Saturday, November 2, 2013

Re: [IAC#RG] IMHO, AAP may be banned after Delhi elections

When someone has no problem donating his/her money. Then there should not be problem in it. Its because if donation is allowed lawfully then it will be shown in books of Account otherwise not. Yes there can be a question on that whether there is any malafide reason behind such donation. Stopping donation without any reason may allow more black money to grow. In a country where FDI, FII is allowed & even foreign citizen are allowed at Govt. Key decision making post, in such a country foreign donation should not be in a question.
On the other side foreign donation may bring inflation effect. And for that I think RBI should take appropriate action like stop printing currency etc as per their opinion.

Ankit Khetan

On Thursday, 31 October 2013 5:56 PM, Nilkanth The Himalayas <> wrote:
This is one of the most absurd controversy (if it is at all) I have ever come across.
An NRI (say Mr. ABC) is just an Indian Citizen, who is OUT of India for more than 183 days in any Financial Year (FY), for Income Tax purposes. He may be off and on even in India for work purposes too. Say he is in India for 165 days in any Financial Year, and the balance 200 days say in USA
There can be various possibilities.
1)      Mr. ABC donates to AAP, while he is in India, (during those 165 days) using his Indian Bank's Debit Card, through net banking, out of his Indian savings. Why should any law, stop Mr. ABC from donating his money to AAP, just because he stays out of India from more than 183 days in a FY, for work purposes, and thus becomes an NRI. Is working abroad for more than 183 days in a FY, and thus become an NRI automatically be default for Income Tax purposes, a crime??
2)      Say the same Mr. ABC in now using his Indian Bank's Debit Card, from USA, and donating to AAP, through net banking, out of his Indian Savings. Why again should any law, stop Mr. ABC from donating his money to AAP from abroad through Net Banking.  
I understand, plenty of NRI's are donating through net banking to AAP, using their Indian Debit Cards. And then who would decide, the money which goes to AAP, from the NRI's Indian Bank Account, is from Indian sources or not. It would naturally be a mixture of both from Indian and abroad sources.
An NRI also has to pay Indian Income Tax for his interest earnings in Banks in India. In any case, the NRI also pays his Indian Income Tax online, through his very same Indian Bank's Debit Card, sitting abroad. Why should Mr. ABC now be stopped from using the very same Indian Bank's Debit Card, for donating to AAP ???
Is there any similar absurd restrictions in paying Mr. ABC's Indian Income Tax dues online for his Taxable Indian Banks Interests from the so called 'foreign sources' ???? If anybody knows of any such absurd rules than an NRI can NOT pay his Indian Income Taxes dues online using his say USA Banks's Debit Card (through paypal or otherwise) and the so called 'foreign sources', then please let the forum know.

On Tuesday, 29 October 2013 3:50 PM, Sainik Sangh <> wrote:
NRIs are the biggest threat to India next to TALIBAN only
maj gen (rtd) chauhan
From: [] On Behalf Of Bina Goel
Sent: Friday, October 25, 2013 10:38 AM
Subject: Re: [IAC#RG] IMHO, AAP may be banned after Delhi elections
yesterday at indore congress was painted as KASANGRESS while as this should have been painted as KANS GRACE- poll address by rahul can only be appreciated by persons who want to get benefited by CHAPLOOSI of rahul and sonia and these are diggi manish punia khurshid sheela manmohan and lot many persons like these. i do not appreciate immature lecture by him like crores of indian citizen and this will prove after election result of states and parliament-dr.g.k.goel 
On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 7:36 PM, Shanti Bhushan <> wrote:
Sec 2(j)(x) of FCRA only defines a citizen of another country as a foreign sourcr and not a citizen of India even if resident abroad .So acceptance of any donation from a non resident Indian Citizen is fully permissible.

Sent from my iPad

On Oct 24, 2013, at 11:45 PM, Sarbajit Roy <> wrote:

> Ravi
> Congress has too many big shot advocates and fixers, same goes for
> BJP, who know law at their fingertips. Poor AAP only has Prashant
> Bhushan, who made an ass of himself in High Court on the last to last
> hearing, and also failed to turn up on 23.Oct.
> The language of the law is clear, no money from overseas sources can
> be accepted by any political party. Prashant Bhushan made out some
> convoluted argument in court that they had been cleared of these
> charges in IAC times - Judge told him - IAC was not a political party,
> and in any case money went to PCRF and not IAC as you deposed in SC.
> AAP is a political party and will be reinvestigated for its sources of
> funding from the date you formed the party - 26.Nov.2012 !!~
> Then Bhushan made another silly argument - If NRIs now have the right
> to  vote (since 2010) then they have equally right to finance
> candidates for local elections and their money is not from a "foreign
> source". Hon'ble Judge asked him to read the definition of "foreign
> source" in FCRA - that shut him up (his face turned red) and he didn't
> show his face next hearing but sent his junior.
> The way it will now be rigged is the FCRA investigation of the foreign
> funds - which will be controlled by Congress (MHA - Chiddu). AAP was
> always a Congress dog, now they will be a LEASHED Congress dog. Who
> knows - Sonia may even make AK as her next CM for Delhi. Already all
> the top AAP brass are said to still have FIRs / cases pending (for
> rioting, destruction of public property etc.) so they are themselves
> eliminated by their own code of conduct.
> BJP knows this, I wouldn't be surprised if they try some appeal to
> AK's fake "Gandhian/Swarajist" conscience - Modi, Anna, Ramdev and
> other "eminent" citizens like Ramdas, Tahiliani,  VKS, Govindacharya
> etc. etc. may request that AAP should vacate the field in national
> interest and all sons and daughters of Bharat-mata should come
> together again to defeat anti-Swaraj forces..
> Ask yourself the real question, If AAP "kids" trip up on such
> elementary points of law, can we trust them to run 1 State let alone
> the Country without help from wiser people ?
> On 10/24/13, Ravindran P M <> wrote:
>> Wow! I thought it was the Congress that was THE foreign financed party and
>> liable to be banned for FCRA violations. How can AAP align with them?
>> regards n bw
>> ravi
>> On Wed, Oct 23, 2013 at 8:37 PM, Sarbajit Roy <> wrote:
>>> Dear IAC friends
>>> In a potentially welcome Delhi HC decision today for democracy, the
>>> foreign financed party is liable to be banned for FCRA violations..The
>>> Hoible Court has set the next date as 10 Dec 2013 2 days after the
>>> election
>>> result.
>>> This may influence AAP to side with Congress in event of a split verdict.
>> --
>> Veteran Major P M Ravindran
>> You may also like to visit:
>> 'Judiciary Watch' at

