Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Re: [IAC#RG] Lessons from these 5 election results

Dear Mr Gaur,

1.  Could you pls point me to a link of the statement where the BJP has supported Sec 377? I only have seen the Sushama Swaraj statement that I quoted earlier.

2. I have seen both the Delhi HC and SC judgements - have you done the same before commenting? Also the previous petition that was originally filed was on a very narrow basis - removing the criminalisation of consensual LGBT sex. This was because Sec 377 was the only section in IPC under which child molesters and paedophiles could be punished. NOW, there is a separate law re: sexual crimes against children. So, Ashok Row Kavi said that they are going to challenge the ENTIRE section 377 before the review bench.

3. Based on the SC judgement, do you realise that virtually all consensual, heterosexual sex is NOW criminalised? After all, even using contraception is AGAINST "natural order". 

4. The FOOLS from the Muslim and Christian (and even Hindu) religious community that supported this petition should NOW be quaking in fear - the SC has used the extremely dubious position of morals of the majority ie. majority social mores to form a legal basis or law. So, tomorrow nothing prevents the "moral majority" can get a verdict against conversions in India  or change of religion voluntarily or even to re-establish sati-pratha. When will the bell toll for thee, Mr Gaur?

Finally, you quote Hindu religious disapproval - I would like to know which text in hinduism forbids or proscribes homosexuality? Pls quote chapter and verse of the Vedas or the Gita. Stupid Hindus are following Victorian mores - and believe this to be their culture. Travesty.

5. RE: urban, young middle classes - when was the last time you went to a college or university or a youth hang out? In my days itself (20+ years ago), we had a fairly liberal attitude towards the gay community - there was no persecution or snide remarks or whatever - but the groups used to be different. No longer true. Today, you will find straight people with gay friends, and vice versa. It is not about same gender sex, it is about equality under the law, under the Constitution of India. Which the SC trampled upon with its 377 judgement. The youth DO care about how their friends are treated, especially in this new age of social connectivity, if they care about one single thing.

6.  If the law was rarely used (another of the stupid basis for the SC order), why should it remain on the statute as a threat??? So that corrupt police men can extract hafta? So that it can be used in a targeted manner, if required?

The whole basis of our Constitution is undermined by Sec 377 - if you will not stand up today, very soon no one will be left to stand up for you.



On 17 December 2013 13:21, Gaur J K <gaurjk@hotmail.com> wrote:
Without getting into controversy about why people vote for BJP, the party has clarified that they support SC judgement on Sec.377.So also other religious bodies of Muslims,Hindus and Sikhs have supported.
What makes one think that young,urban middle class voters support same sex relations.
Besides,this judgement is being critisized without knowing the ground on which the PIL was filed. If during the long history of law,only a miniscule cases of persecution have taken place, does it justify misuse of this law?
Please read the judgement before criticising.
PS-I am not a BJP man.Regds
Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2013 17:02:33 +0530
From: sroy.mb@gmail.com
To: indiaresists@lists.riseup.net
Subject: Re: [IAC#RG] Lessons from these 5 election results

Well I don't know how to reply WHY people would vote for the BJP.
You tell me !!

Is there any other logical explanation except for "Tampered EVMs"
which would give such a perfect result in Delhi for the Congress ?

There's no point anybody "coming down" on side of individuals.
Its all make-believe. Like Congress "gave" people "RTI Act" (and
now "Lokpal") but forgot to give Information Commissioners.

In fact this shows that Congress is the worst at this sort of thing
where they run with the hare and hunt with the hounds.At least
with parties like SP or BSP or AIDMK etc you don't have to deal
with such hypocrisy and it all comes down to money.

Where is BJP in hiding on section 377 ? They have clearly said
the law is correct and agreed with the Supreme Court judgement.


On 12/15/13, Supratim Basu <xsupratim@gmail.com> wrote:
> Interesting analysis, Sarbajit. While I may not agree with all your points,
> certainly some good deductions.
> But, I have a question here - what happened to all those conspiracy
> theorists about the EVMs??? Pretty damning result for you chaps, eh?
> Also, I would like to add one further reason as to why the Congress keeps
> winning, despite the corruption:
> It more often than not comes down on the side of individual life and
> liberty - on the side of minority rights against the persecution of the
> majority, if you want to consider it in that light.
> Take the latest case: Section 377 - Sibal, PC, Rahul Gandhi, Sonia Gandhi
> have all come down on the side of personal choices and liberty, and
> publicly. And, unequivocally. Even Omar Abdullah has done so.
> On the other side - you have the deadly silence from BJP leaders. Everyone
> in hiding.
> Why would the young, middle class, urban voters support the BJP???

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