Tuesday, March 12, 2019


It is exactly this socialist and povertarian mindset that has kept 30% of India's population in dire poverty and another 40% at just above subsistence levels. In India, we write "shubh labh" at the entrance of our houses, businesses, etc - but, this imported socialist mentality among policy makers has destroyed this country.

As an aside, there was a CLSA report that Indian weddings contribute 10% of India's GDP - and, obviously these are all the "lavish weddings" - have you considered the amount of jobs and income that are actually generated by these weddings and that they are a much fairer redistribution of wealth than taxes?

As long as this kind of envious and socialist mentality still pervades our "society", I really see no hope for India's poor - because, at its core, its an anti-progress mentality.

- Supratim

On Wed, 13 Mar 2019 at 09:20, Venkatraman Ns <indiaresists@lists.riseup.net> wrote:


India Against Corruption


One of the richest industrialists in the country celebrated the marriage in his family with enormous pomp and show , spending several crore of rupees. The marriage was attended by several so called " big shots" including the former U N Secretary General, former British Prime Minister and several politicians, cinema stars and others in India.

In a country with more than 200 million people living below poverty line and not knowing where the next meal would come from, is not the above marriage a vulgar exhibition of wealth ?  Certainly, the rich industrialist and those who attended the marriage have no thought about the millions of poor people in India.

Obviously, anyone become so rich by excessive  profiteering , often by adopting un savoury methods and even  indulging in corrupt practices. 

The huge richness is due to the capability  for exploiting the opportunities with high self interest and with total disregard for the need of the others.

Instead of  reducing the price of the products and services to make less profit so that the people will be benefited, they want to amass all money for themselves.

Think for a moment how poor people view such marriages and the contempt that they develop for such vulgar exhibition of wealth.

What is particularly disgusting is that nobody has condemned such vulgar exhibition of wealth and media is deafeningly silent.


Nandini Voice for The Deprived


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