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Friday, November 1, 2013

[IAC#RG] Happy Deepawali

'ओ देवी लक्ष्मी प्रेम प्रकाश और समृद्धि बरसाओ'
ओऽम श्री महालक्ष्मीऽच विद्महे विष्णुपत्नैऽच धीमहि तन्नोलक्ष्मी प्रचोदयात्।
ओ श्री महालक्ष्मी, विष्णु पत्नी जिनकी कांति सुवर्ण समान देदीप्यमान व शोभामय है वो देवी लक्ष्मी मुझ पर कृपा करें।
श्री लक्ष्मी श्रीमद्भागवतानुसार समुद्र मंथन से प्राप्त चौदह सम्पदाओं व विभूतियों में से एक हैं। लाल परिधान दिव्य आभूषणों और मणिमुक्ताओं युक्त मुकुट धारण किए प्रसन्न वदन कमल पर खड़ी हुई मुद्रा में प्रकट हुईं। एक हाथ में शंख सत्य के तुमुलनाद का प्रतीक, दूसरे हाथ में शुद्ध विवेक का परिचायक कमल, तीसरे हाथ में बेलफल धरती को परिलक्षित करता हुआ कि सही आर्थिक नीतियों द्वारा समस्त धरा पर समृद्धि व खुशहाली व्याप्त हो। बेलफल शिव जी को अर्पण करते हैं, जो अपूर्णता के संहार के लिए प्रयुक्त मानव ऊर्जा का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है और उन प्राकृतिक नियमों का भी द्योतक है कि ऊर्जाओं के नियमन व संतुलन से ही सत्यम् शिवम् सुन्दरम् विश्व निर्मित होता है। चौथे हाथ में अमृत कलश है जो जीवन को पूर्णता व पूर्ण आत्मतुष्टि देने में सक्षम है। दिव्य स्थितियों को आकर्षित करने के स्रोत खोलता है। श्री लक्ष्मी विष्णु सहभागिनी होने के कारण वैष्णवी भी कहाती हैं जो नित्यता व सात्विकता के धर्म का परिचायक है। श्री विष्णु तो पूर्णता निरन्तरता के संरक्षक व प्रश्रयदाता हैं परम कृपालु हैं। मर्यादा गुणवत्ता व पूर्ण धर्मकालानुसार सही समय पर सही कर्म की दिशा देने वाली युगचेतना की अध्यक्षता के मूर्तिरूप हैं। 
श्री लक्ष्मी पारे की तरह चंचला हैं, पारे की तरह चुटकी की पकड़ में नहीं आतीं। उनका वाहन उलूक निशब्द उडऩे वाला गर्दन को चारों ओर घुमाने वाला विवेक व सतर्कता का प्रतीक। श्री लक्ष्मी का कामिनी रूप सभी अमूल्य सुन्दर व उपभोगी वस्तुओं में झलकता है। उनका अष्टलक्ष्मी स्वरूप भी पूजनीय है।
आदि लक्ष्मी : आदि से अन्त तक विश्व का भरण पोषण करने वाली।
धान्य लक्ष्मी : उन सम्पूर्ण वनस्पतियों की रक्षक जो जड़ चेतन जीव के भले के लिए व आयुर्वेदित चिकित्सा सुश्रुसा के लिए उपयुक्त हैं।
धैर्य लक्ष्मी : बुद्धि धन व शक्ति का समुचित उपयोग धैर्य से करने हेतु।
गज लक्ष्मी : साधकों की संवेदनाओं को पूर्ण विकसित कर प्रत्येक काम्यकर्म को निभाने के पुरुषार्थ की क्षमता देना।
सन्तान लक्ष्मी : सुयोग्य व स्वस्थ संतान वर दायिनी।
विजय लक्ष्मी : महान उद्देश्य वाले कार्यों में श्रेष्ठ साधकों को विजय श्री से विभूषित करना।
विद्या लक्ष्मी : ऐश्वर्य व समृद्धि प्राप्ति हेतु वातावरण योग्यता व जानकारी उपलब्ध कराना।
