i want to you to ask some clarification whether you are member of BJP / RSS ,You are always asking who is belongs to which religion , by knowing the religion of Aruna roy or smt. Soniya gandhi
whether the present corrupt system can be changed , please discuss about rti and how to supress the corrupt system and save the nation , forget about religion think about poverty , health , education
On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 4:06 PM, Dr.Muhammad Mukhtar Alam <mukhtaralam2000@yahoo.com> wrote:
Dear Sharma ji, Your reasoning is quite wrong in asking for change in the decision for appointment of Ms.Aruna Roy who is known for her work. Her work is important. LTTE was responsible for the murder of Rajiv Gandhi. There could be people supporting the organistion. There are organisations supporting development work and these organisations are of different kind. Even if support organisation of MKSS to which Mr.Roy are same as those of organisations working with Tamil, there is no reason to link Aruna Roy with those organisations. Can any one link you with the achievements or failures of other, or you would be credited for that?? You really need to check your capacity to reason ,association, acknowledge.
Muhammad Mukhtar Alam,Ph.D
To: humjanenge@googlegroups.com
Sent: Mon, 14 February, 2011 1:29:51 PM
Subject: Re: [HumJanenge] What is religion of Aruna Roy
Dear Sri Sharma,
Why don't you write to Arunaji if you are interested to know about her religion? If you are interested to know about my religion, you can write to me personally and I'll tell you the little I know about what my religion is. But how can I answer for Arunaji?
with warm regards
On 2/13/2011 9:35 PM, S.D. Sharma wrote:Dear Freind
I am Hindu Brahman Kashmir Pandit, like Jawaharlal Nehru
and Anupam Kher
Rajiv Gandhi was blown by LTTE. LTTE was heavilly finance by
network of Christian churches to funnelled money to LTTE
through network of NGOs run by persons of NCRPI very
close to Aruna Ray.
Is it not funny when when Rajiv's widow Sonia forgives the
LTTE murderers like Nalini and rewardss Aruna Roy with
the membership of NAC ?? What is the problem for
Aruna Roy to disclose her religion like me ? What is she
ashamed of ? what also is Sonia Ganhdi ashamed of ?
S D Sharma
On Sun, Feb 13, 2011 at 9:24 PM, M.K. Gupta <mkgupta100@yahoo.co.in> wrote:
Which public purpose r u going to serve after getting this information?
Let us introduce one rule for this blog that there should not be any personalized attack or character assisination of any activist.
May I know your religion, Mr. Sharma?
Request the moderators either to unsubscribe me immediately or do not allow purposeless mails intended leg-pulling of others.This is the time when other members should protest this kind of behaviour on a public blog to settle some personal score.
--- On Sun, 13/2/11, S.D. Sharma <anonsharma@yahoo.com> wrote:
From: S.D. Sharma <anonsharma@yahoo.com>
Subject: [HumJanenge] What is religion of Aruna Roy
To: "humjanenge" <humjanenge@googlegroups.com>
Date: Sunday, 13 February, 2011, 6:03 PM
Can anyone inform me what is religion of member
NAC Aruna Roy. Can anyone confirm if she is
dalit or Tamil Christian who got into St Stevens
college on reservation quota.
S D Sharma
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