Dear Friends;
There is nothing new in this news as it has already been described in management education known as Pareto Principle where 80:20 ratio is maintained in most of universal processes.
Even during Ram Rajya 80% people were good and in my recent conversation with one very well respected Chief Justice of India; I discovered as per his statement that Justice Delivery System has completely collapsed in India & we are heading towards Anarchism which is leading into multiple problems related to Health like Distress; Sugar & High BP causing huge National Productivity Loss on many fronts.
My Dear friends nevertheless there is scope for hope as we have many well intentioned people in the country who are acting as moral force to keep watch on the system because of which system is running in the lackadaisical manner but these moral forces need to come together leaving their ego & arrogance on a common platform again following Pareto Principle as 100% people will never come together so we should be able to manage with whatever is possible.
Let's meet up some time shortly to discuss this in details & take the larger agenda of Nature; Nation & Humanity forward......
Best Wishes
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I was recently told by a very respected lawyer practising in the subordinate courts of Delhi that not less than 80 percent judges are corrupt and less than 20 percent alone are honest.I am not aware whether present CJI has any concrete plans to deal with this serious situation.Similar might be the situation all over India ,only percentages might be somewhat different in some States.Chief Justice Grimwood Mears of the Allahabad High Court had taken some drastic steps in1930 to put an end to judicial corruption in the lower courts of UP. Maybe the present CJI also has some drastic remedy in mind to tackle this menace all over India.If he does something history will remember him for ages.
Sent from my iPadThe recent assertion by the Chief Justice of India T.S. Thakur that the Judiciary is facing crisis of credibility is a very candid admission of the grim ground reality. The framers of the Indian Constitution had envisaged a free, fair and independent Judiciary. It was never visualized that Courts could end up as dens of chicanery and jugglery. It was incumbent to ensure judicial accountability at all times with the entire judiciary conforming to the highest standards of uprightness and integrity. If Judges cannot independently balance the scales of Justice, the temples of Justice become redundant.
The Judiciary should never be manned by persons who are slanted or aligned to any political party. Judges should have the spine to crack on illegalities done by any politician, regardless of the party he is affiliated to or the high position he holds.
In Goa we have some extremely good judges but there are some from the other end of the spectrum on whom less said the better. The current hotline enabling communication between Politicians and Judges through a dubious interface by way of the flamboyant Advocate General Atmaram Nadkarni compromises and ruptures the very sovereignty and sanctity of the Judiciary. It is high time for a concerted effort to cleanse the Aegean Stables of Indian Judiciary by flushing out undesirable judges who should never have landed where they are today.
Aires Rodrigues
Advocate High Court
C/G-2, Shopping Complex
Ribandar Retreat,
Ribandar – Goa – 403006
Mobile No: 9822684372
Office Tel No: (0832) 2444012
You can also reach me on AiresRodrigues
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