धन लक्ष्मी : सर्वविदित सर्वप्रसिद्ध रूप जो अपने उन सभी आराधकों को जो उनका स्मरण स्तुति व आह्वान करते हैं, उन्हें सब प्रकार की सम्पत्तियों और पूंजियों से परिपूरित करती हैं। उनके अनेक रूपों में कमला रूप जीवन को आनन्दमयी यात्रा बना देता है जिससे रहन-सहन आरामदेय व सौदर्यमय हो और हमारी वैदिय संस्कृति फले-फूले।
उनकी पूजन छवि में उनके दोनों ओर सेवक हाथी सूंडों से जल बरसा रहे हैं। संदेश है कि समयानुसार काले सलेटी बादल वृष्टि करें धन-धान्य का समुचित वितरण हो। श्री लक्ष्मी के कर कमलों से झरते सोने के सिक्के कर्मयोग का फल दर्शाते हैं। एक सत्य कर्मयोगी के कर्म में किसी भी प्रकार की बाधा व्यवधान नहीं बन सकती। यही इस मंत्र का 'कराग्रे वसते लक्ष्मी' का तात्पर्य है अर्थात हाथों के अग्रभाग अंगुलियों के पोरों में ही लक्ष्मी का वास है और इनका प्रभात में दर्शन बताया है। श्री लक्ष्मी के आह्वान का बीज मंत्र है- 
'ओ3म हृ श्रीं लक्ष्मीभ्यो नम:'
'श्री' शब्द प्रतीक है तेज, शोभा, ऐश्वर्य, समृद्धि व भव्यता का जो दरिद्रता व कमी आदि पापों का नाशक है। संयमी अहंकार रहित परिश्रमी उदार नम्र पवित्र शुचितापूर्ण साधकों पर श्री लक्ष्मी की विशेष कृपा होती है। जो व्यक्ति धन का गुलाम नहीं उसके साथ आए विकारों से ग्रसित नहीं, वो ही अपने संसार का स्वामित्व पाता है। इस सत्य की पुष्टि बहुत सौन्दर्यमय ढंग से शेषनाग शैय्या पर लेटे श्री विष्णु के पैरों की ओर बैठी लक्ष्मी के रूप में की गई है। प्रकाशोत्सव दीपावली में, विशेष रूप से महालक्ष्मी का आह्वान व पूजा की जाती है। लोग विघ्नहर्ता शुभकर्ता श्री गणेश व सुख सौभाग्य बरसाने वाली श्री लक्ष्मी के स्वागतार्थ अपने घरों की साफ-सफाई व सजावट करते हैं। रीति अनुसार बही खातों व शास्त्रों की पूजा फूल, पान, सुपारी, खीर, बताशों, मेवा व मिष्ठानों से की जाती है। विद्या लक्ष्मी को प्रसन्न करने हेतु दीवार पर टंगे बड़े से कागज या चादर पर घर के प्रत्येक सदस्य द्वारा कुछ न कुछ शुभ प्रतीक चित्रित कर अद्भुत भित्तिचित्र बनाया जाता है।
यह मान्यता है कि जिनको जो भी कलाएं आती हैं, दीपावली की अमावस्या पर कर लेने से वो विधाएं कभी भी उनका साथ नहीं छोड़ती। सदा साधक को याद रहती हैं। वातावरण स्वच्छ बनाना उस महान सत्य के बाहर प्रकाश व स्वच्छता के साथ-साथ आत्मनिरीक्षण कर कर्मों के हिसाब-किताब को लोगों से अपने सम्बन्धों और व्यवहारों को भी उलट-पलट कर देखना है, प्रेमपगी मिठाइयों व भेंटों से कड़वाहट को मधुरता में बदलना है, केवल घरों को ही नहीं हृदयों को भी निर्मल करना है, ताकि श्री लक्ष्मी का स्वागत आंतरिक व बाह्य शुद्धता से परिपूर्ण हो और सम्पूर्ण वातावरण मानवता के लिए प्रकाशमय प्रेममय सुनहरे भविष्य के अवतरण का संयोग बना दे।
सभी को शुभ दीपावली

