Sunday, September 1, 2013

RE: [IAC#RG] The Call of Truth

Nothing new . Rajaji said this and many other politicians INCLUDING Winston Churchill said this .  Who is to be blamed We the people who thinks 30KG of food grain at Rs 1 will solve their problem are to be BLAMED . No one ELSE . FOOD SECURITY , LIKE HELL !!!!God HELP BHRAT .  

POLITICIANS as of now will be the richest in opur country .

 Before Long hey will overtake Mukhesh Ambanani and  MITTAL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11


Dear IAC

About 90 odd years ago, on 19 August 1921 somebody (whose genes I carry) delivered "The Call for Truth" soon after returning from the USA and elsewhere. This was the clarion call for "True Swaraj" given in 1905 (not Gandhi's "Fake Swaraj" of 1909).

While ostensibly paying "homage" to "Mahatma" Gandhi, this call inexorably set in process the violent counter-agitation to Gandhi's defeatist and collaborationist 'satyagraha' and culminated, 2 years later, as the Hindustan Republican Army (or HRA) which won Independence for India from the British (but not from its people).

Here are 2 brief extracts from a core paragraph in that call.

"Alien government in India is a veritable chameleon. Today it comes in the guise of the Englishman, tomorrow perhaps as some other foreigner; the next day without abating a jot of its virulence, it may take the shape of our own countrymen. ... So in 1905 I called upon my own countrymen to create their own country by putting forth their own powers from within. For the act of creation is itself the realisation of the truth."

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