Shri Sarbajit,
Her PS will wriggle out saying that they will not comment on foreign paper news.I think it will be better to proceed directly under RTI to expose the truth which will have a large effect on the corruption charges..
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 20:20:26 +0530
Subject: [IAC#RG] Information regarding Italian media stating Ms. Sonia Gandhi has Italian nationality.
Shri Dhiraj Shrivastava
Private Secretary to Chairperson NAC / CPIO under RTI Act
![dhiraj.s[at]nac[dot]nic[dot]in dhiraj.s[at]nac[dot]nic[dot]in](
Date: 19.March.2013
Dear Sir,
Sub: Information, sought suo-moto in larger public interest, regarding Italian media stating that Ms. Sonia Gandhi has Italian nationality.
I refer to the news story dated 07.March.2012 titled "Grilletti facilli" published by the reputed news organisation of Italy "Ilpost" in connection with arrest of 2 Italian marines. The URL of the concerned story is
The said news story states that Ms. Sonia Gandhi (President of the ruling government) has Italian nationality. The concerned para is set out below
In view of the recent controversy concerning the non-return of the 2 Italian marines to India, the members of "India Against Corruption" people's movement desire to be informed proactively if there is any truth to the published statement in the Italian media that Hon'ble Chairperson UPA/NAC has Italian nationality, or if the said statement has ever been denied officially.
I would appreciate receiving an urgent reply by return email on this aspect as my movement (which has a large, young and motivated membership) has to decide its future course of action should the 2 Italian marines fail to return to India by the 22.March.2013 or soon thereafter, and we would like to be properly informed.
With best wishes
Yours faithfully
Sarbajit Roy
National Convenor
India Against Corruption, jan andolan
B-59 Defence Colony
New Delhi 110024
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Her PS will wriggle out saying that they will not comment on foreign paper news.I think it will be better to proceed directly under RTI to expose the truth which will have a large effect on the corruption charges..
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 20:20:26 +0530
Subject: [IAC#RG] Information regarding Italian media stating Ms. Sonia Gandhi has Italian nationality.
Shri Dhiraj Shrivastava
Private Secretary to Chairperson NAC / CPIO under RTI Act
![dhiraj.s[at]nac[dot]nic[dot]in dhiraj.s[at]nac[dot]nic[dot]in](
Date: 19.March.2013
Dear Sir,
Sub: Information, sought suo-moto in larger public interest, regarding Italian media stating that Ms. Sonia Gandhi has Italian nationality.
I refer to the news story dated 07.March.2012 titled "Grilletti facilli" published by the reputed news organisation of Italy "Ilpost" in connection with arrest of 2 Italian marines. The URL of the concerned story is
The said news story states that Ms. Sonia Gandhi (President of the ruling government) has Italian nationality. The concerned para is set out below
"L'opinione pubblica indiana, letta attraverso la stampa locale, sembra compatta nel condannare gli italiani e nel considerare "non convincente" la versione dei marinai: le polemiche sono amplificate dalle accuse di comportamenti arroganti e colonialisti da parte dell'Italia e complicate dal fatto che Sonia Gandhi – presidente del partito al governo, che naviga in cattive acque – ha nazionalità italiana."
In view of the recent controversy concerning the non-return of the 2 Italian marines to India, the members of "India Against Corruption" people's movement desire to be informed proactively if there is any truth to the published statement in the Italian media that Hon'ble Chairperson UPA/NAC has Italian nationality, or if the said statement has ever been denied officially.
I would appreciate receiving an urgent reply by return email on this aspect as my movement (which has a large, young and motivated membership) has to decide its future course of action should the 2 Italian marines fail to return to India by the 22.March.2013 or soon thereafter, and we would like to be properly informed.
With best wishes
Yours faithfully
Sarbajit Roy
National Convenor
India Against Corruption, jan andolan
B-59 Defence Colony
New Delhi 110024
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