Anuj Agrawal, Editor Dialogue India
Mob. 9811424443

Re: [IAC#RG] Oral instructions undermine accountability

Dear Sarbajit Roy
Is it mandatory that my comments has to be first scrutinized by moderaters, whose credentials I am not aware of, as intimated by sympa that my mail has been forwarded to moderaters.

If this is the fact I am loosing interest to participate in the debate on topics of national importance.
Kindly reply
Thanks and happy dewali
Dr K S Elangbam, Shilliong

On Nov 2, 2013 12:22 AM, "Sarbajit Roy" <> wrote:
The Hindu
New Delhi, November 1, 2013
Oral instructions undermine accountability: Supreme Court
Civil servants can act on them in exceptional circumstances but written confirmation must be obtained
Civil servants must refrain from acting on oral instructions of political bosses, except in certain exceptional circumstances, the Supreme Court made it clear on Thursday.
The judgement, on a public interest writ petition by 83 persons, comes on the heels of controversies surrounding action against Ashok Khemka, IAS officer of the Haryana cadre, over the DLF-Robert Vadra land deal, and Durga Sakhti Nagpal, U.P. cadre IAS officer, for alleged misconduct.
A Bench of Justices K.S. Radhakrishnan and Pinaki Chandra Ghose referred to the recommendations of the Hota Committee (2004) and the Santhanam Committee report, which highlighted "the necessity of recording instructions and directions by public servants."
The Bench said: "We notice that much of the deterioration of the standards of probity and accountability with the civil servants is due to the political influence of persons purporting to represent those who are in authority. The Santhanam Committee on Prevention of Corruption, 1962 has recommended that there should be a system of keeping some sort of records in such situations. Rule 3(3) (iii) of the All India Service Rules specifically requires that all orders from superior officers shall ordinarily be in writing."
It added, "Where in exceptional circumstances, action has to be taken on the basis of oral directions, it is mandatory for the officer superior to confirm the same in writing. The civil servant, who has received such information, in turn, is required to seek confirmation of the directions in writing as early as possible and it is the duty of the officer superior to confirm the direction in writing."
The Bench said: "There must be some records to demonstrate how the civil servant has acted, if the decision is not his, but if he is acting on oral directions, instructions, he should record such directions in the file. If the civil servant is acting on oral directions or dictation of anybody, he will be taking a risk, because he cannot later take the stand the decision was in fact not his own. Recording of instructions, directions is, therefore, necessary for fixing responsibility and ensuring accountability in the functioning of civil servants and to uphold institutional integrity."
Pointing out that "democracy requires an informed citizenry and transparency of information," the Bench said: "Oral and verbal instructions, if not recorded, could not be provided [to citizens]. By acting on oral directions, not recording the same, the rights guaranteed to the citizens under the RTI Act could be defeated. The practice of giving oral directions/instructions by the administrative superiors, political executive etc, would defeat the object and purpose of RTI Act and would give room for favouritism and corruption."
The Bench, therefore, directed all State Governments and Union Territories to issue in three months directions like Rule 3(3) (iii) of the All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968. The petitioners said weak governance manifesting in poor service delivery, excessive regulation, whimsical interventions for personal benefit, wasteful public expenditure, inadequate transparency and lack of accountability had reduced effectiveness of government policies and impinged on development.

They submitted that lack of good governance affected the quality of life and violated the guarantees provided under Article 21 (right to life and liberty) of the Constitution.

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Re: [IAC#RG] Oral instructions undermine accountability

SC has only stated the most obvious. There was never a case for taking oral instructions in matters of accountability. And public servants are always required to be accountable, not just to the people under whom they work but to the public at large who are their actual employers. So far these politicians and their men fridays have considered themselves practically a law unto themselves, each helping the other in the most atrocious forms possible with disastrous consequences for the society and the country. Do you still get a receipt/acknowledgement when you hand over any document to a public servant. And isn't there that where accountability begins? Anyhow, thanks to the apex court for this belated direction. But when will the courts begin to be accountable to the society? In fact of the three organs of our constitution it is the judiciary that has remained least accountable, nay, totally unaccountable and even preposterously egoistic and autocratic!

And here's wishing every member of this forum a very happy Deepaavali!

regards n bw


On Fri, Nov 1, 2013 at 5:02 PM, Sarbajit Roy <> wrote:
The Hindu
New Delhi, November 1, 2013
Oral instructions undermine accountability: Supreme Court
Civil servants can act on them in exceptional circumstances but written confirmation must be obtained
Civil servants must refrain from acting on oral instructions of political bosses, except in certain exceptional circumstances, the Supreme Court made it clear on Thursday.
The judgement, on a public interest writ petition by 83 persons, comes on the heels of controversies surrounding action against Ashok Khemka, IAS officer of the Haryana cadre, over the DLF-Robert Vadra land deal, and Durga Sakhti Nagpal, U.P. cadre IAS officer, for alleged misconduct.
A Bench of Justices K.S. Radhakrishnan and Pinaki Chandra Ghose referred to the recommendations of the Hota Committee (2004) and the Santhanam Committee report, which highlighted "the necessity of recording instructions and directions by public servants."
The Bench said: "We notice that much of the deterioration of the standards of probity and accountability with the civil servants is due to the political influence of persons purporting to represent those who are in authority. The Santhanam Committee on Prevention of Corruption, 1962 has recommended that there should be a system of keeping some sort of records in such situations. Rule 3(3) (iii) of the All India Service Rules specifically requires that all orders from superior officers shall ordinarily be in writing."
It added, "Where in exceptional circumstances, action has to be taken on the basis of oral directions, it is mandatory for the officer superior to confirm the same in writing. The civil servant, who has received such information, in turn, is required to seek confirmation of the directions in writing as early as possible and it is the duty of the officer superior to confirm the direction in writing."
The Bench said: "There must be some records to demonstrate how the civil servant has acted, if the decision is not his, but if he is acting on oral directions, instructions, he should record such directions in the file. If the civil servant is acting on oral directions or dictation of anybody, he will be taking a risk, because he cannot later take the stand the decision was in fact not his own. Recording of instructions, directions is, therefore, necessary for fixing responsibility and ensuring accountability in the functioning of civil servants and to uphold institutional integrity."
Pointing out that "democracy requires an informed citizenry and transparency of information," the Bench said: "Oral and verbal instructions, if not recorded, could not be provided [to citizens]. By acting on oral directions, not recording the same, the rights guaranteed to the citizens under the RTI Act could be defeated. The practice of giving oral directions/instructions by the administrative superiors, political executive etc, would defeat the object and purpose of RTI Act and would give room for favouritism and corruption."
The Bench, therefore, directed all State Governments and Union Territories to issue in three months directions like Rule 3(3) (iii) of the All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968. The petitioners said weak governance manifesting in poor service delivery, excessive regulation, whimsical interventions for personal benefit, wasteful public expenditure, inadequate transparency and lack of accountability had reduced effectiveness of government policies and impinged on development.

They submitted that lack of good governance affected the quality of life and violated the guarantees provided under Article 21 (right to life and liberty) of the Constitution.

