Saturday, January 19, 2013


Dear Col Nauni

At a basic level none of us had a problem with Anna per se. What some members had problems with were :-

a) Anna getting swayed and distracted by clever persons like Dr Bedi, who would surround him and make him keep changing his statements. Kiran Bedi realised that without Anna she was nothing and that Team-Arvind had no place for an autocrat like her (ie. 2 autocrats in AAP). This also came out when the 5 member team for JanLokpal Bill was finalised and she was left out.

b) The sequence of operations for the split between IAC and AAP was not allowed to be completed as informally agreed. The essential problem with the previous IAC was their lack of intellectual depth. This was evident during the process of drafting the Jan Lokpal Bill. Our team was supposed to overcome that. Unfortunately Dr. Bedi was constantly sabotaging us, and newcomers like Gen.VKS and Col Kochar etc, who didnt know who we were, got unfortunately caught in the cross-fire.

I am glad that matters seem to be getting resolved through good sense prevailing everywhere, and we can each get on with the roles we are supposed to play in this anti-corruption drama.

PS: you may have missed that IAC has already "saluted" Anna for his pioneering work against corruption in my previous email.


On Sat, Jan 19, 2013 at 1:19 PM, jagdish nauni <> wrote:
Thanks for withdrawing from the anti -Anna campaign some of your members have been spreading. One may oppose his philosophy or the conduct of his ant-corruption crusade but none has any business to use abusivew language and even be little him for his humble beginning as a soldier in the Army. In fact he should be saluted for his courage and dedication for a great national cause.
col j p nauni

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