Sunday, February 28, 2016

Re: [IAC#RG] Sorry state of media in India

Purobi Ghosh Mohan is highly commendable in saying that our national press corps and media have lost their sense of proportion and objectivity in reporting the news. One has to grope in the dark struggling to sift the news from views which are highly slanted and opinionated amounting to subversion even. It's utterly uncalled for in a democracy of our type. It falls to the lot of the responsible civil society to stem the rot, if the government tends to look the other way. Let there be a discussion and consensus for a plan of action in this regard. Best.  

D.S.Ranga Rao
9969 069 144

On Sat, Feb 27, 2016 at 11:09 PM, Purobi Ghosh Mohan <> wrote:
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Dear friends,

I read and watch with unease the state of media in our country today.

Most of those from the fraternity opine, don't report, with scant research to back them up. They are driven by a herd mentality.

Senior journalists write/speak on issues at random and keep silent on many other critical stories which they should be writing/speaking on. Some are heavily dictated by their publication/channel leanings or their private interests.

The media creates hype at will, distorts stories and gives a handle to those with vested interests. The partisan news and views influence politicians, judiciary and legislating bodies.

I understand that the News Broadcasting Standards Authority (NBSA) is a private body and not a legal entity. The Press Club of India (PCI) is a legal body and but yet to widen scope. The new Press Registration and Books (PRB) Act, also, is yet to be passed. It still runs on the 1867 Act.

Such a situation poses immense threat to the nation and to the populace.

It is necessary to raise our voices against this situation and bring the authenticity of news to an even keel. Something needs to be done.


Purobi Ghosh Mohan

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