There is a need to stop blame game .These words sound big that democracy is akin to cutting the basic limb of the system . Now coming to the fact that in the democratic system as inherited by us from the Britishers after independence, the real culprit have been the bureaucrats . They have been be fooling both the politicians , mostly illiterate power hungry to amass wealth in the shortest possible time and the public .They have even made Politicians to be labelled as biggest culprits. Thus the entire governing system in our democratic system has been morphed by these scoundrels and seedy characters of society to perpetuate their hold on the masses .
This way they have succeeded in making the masses lazy by extending all sorts of subsidies . But these masses too have become intelligent to bargain with the politicians for a bigger piece of cake in every deal through large number of power brokers working between the Administration and the public . This has been instrumental in perpetuating the supremacy of mediocre , shortsighted and favoritism ridden persons and has produced characters who wield AUTHORITY with out RESPONSIBILITY. There is need to add another dimension no TRANSPARENCY .
None of these solutions like nominating Warriors and Veterans to all Lawmaking bodies from Gram Panchayat inwards will work unless these three elements are embedded in the governing system at all levels . The cities will become clean with zero potholes .Corruption will get minimized . Every person be a Minister or a peon in the Administrative system will be scared of getting caught and punished for their illicit acts..
On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 9:06 AM, kalyanam sundaresan <ask_maadhyama@yahoo.co.in> wrote:
Respected Sri Tadepalli Triampakishore,Apropos to your feedback on the subject. Unfortunately, we are not electing honest and committed Parliamentarians, Legislators, Municipal Councilors, Ward Councilors/Members, Zilla Panchaayat Board Presidents etc., etc. Most of them are involved in some way in criminal cases, rape, amazed wealth through corrupt ways, most of them illiterate, not good Speakers (knowledgeable) to present/project the concern of atleast their own (respective) Constituencies in the appropriatve Forum i.e. Parliament or Assemblies leave alone National Interest, with the only sole intention of grooming their kith and kins to the fore etc., In therse circumstances, how can you expect sanity in Public Life.To sanitize the Parliament.Assemblies/Municipal Corporations/Panchayats, Men/Women of Honesty, Integrity and Commitment to the Nation/Citizens should occupy these August Bodies. None of the Political parties possess such candidates. The year 2011 saw rising such leaders who claim to be apolitical and demonstrated to cleanse the Administration. But their intentions and activities are under scrutiny of the public eye.There are so many very Enlightened Members with far sightedness in various walks of life in IAC or Indiaresists, India Rise Up Movements etc. All these very Enlightened Members should rise upto the occasion and enter the Parliament/Assemblies,Municipal Corporations. Panchayats by contesting as Independent candidate ( since these Movements want to remain apolitical). Ofcourse, it is not so easy to get elected to these August Bodies competing with the Political parties. By contesting elections as IAC Members, their presence/numbers will be felt by the Rulers and they cannot take it granted anything whatever they do.It is not out of place to mention here( Dr.) Sri K.L. Rao one of the very knowledgeable Civil Engineer and Specilist in Water Management, and Central Minister from Andhra Pradesh, prepared and submitted a Plan interlinking all Major Rivers in India (Garland Canal Project) to the Parliament headed by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru in early or late 50s. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru as PM and a Prudent Nationlist Leader should have accepted the proposal in toto or modified in necessary in consultation with national consensus and given a big thrust to the Project. Had it been started by this time, major rivers would have been linked thus transferring surplus/flood waters to water starved Regions, (avoiding flood ravages) generating new irrigation canals, Hydro Power Stations, Navigation, providing Drinking Water to the Millions, converted unirregated lands to cultivable lands, increased the green cover by planting more trees through out the country which will again bring more rains, increased food production etc., etc.But, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru put it in the cold storage. There may be some objection from some States, but a Leader of a calibre like Nehru should have convinced and cleared the Project in the National Interest. Every year, we are experiencing Floods in one part of India and Waster Scarcity in another part of India. Due to shortfall in Rains, we find States fight each other on sharing the Waters and going to Courts.The need of the hour is the Govt. should be headed by Honest and Committed Leaders to usher in an era of probity/sanity in Public Life.With Best Regards,
On Sunday, 1 December 2013 11:25 PM, tadepalli triambakakishore <ltcolttkishore@gmail.com> wrote:
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Blaming Democracy is akin to cutting the limb/ branch we all are perched upon. Yes the Democratic system has been morphed by the scoundrels and seedy characters of society to perpetuate their hold on the innocent masses. The feudalistic attitude of the power brokers and the servile attitude of the masses are the fuel mix perpetuating the supremacy of mediocre/ shortsighted/ favoritism ridden persons and has produced characters who wield authority with out responsibility. All so called socialists and nationalists and adherents of several ideologies(?) indulge in the same game of trying to get past the finish line by all means and succeeded in demonizing the Democracy.Are we as a nation incapable of regaining the moral fibre to put all corrupt where they belong. If we lack character as a community of Indians and praise false prophets and watch helplessly the pillars of Democracy being destroyed , may be we the people of India deserve to be wretched.One solution to avoid such an ignominy: nominate warriors and Veernaris to all Lawmaking bodies from gram panchayat , municipal corps! metro dev auth, legislatures LokSabha and Rajya sabha,at least proportional to their strength. Possibly this may bring sanity to our existence.Veteran TTK
On Sunday, December 1, 2013, Jagjit Ahuja wrote:Till today no one has asked Sheela Dixit that why no Politician /Officials responsible for plying of illegal buses in Delhi has been punished .