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Veteran Major P M Ravindran
You may also like to visit:
'Judiciary Watch' at 

[IAC#RG] Oral instructions undermine accountability

The Hindu
New Delhi, November 1, 2013
Oral instructions undermine accountability: Supreme Court
Civil servants can act on them in exceptional circumstances but written confirmation must be obtained
Civil servants must refrain from acting on oral instructions of political bosses, except in certain exceptional circumstances, the Supreme Court made it clear on Thursday.
The judgement, on a public interest writ petition by 83 persons, comes on the heels of controversies surrounding action against Ashok Khemka, IAS officer of the Haryana cadre, over the DLF-Robert Vadra land deal, and Durga Sakhti Nagpal, U.P. cadre IAS officer, for alleged misconduct.
A Bench of Justices K.S. Radhakrishnan and Pinaki Chandra Ghose referred to the recommendations of the Hota Committee (2004) and the Santhanam Committee report, which highlighted "the necessity of recording instructions and directions by public servants."
The Bench said: "We notice that much of the deterioration of the standards of probity and accountability with the civil servants is due to the political influence of persons purporting to represent those who are in authority. The Santhanam Committee on Prevention of Corruption, 1962 has recommended that there should be a system of keeping some sort of records in such situations. Rule 3(3) (iii) of the All India Service Rules specifically requires that all orders from superior officers shall ordinarily be in writing."
It added, "Where in exceptional circumstances, action has to be taken on the basis of oral directions, it is mandatory for the officer superior to confirm the same in writing. The civil servant, who has received such information, in turn, is required to seek confirmation of the directions in writing as early as possible and it is the duty of the officer superior to confirm the direction in writing."
The Bench said: "There must be some records to demonstrate how the civil servant has acted, if the decision is not his, but if he is acting on oral directions, instructions, he should record such directions in the file. If the civil servant is acting on oral directions or dictation of anybody, he will be taking a risk, because he cannot later take the stand the decision was in fact not his own. Recording of instructions, directions is, therefore, necessary for fixing responsibility and ensuring accountability in the functioning of civil servants and to uphold institutional integrity."
Pointing out that "democracy requires an informed citizenry and transparency of information," the Bench said: "Oral and verbal instructions, if not recorded, could not be provided [to citizens]. By acting on oral directions, not recording the same, the rights guaranteed to the citizens under the RTI Act could be defeated. The practice of giving oral directions/instructions by the administrative superiors, political executive etc, would defeat the object and purpose of RTI Act and would give room for favouritism and corruption."
The Bench, therefore, directed all State Governments and Union Territories to issue in three months directions like Rule 3(3) (iii) of the All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968. The petitioners said weak governance manifesting in poor service delivery, excessive regulation, whimsical interventions for personal benefit, wasteful public expenditure, inadequate transparency and lack of accountability had reduced effectiveness of government policies and impinged on development.

They submitted that lack of good governance affected the quality of life and violated the guarantees provided under Article 21 (right to life and liberty) of the Constitution.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Re: [IAC#RG] IMHO, AAP may be banned after Delhi elections

This is one of the most absurd controversy (if it is at all) I have ever come across.
An NRI (say Mr. ABC) is just an Indian Citizen, who is OUT of India for more than 183 days in any Financial Year (FY), for Income Tax purposes. He may be off and on even in India for work purposes too. Say he is in India for 165 days in any Financial Year, and the balance 200 days say in USA
There can be various possibilities.
1)      Mr. ABC donates to AAP, while he is in India, (during those 165 days) using his Indian Bank's Debit Card, through net banking, out of his Indian savings. Why should any law, stop Mr. ABC from donating his money to AAP, just because he stays out of India from more than 183 days in a FY, for work purposes, and thus becomes an NRI. Is working abroad for more than 183 days in a FY, and thus become an NRI automatically be default for Income Tax purposes, a crime??
2)      Say the same Mr. ABC in now using his Indian Bank's Debit Card, from USA, and donating to AAP, through net banking, out of his Indian Savings. Why again should any law, stop Mr. ABC from donating his money to AAP from abroad through Net Banking.  
I understand, plenty of NRI's are donating through net banking to AAP, using their Indian Debit Cards. And then who would decide, the money which goes to AAP, from the NRI's Indian Bank Account, is from Indian sources or not. It would naturally be a mixture of both from Indian and abroad sources.
An NRI also has to pay Indian Income Tax for his interest earnings in Banks in India. In any case, the NRI also pays his Indian Income Tax online, through his very same Indian Bank's Debit Card, sitting abroad. Why should Mr. ABC now be stopped from using the very same Indian Bank's Debit Card, for donating to AAP ???
Is there any similar absurd restrictions in paying Mr. ABC's Indian Income Tax dues online for his Taxable Indian Banks Interests from the so called 'foreign sources' ???? If anybody knows of any such absurd rules than an NRI can NOT pay his Indian Income Taxes dues online using his say USA Banks's Debit Card (through paypal or otherwise) and the so called 'foreign sources', then please let the forum know.

