Sunday, December 16, 2012

Re: [IAC++] Amazon shows :How FDI will raise prices by 10 times.

Do make an effort to break out of the disinformation fog being mass dumped on citizenry.

On Sun, Dec 16, 2012 at 10:17 PM, Laxman Singh <> wrote:
Fdi will stop monopoly of traditional baniya class and mediator.

There comes a time when blind faith too must pick one myth to ride.

A vast majority of India's population theoretically not being exposed to FDI in Retail (large towns and cities only), how do you propose this miracle will happen?

What is the "monopoly of the traditional baniya class and mediator"? Retail in India has always been decentralized. There are all kinds of channels co-existing. What monopoly are you talking about? Or are you talking monopoly of retail in retail? Like saltwater in sea?

It is rubbish logic peddled by a bankrupt government who needs to start paying dues and run country on budgets they are merrily blowing. Like selling your wife's jewelry to pay your drinking bills for one month. Next month sell something else.

There is no study showing advantages of large retail in overall retail scenarios anywhere. Any country. In contrast, goods traveling greater distances, high wastage and greater energy needs have been documented in detail and are a toll we are able to exact from the environment only because "mother" earth has no lawyer to sue her kids out to kill her.

There is documented disregard for laws of countries, undue influences to force decisions, dumping of inferior or problematic goods in countries without strong regulation (India is one), deliberate introduction of cheaper and lower qualities of products leading to larger quantities of waste - in order to force repeated sales (at cheap prices)

As for the consumer saving money, enough studies have shown that buying in bulk in a large retail store, people usually end up spending more than they normally would, buying things they otherwise wouldn't - at cheap prices, of course, but the "grand total" is higher. So it isn't even necessarily cheaper if you get rice 3Rs cheaper than other places, and buy two T-shirts just because you saw them.


Vidyut Kale
Twitter: @Vidyut
Phone: Allergic
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