Monday, December 10, 2012



On Mon, Dec 10, 2012 at 7:22 AM, bs azad <> wrote:
Dear Shri Roy

India Against Corruption registering as a political party is completely out of the question. All lackeys of her Grise Eminence proposing such unproductive courses of action have been firmly expelled from the movement. The IAC shall always be the "Garam Dal" of India's freedom movement.

Recalling again the immortal words of the White Paper,

The Indian people do not love their Foreign masters, they do not want them to be here. True independence can never be achieved through peaceful and constitutional means and when expediency will demand it, the people will unhesitatingly enter into a campaign of aggression, when the life of every official and individual who will be helping the foreign ruler in any way will be made intolerable. But even then the people will never forget that revolution is not the object, and they will try incessantly to organize a band of selfless and devoted workers who will devote their best energies towards the political and social emancipation of their country.

They will always remember that the making of nations requires the self-sacrifice of thousand of obscure men and women who care more for the idea of their country than for their own comfort or interest, their own lives or the lives of those whom they love.

On Sun, Dec 9, 2012 at 11:39 PM, Sarbajit Roy <> wrote:
Dear Friend,

Your credo is archaic, needs modernization and a severe trimming. It should be clear now that there is no way in which IAC can be registered as a political party with this kind of manifesto.

The Motto of the HRA

Free speedy and fair justice to every person,

Equal and real opportunity to every person

NB:This is already promised in the Constitution (of India) as securing "Equality of status and of opportunity to all its citizens"

Objectives (as mentioned in the HRA White Paper)

# Freedom from foreign rulers or tyrants
* "Foreigners or tyrants have no right to rule over India and therefore they, their hired lackeys and collaborators must be denounced and driven out."

# Establishment and Preservation of the Federal Republic of India by organised and armed  revolution.
* "IAC movement holds it is self-deception to believe that India's political liberty can be ensured only through peaceful and legitimate means with an unscrupulous enemy determined to break the peace at his own convenience.

# Direct Democracy
* "The IAC movement views all constitutional agitation in this country with contempt and ridicule."

# Secularism
"The IAC movement supports whatever rights and laws  different communities may demand for themselves, provided they do not clash with the interests of other communities or the national interest and are extended to all citizens. Hearty and organic union in different communities must be conducted under a Common Civil Code"

# God
"In the spiritual domain the IAC movement aims at establishing that this world is real and the manifestation of the one individual soul, the supreme source of all power, all knowledge and all beauty."


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