Wednesday, October 1, 2014

RE: [IAC#RG] Maulik Bharat Press Release - Open Debate effective curbs on crimes against women and burgeoning illegal trade of drugs and vulgarity;

Mr. Anuj,
Regarding your programme it is obvous that he/ s, Roy does not find your efforts against porn wrong. He is only cautioning
you that your platform is not used by people who have their own agenda like conversion. Nothing wrong in it.
Incidently I find that you are using this link to propogate YOUR OWN proramme and never express your stand on other issues that are discussed. For instance there is a discussion going on related to issues like homo-sexuality,prostituion etc. What Maulik Bharat has to say on this?

Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 11:26:23 +0530
Subject: Re: [IAC#RG] Maulik Bharat Press Release - Open Debate effective curbs on crimes against women and burgeoning illegal trade of drugs and vulgarity;

Dear Sarvjitjee
  PPT of Dixon was a part of our program. Our society is facing an attack in the form of porn sites & drug culture, In PPT negative impact of porn are discussed in scientific way. Why all these is wrong. You are trying to divert our focus from social issue o religious. Important thing is existence of our society, our culture and value system. Porn culture which is going to impose on us without any debate and legal permission working like disaster for all specially for women. Your philosophy of individuality never be beyond the society. Men is a social animal and its always remain fact. Our country is in a very challenging face . For our young generation  healthy and constrictive brain with innovation and entrepreneurship skill is the requirement of he time. Any effort like addiction of racing/ gaming/ mall culture/ porn, tobacco, drugs& alcohol addiction  or excess of obscenity and vulgarity may destroy his/ her wisdom and divert him from the goal of  life . First make them mature and caliber-ed then start discussion on the other issues. 


On Tue, Sep 30, 2014 at 9:31 AM, Sarbajit Roy <> wrote:
Dear Anuj ji

My concern was not to fact that Dixon participated in the open
sessions, open to anybody, but that, through oversight, his PDF file
was circulated along with the record of proceedings of the conference,
which gave it undeserved prominence and status.

Anyway thanks for the information of what these people are circulating
by misusing kindness of Indian hospitality and openness which they
would never enjoy in their own country. We all have to be alert
against such corrupting influences.


On 9/30/14, maulikbharat <> wrote:
> Dear Sarvjitjee,
>       I know very well that Dr Dominic Dixion is working with church. But
> its also a fact that he is working on bed impact of porn. Maulik Bharat
>  organise a open debate on these issue and Dixion was a suitable person to
> share his experience. We was focus on our topic and also invite all
> religious group and social/ political organisation and anybody may express
> his or her views. It was not a religious program. Please help us to focus
> and fight for our cause. Anyway thanks for input. We will keep in mind in
> future.
> With regard
> Anuj

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