On Tuesday, 29 October 2013 3:50 PM, Sainik Sangh <> wrote:
NRIs are the biggest threat to India next to TALIBAN only
maj gen (rtd) chauhan
From: [] On Behalf Of Bina Goel
Sent: Friday, October 25, 2013 10:38 AM
Subject: Re: [IAC#RG] IMHO, AAP may be banned after Delhi elections
yesterday at indore congress was painted as KASANGRESS while as this should have been painted as KANS GRACE- poll address by rahul can only be appreciated by persons who want to get benefited by CHAPLOOSI of rahul and sonia and these are diggi manish punia khurshid sheela manmohan and lot many persons like these. i do not appreciate immature lecture by him like crores of indian citizen and this will prove after election result of states and parliament-dr.g.k.goel 
On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 7:36 PM, Shanti Bhushan <> wrote:
Sec 2(j)(x) of FCRA only defines a citizen of another country as a foreign sourcr and not a citizen of India even if resident abroad .So acceptance of any donation from a non resident Indian Citizen is fully permissible.

Sent from my iPad

On Oct 24, 2013, at 11:45 PM, Sarbajit Roy <> wrote:

> Ravi
> Congress has too many big shot advocates and fixers, same goes for
> BJP, who know law at their fingertips. Poor AAP only has Prashant
> Bhushan, who made an ass of himself in High Court on the last to last
> hearing, and also failed to turn up on 23.Oct.
> The language of the law is clear, no money from overseas sources can
> be accepted by any political party. Prashant Bhushan made out some
> convoluted argument in court that they had been cleared of these
> charges in IAC times - Judge told him - IAC was not a political party,
> and in any case money went to PCRF and not IAC as you deposed in SC.
> AAP is a political party and will be reinvestigated for its sources of
> funding from the date you formed the party - 26.Nov.2012 !!~
> Then Bhushan made another silly argument - If NRIs now have the right
> to  vote (since 2010) then they have equally right to finance
> candidates for local elections and their money is not from a "foreign
> source". Hon'ble Judge asked him to read the definition of "foreign
> source" in FCRA - that shut him up (his face turned red) and he didn't
> show his face next hearing but sent his junior.
> The way it will now be rigged is the FCRA investigation of the foreign
> funds - which will be controlled by Congress (MHA - Chiddu). AAP was
> always a Congress dog, now they will be a LEASHED Congress dog. Who
> knows - Sonia may even make AK as her next CM for Delhi. Already all
> the top AAP brass are said to still have FIRs / cases pending (for
> rioting, destruction of public property etc.) so they are themselves
> eliminated by their own code of conduct.
> BJP knows this, I wouldn't be surprised if they try some appeal to
> AK's fake "Gandhian/Swarajist" conscience - Modi, Anna, Ramdev and
> other "eminent" citizens like Ramdas, Tahiliani,  VKS, Govindacharya
> etc. etc. may request that AAP should vacate the field in national
> interest and all sons and daughters of Bharat-mata should come
> together again to defeat anti-Swaraj forces..
> Ask yourself the real question, If AAP "kids" trip up on such
> elementary points of law, can we trust them to run 1 State let alone
> the Country without help from wiser people ?
> On 10/24/13, Ravindran P M <> wrote:
>> Wow! I thought it was the Congress that was THE foreign financed party and
>> liable to be banned for FCRA violations. How can AAP align with them?
>> regards n bw
>> ravi
>> On Wed, Oct 23, 2013 at 8:37 PM, Sarbajit Roy <> wrote:
>>> Dear IAC friends
>>> In a potentially welcome Delhi HC decision today for democracy, the
>>> foreign financed party is liable to be banned for FCRA violations..The
>>> Hoible Court has set the next date as 10 Dec 2013 2 days after the
>>> election
>>> result.
>>> This may influence AAP to side with Congress in event of a split verdict.
>> --
>> Veteran Major P M Ravindran
>> You may also like to visit:
>> 'Judiciary Watch' at

Post: ""
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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Re: [IAC#RG] IMHO, AAP may be banned after Delhi elections

do u have any knowledge why we r not getting our rank pay arrears(pension) part.

On Wednesday, 30 October 2013 2:30 AM, Sainik Sangh <> wrote:
----- Forwarded Message -----

Boxbe This message is eligible for Automatic Cleanup! ( Add cleanup rule | More info
NRIs are the biggest threat to India next to TALIBAN only
maj gen (rtd) chauhan
From: [] On Behalf Of Bina Goel
Sent: Friday, October 25, 2013 10:38 AM
Subject: Re: [IAC#RG] IMHO, AAP may be banned after Delhi elections
yesterday at indore congress was painted as KASANGRESS while as this should have been painted as KANS GRACE- poll address by rahul can only be appreciated by persons who want to get benefited by CHAPLOOSI of rahul and sonia and these are diggi manish punia khurshid sheela manmohan and lot many persons like these. i do not appreciate immature lecture by him like crores of indian citizen and this will prove after election result of states and parliament-dr.g.k.goel 
On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 7:36 PM, Shanti Bhushan <> wrote:
Sec 2(j)(x) of FCRA only defines a citizen of another country as a foreign sourcr and not a citizen of India even if resident abroad .So acceptance of any donation from a non resident Indian Citizen is fully permissible.

