valid question which must be written in black and white.Not sure but may be we the people should ask the government to put up all such schemes on a web site for the country to know how much tax payer money is being spent on this along with the mechanism of arriving at the same just like pay commissions mechanism.With warm regards,
Col Mahesh Khera
From: Rahul Kumar <rahulkb50@yahoo.com>
To: "humjanenge@googlegroups.com" <humjanenge@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Friday, 20 April 2012 9:11 PM
Subject: Re: [HumJanenge] Very Apt Issue for RTI - Inexcusable to Soldiers Anywhere
Col Khera,Is there a way where we can jointly appeal to the authorities (I do know where this should go?) to take up the case that ALL elected representatives should be paid salary like any other Govt Employee and be governed by the laws of land subsequently?After all they are public servants and they also need to be paid. Thus all expenses debited to them should be paid out of their salary - let it be the security cover of a fleet of 10 or 20 vehs with 100 police guys around provided they can pay from their salary?No Govt servant gets pension for 5 yrs of service? then why politicians?IAS, IPS Judges, MLA's MP's etc get pension based on the latest fixation - the so calle One Rank One Pay. Its only ARMY which is not given.Why should public money be spend on them?rgdsrahul
From: Mahesh Khera <mkkhera@yahoo.com>
To: Humjanenge <humjanenge@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Friday, 20 April 2012 3:44 PM
Subject: [HumJanenge] Very Apt Issue for RTI - Inexcusable to Soldiers Anywhere
Honorable Members of HJ Group,Please ponder over the post below as to how the government has treated our soldiers. While they have always stood the toughest test in the most challenging environment, the government must also pay back the gratitude of the nation to the soldiers. If any honorable member of HJ Group wants to seek any clarifications, kindly contact Brig PT Gangadharan as mentioned at the end of this post."MAKES GREAT SENSE.......
UNEXPLAINABLE and completely INEXCUSAB LE!!!. Our Indian Soldiers not different.Ill treated by the Nation on all possible count.Denied every benefit even applicable to civilian employees.
No one has been able to explain to me why young men and women serve in the Indian Army(U.S. Military for 20 years), risking their lives protecting freedom, and only get 50% of their pay. While Politicians hold their political positions in the safe confines of the capital, protected by these same men and women, and receive full pay, retirement after serving one term. It just does not make any sense.
If each person that receives this will forward it on to 20 people, in three days, most people in India will know the truth about the government attitude towards its Armed Forces and have the message.. This is one proposal that really should be passed around.
The least the Govt can do at this juncture is to accept the Report of the Parliament Committee on OROP and withdraw all cases of petition of the Govt from SC where judgement has already been passed in favour of Defence Forces. Do not make the life difficult for a soldier, if you want your freedom intact.
Brigadier PTGangadharan, Guards,
Veteran,Nr Chimaya school,PO >Nellicode
Kozhikode(Calicut) -673016.
Tel:0495 2356863/9447766863
E Mail ID- brigadier.ptgangadh aran@gmail. com "
Jai Hind,
Col Mahesh Khera
Re: [HumJanenge] Very Apt Issue for RTI - Inexcusable to Soldiers Anywhere
Col Mahesh Khera
From: Rahul Kumar <rahulkb50@yahoo.com>
To: "humjanenge@googlegroups.com" <humjanenge@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Friday, 20 April 2012 9:11 PM
Subject: Re: [HumJanenge] Very Apt Issue for RTI - Inexcusable to Soldiers Anywhere
From: Mahesh Khera <mkkhera@yahoo.com>
To: Humjanenge <humjanenge@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Friday, 20 April 2012 3:44 PM
Subject: [HumJanenge] Very Apt Issue for RTI - Inexcusable to Soldiers Anywhere
Honorable Members of HJ Group,Please ponder over the post below as to how the government has treated our soldiers. While they have always stood the toughest test in the most challenging environment, the government must also pay back the gratitude of the nation to the soldiers. If any honorable member of HJ Group wants to seek any clarifications, kindly contact Brig PT Gangadharan as mentioned at the end of this post."MAKES GREAT SENSE.......
UNEXPLAINABLE and completely INEXCUSAB LE!!!. Our Indian Soldiers not different.Ill treated by the Nation on all possible count.Denied every benefit even applicable to civilian employees.
No one has been able to explain to me why young men and women serve in the Indian Army(U.S. Military for 20 years), risking their lives protecting freedom, and only get 50% of their pay. While Politicians hold their political positions in the safe confines of the capital, protected by these same men and women, and receive full pay, retirement after serving one term. It just does not make any sense.
If each person that receives this will forward it on to 20 people, in three days, most people in India will know the truth about the government attitude towards its Armed Forces and have the message.. This is one proposal that really should be passed around.
The least the Govt can do at this juncture is to accept the Report of the Parliament Committee on OROP and withdraw all cases of petition of the Govt from SC where judgement has already been passed in favour of Defence Forces. Do not make the life difficult for a soldier, if you want your freedom intact.
Brigadier PTGangadharan, Guards,
Veteran,Nr Chimaya school,PO >Nellicode
Kozhikode(Calicut) -673016.