Delhi GovernmentChief MinisterTransport MinisterTransport CommissionerCentral GovernmentHome MinisterPolice CommissionerThey were the real culprit for that incident . That Bus was moving uninterrupted onthe road for hours together watched by policemen standing on the road.Brig JAGJIT SINGH AHUJAOn Sat, Nov 30, 2013 at 10:03 PM, tadepalli triambakakishore <ltcolttkishore@gmail.com> wrote:
Thanks Veteran Col Shivraj for your response.Allow me to preempt a feeling I might have inadvertently created of , " being supportive of Nizams' reign" . The stress is sought to be on perpetuating a composite culture and accommodative politics of a multi faceted society. Further nature abhors exclusivity( the beautiful fauna and flora seen in Nature though beings of same ' feather' flock together others also share the space).Hope we will be spared from the self seeking onslaught of evil nexus of bad Babus/ politicians/ corporate and social criminals.May be some ,' Avatar' conforming to,' Sambhavami yugey yugey' delivers the Aam aadmi.Veteran TTK
On Saturday, November 30, 2013, Col Shivraj wrote:Dear Friends,I entirely & fully agree with Col TT Kishore.The Politicians supported by the media and bureaucrats have divided us at the drop of the hat. They will use any method to divide us like caste / creed / colour, North / South / East / West, educated / uneducated, urban / rural, men / women, advocates / rest, teachers / rest, haves / have nots. rich / poor, terms like middle class etc.In Delhi elections, all these terms are used to divide the voters, like Poorvanchalies, Punjabies,Teachers , Advocates, middle class etc depending upon the areas,We must look into the larger perspective and think of India as a whole.With modern technologies, when egovernance can produce better results, it will be wrong to further divide the states.For Delhi citizens, it is a very crucial election. Every voter must come out to vote. They must see the larger picture to form a stable Govt.regardsCol ShivrajOn Sat, Nov 30, 2013 at 10:19 AM, tadepalli triambakakishore <ltcolttkishore@gmail.com> wrote:
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From: tadepalli triambakakishore
Date: Saturday, November 30, 2013
Subject: A lost opportunity owing to lack of wisdom / statesmanship
To: "letters@thehindu.co.in" <letters@thehindu.co.in>
Way back in 50 s a Hyderabad State was very much in existence and Nizams reign had a harmonious spectrum of Brahmins(Malayalam/Tamilians/Telugus/ Maharashtrians) Kayasthas,Merchant Princes( Marawaris/ Gujarathis/Kutchies/P unjabis/S indhis / indigenous Vysyas) , Reddis, Gouds( Anjiah Goud of Paradise talkies fame),Velamas,Rajput descendants ( claiming presence from Kakatiyas' period), various artisans ( goldsmiths/ stapathis/carpenters/ metal smiths) includingweavers ( Padmashalis)/Tailors/potters and indigenous folk artistes( having flavours of Kannada/ Marathi/ Telugu/ Deccani) and of course theNizam' s Royal courtiers ( of Arabic / Turkish / Iranian roots / local Moslems) and not forgetting the colorful Anglo Indians& Parsis & Sikhs amongst myriad others .The demography was akin to the later idea of unity in diversity and Hyderabad was a perfect representative of what India ie Bharat ought to be. BUT thanks to the selfish / egoistic/feudal / elitist mentality of Political Leaders of that time a composite multicultural entity like Hyderabad State was parceled off to form finally present Linguistic States.( it is said that Telugu speaking areas of Hyderabad State were attached to the Telugu speaking Coastal Andhra and RayalaSeema to neutralize the prevailing Brahmin dominated Political Class by Reddis who were culturally rich and had feudal clout and were keen to join forces with Telangana Reddis).Instead of crying over spilt milk can we the common people strive to regain our sanity and stop the self seeking politicians who cynically are indulging in electoral politics.One solution could be to establish the erstwhile Hyderabad State and put it under Presidents Rule till people ie Politicians learn to accommodate all regions ' aspirations.Veteran( LtCol) TTKishore
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