Sunday, December 16, 2012

Re: [IAC++] RULES for the IAC mailing list

Dear Shri Kris Dev,
It it heartening to go through the contents of your mail.
All the questions are of basic importance for becoming a member of IAC.
Kindly forward me the reply, if any, you receive from Mr. Sarbjit.
Adv. S.K. Jain, Mumbai.

From: Kris Dev <>
Sent: Sunday, 16 December 2012 4:07 PM
Subject: Re: [IAC++] RULES for the IAC mailing list

Dear Sarbajit,

Would you kindly answer the following questions on IAC:

1. Is IAC a registered body? If yes, please share the details. If not what's it?

2. Is there an article or constitution? What are its objectives?

3. Is there a membership? How many members are there? Who are the members? How can citizens become members?

3. Is there a governing body or committee administering IAC as per constitution or is it run by one person?

4. Is IAC a democratic organization?  Are there provisions for elections to the governing body?

5. What are the objectives of IAC. How would it support its members. How do members participate in the activities of IAC?

6. Is it a transparent and accountable entity? What are its governing rules, finances, etc.

7. Please add any other relevant details not included here, but of general interest to members.

8. Is there a IAC manifesto as stated. My apologies if I missed the document. Please attach.

9. You have stated: "6) IAC is a patriotic movement of ancient lineage and revolutionary spirit. Members are requested to familiarise themselves thoroughly with the morals of the parent Hindustan Republican Association which secured for India independence from foreign rule in a non-sectarian and non-communal revolutionary manner.  Membership in the IAC casts upon all Indians a primary Constitutional duty to defend the sovereignty, unity and integrity of the nation and its people by all means, including violence if necessary."

Question: What is the need for any revolutionary spirit which may have been relevant for obtaining freedom. Is it relevant today. How can you say "including violence if necessary". Is it not against the law? How can anyone subscribe to violence in a democracy? Please clarify.

10. How are you claiming HRA as the parent organization?


Kris Dev
On 16 December 2012 11:07, Sarbajit Roy <> wrote:
Dear IAC members

The position about the membership and participation for the list is now made clear  as follows:

1) IAC is an apolitical movement. Therefore members or adherents of any political party are requested to kindly unsubscribe themselves from this mailing list.

2) IAC is an apolitical movement. Therefore members are requested to restrict their comments for or against any political party.

IAC is an apolitical movement. Therefore members are requested .not to post excessively about alternate political systems.

4)  IAC is an anti-corruption movement. Therefore members are requested to kindly post messages directly relevant to corruption, means and strategies to combat/control corruption and corrupt persons, and help/tips/ tricks/advice on how individuals can go about fighting corruption or resolving their grievances etc..

5) IAC is an "Indian" movement. Therefore members are requested to kindly respect the tenets and principles contained in the preamble to the Constitution of India, such as justice (social, economic political) , socialism, secularism, equality, liberty of thought/ expression/ belief/ faith/ worship  etc.  at all times and to abjure violence.

6) IAC is a patriotic movement of ancient lineage and revolutionary spirit. Members are requested to familiarise themselves thoroughly with the morals of the parent Hindustan Republican Association which secured for India independence from foreign rule in a non-sectarian and non-communal revolutionary manner.  Membership in the IAC casts upon all Indians a primary Constitutional duty to defend the sovereignty, unity and integrity of the nation and its people by all means, including violence if necessary.

7) IAC is a disciplined, principled and democratic people's movement. Members are requested to go through the movement's operational and strategic principles contained in IAC's manifesto. These principles are dynamically evolved by IAC's general body as continually expressed through the IAC's archived mailing list.

National Convenor, IAC



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