Tel:0495 2356863/9447766863
E Mail ID- brigadier.ptgangadh aran@gmail. com "Jai Hind,
Col Mahesh Khera
Re: [HumJanenge] IC SS rules Sundry Debtor details not personal informatiom.
To: humjanenge@googlegroups.com
Sent: Friday, 20 April 2012 10:32 PM
Subject: Re: [HumJanenge] IC SS rules Sundry Debtor details not personal informatiom.
Dear Mr Manoj Pai, Please can you confirm if the PSU Banks are covered under RTI. Reason--I have been asking for a Locker from SBI and afer a letter to the GM, the branch alloted me one small locker after a fixed deposit of Rs one lakh. I had asked them for a bigger locker and for the last four years they have been saying that they do not have one. However, one of the bank employees said that we give bigger lockers to those who have deposits more than 50 lakhs. We want to know the actual rule position which they do not divulge. Regards KS Rao --- On Thu, 19/4/12, Manoj Pai <manojpai@yahoo.com> wrote:
[HumJanenge] Re: IC SS rules Sundry Debtor details not personal informatiom.
I think I can answer you better than Manoj.
The RBI has clarified that lockers are not to be linked to deposits
and are subject to availability. I suggest you file an RTI to SBI
asking for list of all lockers rented out at your branch for last 7
years specifying the size and the date of application and date of
renting out. Also ask to be provided the details of how each lockers
rent is paid (ie. separately or from the interest paid from an FD
maintained for this purpose). <==== BIG HINT !!!
It would be wise to CLEARLY inform the SBI in your RTI request that
you do not require that information which is personal, or affects the
privacy of any individual. or which is commercial confidence of the
bank or held in a fiduciary capacity or is 3rd party information. <===
Another BIG HINT.
On Apr 20, 10:02 pm, Lt Gen K S Rao <kantamneni...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Dear Mr Manoj Pai,
> Please can you confirm if the PSU Banks are covered under RTI.
> Reason--I have been asking for a Locker from SBI and afer a letter to the GM, the branch alloted me one small locker after a fixed deposit of Rs one lakh. I had asked them for a bigger locker and for the last four years they have been saying that they do not have one. However, one of the bank employees said that we give bigger lockers to those who have deposits more than 50 lakhs. We want to know the actual rule position which they do not divulge.
> Regards
> KS Rao
Friday, April 20, 2012
[rti4empowerment] captainjohann has shared: How public officers are misusing RTI exemptions | GoI Monitor

How public officers are misusing RTI exemptions | GoI Monitor How public officers are misusing RTI exemptions | GoI Monitor
Source: goimonitor.com captainjohann sent this using
Re: [HumJanenge] IC SS rules Sundry Debtor details not personal informatiom.
Dear Mr Manoj Pai, Please can you confirm if the PSU Banks are covered under RTI. Reason--I have been asking for a Locker from SBI and afer a letter to the GM, the branch alloted me one small locker after a fixed deposit of Rs one lakh. I had asked them for a bigger locker and for the last four years they have been saying that they do not have one. However, one of the bank employees said that we give bigger lockers to those who have deposits more than 50 lakhs. We want to know the actual rule position which they do not divulge. Regards KS Rao --- On Thu, 19/4/12, Manoj Pai <manojpai@yahoo.com> wrote:
Re: [HumJanenge] Very Apt Issue for RTI - Inexcusable to Soldiers Anywhere
From: Mahesh Khera <mkkhera@yahoo.com>
To: Humjanenge <humjanenge@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Friday, 20 April 2012 3:44 PM
Subject: [HumJanenge] Very Apt Issue for RTI - Inexcusable to Soldiers Anywhere
Honorable Members of HJ Group,Please ponder over the post below as to how the government has treated our soldiers. While they have always stood the toughest test in the most challenging environment, the government must also pay back the gratitude of the nation to the soldiers. If any honorable member of HJ Group wants to seek any clarifications, kindly contact Brig PT Gangadharan as mentioned at the end of this post."MAKES GREAT SENSE.......
UNEXPLAINABLE and completely INEXCUSAB LE!!!. Our Indian Soldiers not different.Ill treated by the Nation on all possible count.Denied every benefit even applicable to civilian employees.
No one has been able to explain to me why young men and women serve in the Indian Army(U.S. Military for 20 years), risking their lives protecting freedom, and only get 50% of their pay. While Politicians hold their political positions in the safe confines of the capital, protected by these same men and women, and receive full pay, retirement after serving one term. It just does not make any sense.
If each person that receives this will forward it on to 20 people, in three days, most people in India will know the truth about the government attitude towards its Armed Forces and have the message.. This is one proposal that really should be passed around.
The least the Govt can do at this juncture is to accept the Report of the Parliament Committee on OROP and withdraw all cases of petition of the Govt from SC where judgement has already been passed in favour of Defence Forces. Do not make the life difficult for a soldier, if you want your freedom intact.
Brigadier PTGangadharan, Guards,
Veteran,Nr Chimaya school,PO >Nellicode
Kozhikode(Calicut) -673016.
Tel:0495 2356863/9447766863
E Mail ID- brigadier.ptgangadh aran@gmail. com "Jai Hind,
Col Mahesh Khera