Sent from my iPad

On Oct 24, 2013, at 11:45 PM, Sarbajit Roy <> wrote:

> Ravi
> Congress has too many big shot advocates and fixers, same goes for
> BJP, who know law at their fingertips. Poor AAP only has Prashant
> Bhushan, who made an ass of himself in High Court on the last to last
> hearing, and also failed to turn up on 23.Oct.
> The language of the law is clear, no money from overseas sources can
> be accepted by any political party. Prashant Bhushan made out some
> convoluted argument in court that they had been cleared of these
> charges in IAC times - Judge told him - IAC was not a political party,
> and in any case money went to PCRF and not IAC as you deposed in SC.
> AAP is a political party and will be reinvestigated for its sources of
> funding from the date you formed the party - 26.Nov.2012 !!~
> Then Bhushan made another silly argument - If NRIs now have the right
> to  vote (since 2010) then they have equally right to finance
> candidates for local elections and their money is not from a "foreign
> source". Hon'ble Judge asked him to read the definition of "foreign
> source" in FCRA - that shut him up (his face turned red) and he didn't
> show his face next hearing but sent his junior.
> The way it will now be rigged is the FCRA investigation of the foreign
> funds - which will be controlled by Congress (MHA - Chiddu). AAP was
> always a Congress dog, now they will be a LEASHED Congress dog. Who
> knows - Sonia may even make AK as her next CM for Delhi. Already all
> the top AAP brass are said to still have FIRs / cases pending (for
> rioting, destruction of public property etc.) so they are themselves
> eliminated by their own code of conduct.
> BJP knows this, I wouldn't be surprised if they try some appeal to
> AK's fake "Gandhian/Swarajist" conscience - Modi, Anna, Ramdev and
> other "eminent" citizens like Ramdas, Tahiliani,  VKS, Govindacharya
> etc. etc. may request that AAP should vacate the field in national
> interest and all sons and daughters of Bharat-mata should come
> together again to defeat anti-Swaraj forces..
> Ask yourself the real question, If AAP "kids" trip up on such
> elementary points of law, can we trust them to run 1 State let alone
> the Country without help from wiser people ?
> On 10/24/13, Ravindran P M <> wrote:
>> Wow! I thought it was the Congress that was THE foreign financed party and
>> liable to be banned for FCRA violations. How can AAP align with them?
>> regards n bw
>> ravi
>> On Wed, Oct 23, 2013 at 8:37 PM, Sarbajit Roy <> wrote:
>>> Dear IAC friends
>>> In a potentially welcome Delhi HC decision today for democracy, the
>>> foreign financed party is liable to be banned for FCRA violations..The
>>> Hoible Court has set the next date as 10 Dec 2013 2 days after the
>>> election
>>> result.
>>> This may influence AAP to side with Congress in event of a split verdict.
>> --
>> Veteran Major P M Ravindran
>> You may also like to visit:
>> 'Judiciary Watch' at

Post: ""
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Re: [IAC#RG] IMHO, AAP may be banned after Delhi elections

Our *Sarbajit Roy <> wrote:
1  Bhushan, who made an ass of himself in High Court on the last to last
> hearing, and also failed to turn up on 23.Oct.
2  Prashant Bhushan made out some
> convoluted argument in court that they had been cleared of these
> charges in IAC times - Judge told him
3  Then Bhushan made another silly argument
4  which will be controlled by Congress (MHA - Chiddu). AAP was
> always a Congress dog, now they will be a LEASHED Congress dog
choiciest words for all outside GOP
With warm regards

On Tuesday, 29 October 2013 1:53 PM, Sainik Sangh <> wrote:
NRIs are the biggest threat to India next to TALIBAN only
maj gen (rtd) chauhan
From: [] On Behalf Of Bina Goel
Sent: Friday, October 25, 2013 10:38 AM
Subject: Re: [IAC#RG] IMHO, AAP may be banned after Delhi elections
yesterday at indore congress was painted as KASANGRESS while as this should have been painted as KANS GRACE- poll address by rahul can only be appreciated by persons who want to get benefited by CHAPLOOSI of rahul and sonia and these are diggi manish punia khurshid sheela manmohan and lot many persons like these. i do not appreciate immature lecture by him like crores of indian citizen and this will prove after election result of states and parliament-dr.g.k.goel 
On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 7:36 PM, Shanti Bhushan <> wrote:
Sec 2(j)(x) of FCRA only defines a citizen of another country as a foreign sourcr and not a citizen of India even if resident abroad .So acceptance of any donation from a non resident Indian Citizen is fully permissible.

Sent from my iPad

On Oct 24, 2013, at 11:45 PM, Sarbajit Roy <> wrote:

> Ravi
> Congress has too many big shot advocates and fixers, same goes for
> BJP, who know law at their fingertips. Poor AAP only has Prashant
> Bhushan, who made an ass of himself in High Court on the last to last
> hearing, and also failed to turn up on 23.Oct.
> The language of the law is clear, no money from overseas sources can
> be accepted by any political party. Prashant Bhushan made out some
> convoluted argument in court that they had been cleared of these
> charges in IAC times - Judge told him - IAC was not a political party,
> and in any case money went to PCRF and not IAC as you deposed in SC.
> AAP is a political party and will be reinvestigated for its sources of
> funding from the date you formed the party - 26.Nov.2012 !!~
> Then Bhushan made another silly argument - If NRIs now have the right
> to  vote (since 2010) then they have equally right to finance
> candidates for local elections and their money is not from a "foreign
> source". Hon'ble Judge asked him to read the definition of "foreign
> source" in FCRA - that shut him up (his face turned red) and he didn't
> show his face next hearing but sent his junior.
> The way it will now be rigged is the FCRA investigation of the foreign
> funds - which will be controlled by Congress (MHA - Chiddu). AAP was
> always a Congress dog, now they will be a LEASHED Congress dog. Who
> knows - Sonia may even make AK as her next CM for Delhi. Already all
> the top AAP brass are said to still have FIRs / cases pending (for
> rioting, destruction of public property etc.) so they are themselves
> eliminated by their own code of conduct.
> BJP knows this, I wouldn't be surprised if they try some appeal to
> AK's fake "Gandhian/Swarajist" conscience - Modi, Anna, Ramdev and
> other "eminent" citizens like Ramdas, Tahiliani,  VKS, Govindacharya
> etc. etc. may request that AAP should vacate the field in national
> interest and all sons and daughters of Bharat-mata should come
> together again to defeat anti-Swaraj forces..
> Ask yourself the real question, If AAP "kids" trip up on such
> elementary points of law, can we trust them to run 1 State let alone
> the Country without help from wiser people ?
> On 10/24/13, Ravindran P M <> wrote:
>> Wow! I thought it was the Congress that was THE foreign financed party and
>> liable to be banned for FCRA violations. How can AAP align with them?
>> regards n bw
>> ravi
>> On Wed, Oct 23, 2013 at 8:37 PM, Sarbajit Roy <> wrote:
>>> Dear IAC friends
>>> In a potentially welcome Delhi HC decision today for democracy, the
>>> foreign financed party is liable to be banned for FCRA violations..The
>>> Hoible Court has set the next date as 10 Dec 2013 2 days after the
>>> election
>>> result.
>>> This may influence AAP to side with Congress in event of a split verdict.
>> --
>> Veteran Major P M Ravindran
>> You may also like to visit:
>> 'Judiciary Watch' at

