Its important that "content" replaces "form" and "substance" replaces "rhetoric".
The top priority is,and should be to set out agenda.A draft needs to be circulated and within a given time-frame,with comments of all stakeholders accounted for,finalised.
A proper action-plan ,with duties and responsibilities defined,of owners of different agenda items, then nneds to be drawn up and widely circulated.Through a proper review and monotoring mechanism the action-plan needs to be pursued,virtually with a missionary zeal.
Hopefully all members reading this post would have their energies focussed on content.avoiding wasteful discusion on form.
No need to reiterate,absolute requirement in use of graceful language,quite in conformity with our glorious culture and heritage.
While some of the worty ones would like to do a well balanced exercise,just a few illustrative points are jottted down here:
1.Control and containment of discretion in decision making process at all levels.Apex Court judgements and proper legal counsel could help achieve it.
2.A simple yet effective document for common people to understand how non-implementation or ineffective implementation of the provisions of RTI aCT,2005 is detrimental to the interests of different sections of society.How directly,or indirectly,women,the children,the rural populace,the underprivileged,suffer in short and long run.Need for mobilisation of public opinion much more tham vacuuous web-fights is the need of the hour. The great causes of the day are goung to be served only through public participation in the long-drawn struggle.
3.Need to understand why there is lethargy in implementing the provisions of sec 4 of the Act so that judicial intervention could be sought and the very fact of needing info from PIOs, in most cases ,might become unnecessary.
4.Prioritisation of the Ministries/Departments/Organisations/PSUs in terms of their vulnerability to (high) level corruption.Likewise within these entities again vulnerable areas,as per ABC analysis.
The seeking of info and its use,say through PIL,nneds to be in the order of priority to make optimal use of limited RTI resourses.
To encapsule decades of varied experience,including 14 years in Vigilance and Anti-Corruption areas,is no mean task but its necessary to share the quintessence of it in some form to help the great and noble RTI Movement,which seems to be often going astray.
IPS DGP retd
On Sun, Dec 19, 2010 at 11:05 PM, nilesh suchdev <> wrote:
"Hollow vessels make the most noise." - bull's eye!
People who hog limited resources shall be slaughtered like pigs. - hope it applies to all who do that, including moderators and enforcers
On Sun, Dec 19, 2010 at 5:01 PM, sroy 1947 <> wrote:
This forum is an ideal(ised) democracy to give effect to the RIGHT of
every member to post messages. Abuse of this right leads to expulsion
from the forum. "Enforcers" take steps to prevent abuse and enforce
the rights equally for the BENEFIT of all members..
Merely because citizen/member X. does not (or chooses not to) post,
does not mean that another member "Y" can usurp Mr.X's right by
claiming to represent/speak for him. Again, merely because somebody
posts more or shouts louder does not confer authority.
"Hollow vessels make the most noise."
In the real world RTI analogy, there would be limits imposed on the
RTI requests, RTI appeals etc which would be allowed to be filed. In
this way TRUE DEMOCRACY would be achieved.
If not, there are many "militaries" waiting in the wings (or forests)
to enforce their versions of people's power. People who hog limited
resources shall be slaughtered like pigs.
On Sun, Dec 19, 2010 at 2:57 PM, nilesh suchdev
<> wrote:
> is this a forum or some military regiment...?!!!
> On Sun, Dec 19, 2010 at 10:16 AM, S.D. Sharma <> wrote:
>> Kindly be advised that group regulations permit ordinary members
>> to post upto 3 messages per day and 10 messages per month.
>> On exceeding this limit, your group membership / privileges may
>> be affected.
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