Friday, October 18, 2013


Being an ex-IT commissioner Kejriwal should know how to launder money and convert black into white!! Whenever you ask him about his funds, he will say see my website. He will never publicly answer the question. He knows most people in the audience do not have access to internet. If he is an honest man he should run his NGO honestly and act as a pressure group. Again IT mentality, he wants to make money in double quick time. He is also waiting for BJP and Congress to release their lists so that he could give the left-outs the ticket. BJP has said in so many words and is refusing to release the list till the last minute. The biggest joke is the party itself conducts a survey, courtesy Yogendra Yadav, 


On Sun, Oct 13, 2013 at 12:05 PM, Venkatraman Ns <> wrote:

India Against Corruption 

                           AAM  AADMI  PARTY'S  MONEY COLLECTION DRIVE

Money power is the bane of Indian electoral process.  Money power is the beginning of political corruption  and with unending cancerous growth. It is distressing that all political parties have great faith  in money power much more than people power and Aam Aadmi party has proved itself to be no exception.

Every political party collects money by coercion, threats and quid pro quo with commercial and industrial establishments and business men .  Many political parties often organise functions where the political leaders are supposed to be weighed by silver, garlanded with lakhs of rupee notes etc.  These are all obviously some methods of converting their black money into white for accounting purposes.  Rarely, people donate money to these political parties voluntarily and willingly  and even if done, it would not be a large amount.  However, all the political parties  claim that the money collected by them is by way of donation given voluntarily. Many say that they are accounted  and may also give  accounts  which may be fake.  Aam Aadmi party also claims that the money collected are voluntary donation.

It is reported in the media  that Aam Aadmi party has already mobilised over Rs.10.49 crore  and it still wants more  and is feverishly continuing it's money collection drive.   

If a party believes  that it enjoys popularity and has the support of the people, it really does not need this sort of money. When the emphasis  is on money power rather than people power to get votes, then certainly that political party will end up as one of any other political party in India. By indulging in such money collection drive, Aam Aadmi party has   given one more slap on the face of the Indian voter and those who believe in healthy and vibrant democratic process under the guidance of honest and selfless leaders. 



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