Post: ""
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RE: [IAC#RG] IMHO, AAP may be banned after Delhi elections

NRIs are the lifeline of Bharat!

With Warm Wishes,
Manmohan Kumar


Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 21:13:47 +0530
Subject: RE: [IAC#RG] IMHO, AAP may be banned after Delhi elections

NRIs are the biggest threat to India next to TALIBAN only

maj gen (rtd) chauhan


From: [] On Behalf Of Bina Goel
Sent: Friday, October 25, 2013 10:38 AM
Subject: Re: [IAC#RG] IMHO, AAP may be banned after Delhi elections


yesterday at indore congress was painted as KASANGRESS while as this should have been painted as KANS GRACE- poll address by rahul can only be appreciated by persons who want to get benefited by CHAPLOOSI of rahul and sonia and these are diggi manish punia khurshid sheela manmohan and lot many persons like these. i do not appreciate immature lecture by him like crores of indian citizen and this will prove after election result of states and parliament-dr.g.k.goel 


On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 7:36 PM, Shanti Bhushan <> wrote:

Sec 2(j)(x) of FCRA only defines a citizen of another country as a foreign sourcr and not a citizen of India even if resident abroad .So acceptance of any donation from a non resident Indian Citizen is fully permissible.

Sent from my iPad

On Oct 24, 2013, at 11:45 PM, Sarbajit Roy <> wrote:

> Ravi
> Congress has too many big shot advocates and fixers, same goes for
> BJP, who know law at their fingertips. Poor AAP only has Prashant
> Bhushan, who made an ass of himself in High Court on the last to last
> hearing, and also failed to turn up on 23.Oct.
> The language of the law is clear, no money from overseas sources can
> be accepted by any political party. Prashant Bhushan made out some
> convoluted argument in court that they had been cleared of these
> charges in IAC times - Judge told him - IAC was not a political party,
> and in any case money went to PCRF and not IAC as you deposed in SC.
> AAP is a political party and will be reinvestigated for its sources of
> funding from the date you formed the party - 26.Nov.2012 !!~
> Then Bhushan made another silly argument - If NRIs now have the right
> to  vote (since 2010) then they have equally right to finance
> candidates for local elections and their money is not from a "foreign
> source". Hon'ble Judge asked him to read the definition of "foreign
> source" in FCRA - that shut him up (his face turned red) and he didn't
> show his face next hearing but sent his junior.
> The way it will now be rigged is the FCRA investigation of the foreign
> funds - which will be controlled by Congress (MHA - Chiddu). AAP was
> always a Congress dog, now they will be a LEASHED Congress dog. Who
> knows - Sonia may even make AK as her next CM for Delhi. Already all
> the top AAP brass are said to still have FIRs / cases pending (for
> rioting, destruction of public property etc.) so they are themselves
> eliminated by their own code of conduct.
> BJP knows this, I wouldn't be surprised if they try some appeal to
> AK's fake "Gandhian/Swarajist" conscience - Modi, Anna, Ramdev and
> other "eminent" citizens like Ramdas, Tahiliani,  VKS, Govindacharya
> etc. etc. may request that AAP should vacate the field in national
> interest and all sons and daughters of Bharat-mata should come
> together again to defeat anti-Swaraj forces..
> Ask yourself the real question, If AAP "kids" trip up on such
> elementary points of law, can we trust them to run 1 State let alone
> the Country without help from wiser people ?
> On 10/24/13, Ravindran P M <> wrote:
>> Wow! I thought it was the Congress that was THE foreign financed party and
>> liable to be banned for FCRA violations. How can AAP align with them?
>> regards n bw
>> ravi
>> On Wed, Oct 23, 2013 at 8:37 PM, Sarbajit Roy <> wrote:
>>> Dear IAC friends
>>> In a potentially welcome Delhi HC decision today for democracy, the
>>> foreign financed party is liable to be banned for FCRA violations..The
>>> Hoible Court has set the next date as 10 Dec 2013 2 days after the
>>> election
>>> result.
>>> This may influence AAP to side with Congress in event of a split verdict.

>> --
>> Veteran Major P M Ravindran
>> You may also like to visit:
>> 'Judiciary Watch' at

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